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Friday, February 9, 2024

Great Strides

 On Thursday, I asked for someone to get four cases of Diet Pepsi from the shelf--white cases. So, I watched and approved and thanked him for helping me even though he put four blue cases of regular Pepsi. I was exhausted.

When we came home, Tommy told me they were wrong. He had gotten the wrong Diet Cokes for me when he did not get the Caffeine Free for me earlier in the I had take mine back, and now I had to take his back. If it is not one thing it is another. 

I got a surprise call from the lymphedema clinic. The woman said they finally got all my paperwork in so that I could get an appointment. YAY! As it stands now, I have three appointments next week. That should exhaust me, but I am overjoyed. Wouldn't you say I am making progress. 

Friday, we had to exchange the drinks. I needed bananas and Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce. Of course, I did get other things newly bogo this week--cheese, butter, something else. We had a sit in the car and watched a cat in a yard. We made up scenarios for the cat and what it was thinking and where it was going. Do you ever do that? 

For dinner four or five nights in a row, I have eaten baked chicken breast, bbq sauce, slaw, and green beans. Well, I ran out of chicken and slaw, so I could not have it tonight. Instead, I cooked an onion in a skillet with two hamburger patties and had a salad. It was delicious after chicken for a week. However, I was sad I did not have chicken and slaw. Tommy ate the same thing. 

There is chicken meat from five legs he took off the bone. Plus, there are four thighs for him to take meat off bone. I need to freeze a large portion of that in small portions for him. Tomorrow, I have two packs of bscb to bake for me. I still need to cook a cabbage that I have meant to cook all week! Tommy still hasn't chopped and cooked the package of ground beef. We can do this tomorrow since Saturday and Sunday will be too bad to get out or even think about it. I really want spaghetti! 

Oh, I bought Tommy a pretty green walker. Well, the handle  parts that he attached are black as are the leg parts that have the wheels. So, I did not get what I thought I bought. It is okay, but green all over would have been nice. 

I was considering buying a cup holder online when I bought the walker, and Tommy was excited about having one. I did not purchase one. We were both surprised when a cupholder came with the walker. However, the first time he went through the door to kitchen, I heard a crash and Damn! He had run into the door or wall, not sure. So, now the cupholder sits by front door on bookcase. The walker has an umbrella holder, just a cup that slips on down low. We suspect it will fall off. 

When he pulls in the garbage, I can see he struggles less as he walks two steps and reaches back to pull the can to him, walks another two steps and reaches back to pull it to him and does it all over again until he gets the can pulled to the house. I really hate he has to pull the garbage can in. Neighbors did do it for him. But, they no longer help. They just watch him.

So, those were the highlights of our day? What were the highlights of Friday for you? 

Do you have a meal you could happily eat five days in a row? 

What plans do you have for the weekend? We will not be watching the Super Bowl.


  1. I'm sad that the neighbors no longer help Tommy with the garbage can, but glad he is able to manage it using his walker. I use my walker to keep my balance, so I know how important it is. I'm so glad you got an appointment for your Lymphedema. You'll have to keep us updated on how your appointments go. Your hamburger dinner sounds delicious. I made a meat sauce for lasagne a few weeks ago and froze it, so I have it thawing now and will have that for dinner.

    1. Belinda,
      When we find someone to clean, I want to get them to come on Thursday, so the garbage can be taken out. It is much lighter bringing it back.
      I was so thrilled to get the call. It has been about two months getting this going, one month waiting on someone to do her job.
      Lasagna sounds wonderful. I love it but have never made it.

  2. Have you tried using the curbside pick up at a grocery store in your area? it may be easier so you don't have to wear yourself out shopping and loading in your car.

    1. One,
      Neither of us want to do that yet. It may come to that. He refuses to use the electric carts so wears himself out. He cannot even sit straight on the cart and must have both legs off to one side/ I understand.

  3. I don't mind eating the same thing multiple days in a row except that reheating tends to alter the flavor, particularly if a microwave is used. Actually, I rarely use the microwave to heat anything. I especially dislike meat which has been reheated in the microwave. I didn't even want a microwave in either this or our last home, but my husband insisted. I think it ruins food. Plus, the dishes we are currently using are Pfaltzgraff which doesn't work well in the microwave . Our current range has a built-in air fryer feature which the kids love for things like frozen taquitos, which they typically would have used the microwave for it's also excellent for bacon and homemade oven fries. The first time a kid used it for taquitos after we moved in, he said "wow, it's worth the extra eight minutes" (versus the microwave.) That said, leftover spaghetti and meat sauce put in a Dutch oven, and reheated in a 350 degree oven is a treat!
    I can't believe you've never made lasagna! It used to be my Friday go to...I would make it earlier in the day, pop it the oven on the delayed start feature, then head off to pick up the kids from school and take them to swimming lessons. We would come home to the smell of it baking!

    1. Meg,
      I am not at all thrilled with the flavor of meat reheated in the microwave. So, I caution Tommy to only heat it like 1.5 minutes, mostly less. He heats his for five minutes! I cannot bite off bread heated that long. He puts cheese on a piece of bread and heats it until it is gross and tough. Actually, I don't mind if it is just room temp.

      My mother never made lasagna, so maybe that is my excuse. It looks I loved the delay on my oven, too.

  4. Late this week I received the nicest thank you note from Tommy. Please tell him that I said his mother did a good job teaching him good manners.

    1. Janet,
      Thank me. He is a nice guy, just needs reminding. She walked off when he was 9 or 10.

  5. We will not be watching the super bowl, but it's been in our UK news quite a lot!

    All the best Jan

    1. jan,
      It's over and we did not watch a minute. Tommy wanted to check the score once. As it turned out, the Chiefs won, so I suppose Taylor Swift is happy.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.