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Saturday, February 3, 2024

Desserts for Diabetics and a Future Purchase


 I have not tried any of the desserts above, but I am saving this link. Feel free to browse the recipes. 

For a long time I have suggested buying something for the other end of the dining room to store food. Tommy usually explodes, says no adamantly, or just says 'no.' He has gotten to the softer end of his responses. After his fall into the boxes and potentially ruining my Excalibur dehydrator, I finally mentioned today that we need something and what should we get. He said he did not know, for me to decide. Of course, even if I decide, he will have a Well, he is paying for it. 

Well, I would prefer a nice piece of furniture. But, I thought maybe the tall, two-door units would work better. At Lowe's they are made of fiberboard and would be $500, and I want two. So, I looked on Amazon. They have metal cabinets for garages for a lot less, about $150 and will hold several hundred pounds on each shelf. They also have a lock and key. Then, there are the metal shelves like we already have. 

I certainly don't want a room full of metal shelves, open and cluttered looking. I doubt fiber board will hold up to lots of cans. I really don't want metal cabinets, but at this point, metal cabinets seem like a better idea. I bought a metal cabinet when I was first married and living in a duplex with little kitchen storage. I was not crazy about the look then! I could put a curtain across the front of shelf units. So, I am in the midst of making up my mind. 

The best idea would to be to buy an antique or oldish piece of furniture to hold canned goods. But, this would involve too much shopping, and being able to go in multiple places to shop. Antique/Junque Stores are not amenable to using walkers. 

Dinner for Tommy--chicken thighs, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, tossed salad. I had chicken breast chopped with bbq sauce, slaw, green beans. I made the slaw tonight. Tommy opened the beans and soaked them to remove sodium. The rest were planned leftovers. 

Any opinions or ideas about the choices for canned food storage? 


  1. I would opt for the most practical solution. If you can get the metal cabinets in black they would not be visually unappealing. If not I would get the steel color and paint it black

    1. Anne,
      The choices were black, white, and light blue in the cabinet I was looking at. Thanks.

  2. Have you checked Wayfair? I've found some solid wood furniture on their site and the prices are reasonable. Are the beans canned? I rinse my canned veggies for the same reason. It's Ms Goose in case you didn't know my blog has moved :)

    1. Ms Gee,
      I have not check Wayfair. I will. Yes, the green beans are canned. I started buying sodium/salt free. But, I soak them to remove most of the sodium. No, I did ot know you moved. Thanks.

  3. I have a couple of metal shelves in our kitchen and I love them. They definitely hold up to the weight of canned foods.

    1. Belinda,
      Metal cabinet units that sit on the floor? The one I bought in 1966 certainly did the job well. Thanks.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.