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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Pants, remotes, vacuum, burger, slaw, weather, mattress, walker

 For a few days, I have been so sluggish. Nothing seems bad, but I am in a haze it seems. 

When I went to the grocery Saturday, I came home with two of the largest plums ever. Nope, did not buy them. I ate one. Was that bad of me? They would have thrown it away. 

I found someone to come vacuum Wednesday. That is too long to wait, but at least it is something. She want $25 to vacuum. I wonder if that is per hour. She had husband speak to me. She will bring daughter to translate for her. I wonder if the daughter helps. We will see. I do doubt I will have her again. 

We sprayed the house today and left to do things. I wanted to see if this guy in Bessemer who sells produce from his truck had things out. No. He will. I am sure he gets produce from the big Farmer's Market on Finley Ave, but I don't care. It's always delicious. The church was selling food, but I did not want to stop.  We had a small, plain burger in a parking lot with drinks we brought from home. Basically, we kicked around, wasting time until the stench from the Raid dissipated. 

Dinner--burger, slaw, lots of slaw for both of us. I only put a smidgen of salt in coleslaw, but put too much in today. Then, I over-poured apple cider vinegar in the bowl. I had already put lots of mustard in the mix. It was a spicy coleslaw tonight. Tommy thought the salt was just fine. Ick I suppose I should have put the other bag of slaw mix in with the strong one. 

Due to the beautiful weather and high temps, I did not wear a sweater, jacket, or scarf yesterday or today. I wore an airy, loose blouse that was not warm in any way. In the house I have not had to cover myself with a throw or use a jacket. Next thing we know, we will need ac on and I will need a throw again! But, for now, the temps inside and out are perfect. 

I think we will go mattress shopping at Macy's on Tuesday. They are having a sale as is everyone else. They do carry Serta Perfect, the kind I had last that I loved. I almost fell off the bed again. It seems I just sat on the bed, lay down and turned toward the other side of the bed. When I decided to turn back, I was too close to the edge of the bed for my comfort! It actually frightened me. I have a stool with a boom box on it beside the bed. I would put the boom box on the end table, but the boom box has an eerie, bright blue light that would keep me awake. So, it sits on the stool facing the box spring. 

Tommy's last walker weighed 10 or 15 lbs.; this one--25 lbs.  I am not sure how wide the last one was, but this one is 22 inches wide. He is ruining the corner of the wall. I put thick gorilla tape on the bottom where he was ramming the last walker. There was sheet rock all over the floor. He said he did not care. He manages to hit the corner higher with this walker. Plus, the tires are 10" and not 3". This time I will get one of those rubber/plastic corner protectors and figure out how to install that. He never runs into things in others' houses or in stores, but here he is not careful or caring at all. Of course, I will purchase that at the hardware store in Cullman. 

His pants are getting too tight, so he needs new pants. I had to point it out before he even acknowledged it. Is this a guy thing? If my waist band were two inches too small, a person would not have to invite me to buy new pants. Of course, for the last 40 years, I have worn elastic waistbands for health sake only. 

When I moved here, of course Tommy manned the remote. I had no desire for him to share it with me. Besides, it takes two remotes to work the TV. When he went to sleep, I would wake him to turn off the TV. One night about two weeks ago, he handed me the one remote and told me to keep it low, turn it lower so it would not wake me in the morning, and then turn it off. 

In the meantime, he has 'allowed' me to use the other remote to change channels. I wrote how where different channels can be found. I think I know how to use both as well as he does, maybe. I suppose this is a breakthrough. We use a soft, zippered pencil bag to toss the couple back and forth. I leave the bag on his walker when I go to bed. It works for us. 

I asked why two remotes. He said he never could get one programmed. I hate remotes I have to program. The next tv, we will each have one remote, not two different remotes. When he goes to the kitchen and we need to talk, if I mute the sound, we don't have to scream back and forth, not hearing each other anyway. 

Does it seem all guys want to man the remote? 

Do you know anyone who destroys corners, furniture, anything by hitting it with a walker or wheelchair? 


  1. I have 2 TV's - different rooms. Both have 2 remotes - one for TV adj. (color, shades, etc.) and the other for channels and volume through cable. I generally only use one.
    Good luck with the vacuuming gal.

    1. Cheryl,
      So, you have two for each one? Mine only had one. I do hope she comes. Thanks.

  2. I rarely watch tv and usually just watch something on Facebook. But, when my grandparents were alive, I suggested they get two universal remotes, one for each person. It worked well for them.

    1. Belinda,
      I am glad getting two remotes is not just my idea. We do share these well since neither of us fails to give the remote to the other.

  3. I don't watch much tv either. I listen to the radio during the day. Did you figure out where the fleas come from. You had me itching....LOL

    1. We never listen to the radio. We should. No idea where they came from. I would guess they came in with me. Once, I went to PO and stood on a rug after a rough-looking guy did. Immediately afterward, I found a flea biting me and took more home. When I say he looked rough, he looked like someone who was working on farm or with animals and maybe apt to be around a flea or two. I have seen dogs scratching when someone had them in a store. Yep, got fleas. I have gone into homes and been covered with fleas. Homeowners assured me there were no fleas. I found more on me, floors, and on other people who were oblivious to them. I once walked through a crowd where everyone had a dog. I had fleas on me after two minutes. It is a curse.

  4. Don't watch very much television, but remotes make it easy to change channels. I can remember way back when we had to get up and hit the button on top of the TV to change the channel!

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      It was great once children came along and learned how to change the channel.

  5. Have you seen any evidence of a mouse or rat in the house? Fleas can come in in many ways.

    1. Janet,
      No critters of any kind! We have closed the hole where something got in that stole potatoes several years ago.

  6. I bought paint this week to touch up places that John's transport chair ran into the walls & baseboards. I can't blame him as I was the one pushing him!

    1. Tommy is slamming into the door frames and furniture. I wonder if it can be repaired because he is taking chunks out of things. This new walker is obviously larger than the last one.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.