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Thursday, February 22, 2024

This and That, Nothing Much, Connie's Question

 Today, We Rested! mostly

I hurt all over. Walking on rocks at the dealer yesterday made Tommy's feet hurt. By the time I woke at 10 am, I had had 11 hours sleep counting the 4-hour nap before bedtime. However, my body still was quivering from pain. 

The plan was to go back to look for a car on Friday or Saturday. Now, the plan is Saturday. We think Friday would be too soon for us to punish our bodies again. 

We went to pick up the ads this afternoon. A cursory glance in the car yielded nothing to interest us. We both go over it again to make sure we did not miss anything. I become ill if I read in the car, so I may have hurried past something. This past week, we bought nothing from the ads.

I found a place to buy Ball bee jars, so I will get those. Plus, I need to get a purse repaired. Both these will be Saturday chores. 

Connie asked what I was going to do with the material I bought. The answer was in the post that disappeared.  Maybe I will make a Barbie dress, Cabbage Patch clothes, anything Christmasy. The other fabrics were equally suited to all these items. In the past I made dozens of capes and sold to a costume shop. This was back when Harry Potter was first hot.  Now, all the characters have some kind of cape but not the colors I have. Connie, maybe I am collecting fabric. I don't know. It was a sale! lol

I just awoke from a 2.5-hour nap, just in time for news. I had chicken with another salad from the lunch. Now, I will have apples and blueberries. 

I will answer another question tomorrow.

See? Nothing much.

What have you accomplished today? 

Did you cook something delicious?

Do you buy material with no idea exactly what you will sew?


  1. Hubby and I are going to Gatlinburg for the weekend, so last night I was trying to empty the fridge of leftovers. I cut up two small pork chops and reheated them and scrambled a couple of eggs at the same time. It was yummy. Or maybe I was just hungry. I love a good scrambled egg.

    Also last night, I tried the trick I told you about for cleaning the inside of the windshield. I washed the windshield per usual, then went back over it with rubbing alcohol. This morning on the way to work, I did not see any streaks! I call this a win. I'm not sure why windshields are so so hard to keep clean on the inside. It really bothers me when it seems to have a glaze or haze on it.

    1. Alice,
      I love scrambled eggs, too. They are one of my favorite foods.

      I need to try that. It seems I can never remove streaks. One problem is that bending my hand hurts.

      Have fun in Gatlinburg.

    2. I'm short, so it's hard for me to clean the inside of the windshield. I use a tool made for it - emailing a picture to you.

    3. Alice,
      I will look for that. Thanks.

  2. Nothing fancy here, I did get a package sent out in the mail yesterday that I had been meaning to send all week, so that is good. We had blueberries with our dinner last night too. :)

    1. Belinda,
      Getting that one chore finally done is a good feeling. Blueberries are great with or after dinner. They are just enough.

  3. I make quilts, so I have purchased a lot of fabric with no set plan, per se. That said, I realized early on in my hobby how fabric purchases could add up financially, so I stopped buying it new. I get almost all of my fabric at the thrift shop, either as yardage, remnants, or in items of clothing, or sheets. The only new purchase is my batting. More importantly, especially over the last ten years, I have not wanted things in my home that serve no purpose. I have a closet full of fabric, and until that is used, there will be no more purchase unless it's for a project already in the works, no matter how much I want it, how cute it is, or how how good of a sale. I am an adult, I can control my impulses. It's the same with my cardmaking supplies. I sometimes think people start hobbies just to buy the supplies. If what I see in thrift shops is any indication, I am correct. I also like to keep clutter at a minimum. Two moves in three years has taught me a lot. Moving out of a house we spent 15 years in was quite a task, even though we keep a fairly tidy home. The move 3 years later really opened the kids' eyes to how quickly things pile up when you vet complacent. As far as I am concerned, the easiest way to keep clutter at bay is to not allow it in the house to begin with.

    1. I always think that craft supplies in thrift stores come from people who just gave it up, died, or did not time, or mobility to finish the craft.
      Since I have not bought material in ages, I am not going to worry about this sale purchase. Moving does reveal a lot of habits.

  4. The ads were disappointing here this week too. I didn't even go drugstore shopping. I just went to Sams to get produce, meat & yogurt. I always have a throw pillow on my car seat, despite the seats not being deep. I'm a small woman & feel more comfortable with the extra height.

    1. I think we got milk. It is too bad people cannot order seats to fit them to go into cars. I would gladly pay for a deeper seat. Height is never a problem since I am tall. Well, was tall and still tall enough.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.