I will start off with another free meal--Thursday dinner. The choices were chicken tortilla soup and beef/vegetable soup. Of course, I chose chicken and accidentally ate a few green chilies. The salad was great, just greens, tomatoes, cheese, and dressing. Plus, I had lemon pie and unsweetened tea. My gastro-intestinal system did not forgive me for the green chilies.
forgot to add--there were other items to put in the salad that I did not choose, like cucumbers, onions, croutons, and other things I don't eat. There were also crackers, cornbread, and some sort of rolls.
There was a flyer at each place listing some of the Thanksgiving dinners in town, including the ones that are on a different day because of Thanksgiving Day. I need to put that in my day book, keeping the flyer there and noting it on appropriate days. These are not just the ones for poor people. I don't know where they are, but won't go.
This has been the most beautiful day. It's fall at its best. We will have rain on Saturday, but in the meantime, this has been glorious weather.
On Tuesday, exbf remarked about all the trees still being green. We saw two trees as we drove in some of the areas and neighborhoods full of trees. We saw one tree turning yellow and another started to lose its green. This has been the greenest Fall I can remember.
Trees in my yard--three oaks, cherry, and wild cherry, and a hickory, plus all the smaller trees are still green and have only lost a few leaves. It looks like summer out the picture window and as I look around the neighborhood. By Thanksgiving most of the leaves should have fallen. But, for now....
Your turn
Are the leaves late in turning this year? Late in falling? Are you having a glorious fall with sunshine and clear skies?
Drama below that you may skip.
This will be the condensed version of the drama. Wednesday, J came over and asked if she could talk. We did. Her bf had taken her phone from her
She had confessed to him that another guy whom she thinks is a saint found out where she worked and ate there with another woman. She went to his table and talked to him. So, for the last month she has wanted this man who was nice to her. She said it made her feel better to get it off her chest, her failure--the fact she saw him in that setting.
So her bf was screaming at her, calling her names, poking her hard in her chest, making her stagger backwards. He took her phone. He punished her for telling him how she was not over this guy with whom she had already cheated.
I told her that confessing infidelities only made the confessor feel better, and the person betrayed hurt. She said it was the right thing to do...and started talking Bible gibberish.
She said her daddy had gotten her a phone. I was so angry I volunteered to go get it, 70 miles from here if someone paid me for gas eventually. Forty or more times on the way and again that many coming back, she would sway around, frazzle her hair and say, "Oh, Linda, I am freaking out!" I just told her sharply to stop it, which she did. I don't think saying, "I am freaking out" means a person is freaking out. I was being played.
Then she got all weirdly religious. Every time I said a word found in the Bible, she would repeat the word along with a phrase in the Bible, and say, "See, (whatever) is in the Bible. I finally yelled at her and told her to shut up with the religion stuff unless it had something to do with anything. She said, "But, it is in the Bible!" I could barely form a sentence without her interrupting.
She said she knew how to get to daddy's house. NO, she did not. She used my phone to call him and he said to me over and over, "Just get on Bessemer highway and get on Academy drive." Even when I told him that meant nothing to me, he just kept repeating it. So, I hung up. She had no idea either.
You have to understand, I am afraid of the woods and getting lost. This was someplace called Adger, woods! She kept saying things, all untrue, about where we were. I was furious to hear her say over and over that she knew how to get there, just go here or there. That, alternating with her other crazy stuff was making me so angry, frustrated, and afraid.
Finally, I quit listening to her and made all right turns, four times! Accidentally, I arrived on the correct road. Then, she kept saying to look for a certain church because he lived across the road from that. we arrived and she started bellowing for her Daddy. I refused to allow her out of the car. These people are all drug addicts, supposedly recovered, alcoholics and had all been in prison. I figured she would act out and not leave. I was not afraid for my life. Oh, forgot to say, I found her walking on the streets in our neighborhood right after she took three Benadryl.
I held her coat and would not allow her out of the car. Her daddy hugged her and screamed she was hyperventilating. No, she was not. Her brother came to my side of the car and gave me the phone. I asked for directions out of there, and he had no idea. He told me to call his girlfriend and ask her. She left her house and went to her friend's house to go to another friend's house to get her to give me directions. That person started reading quickly as though from Google maps directions--go 2.3 miles SE to blank road, turn N and go ....you get the idea.
I told her I could not remember all that, and I was driving. She said she had sent me a text with it all on it. I had a flip phone! I hung up because I was driving on dark, unfamiliar roads with barely a center line and drop-offs that were deep, no shoulders in some places.
Then, people started calling and demanding to know where she was, what was going on, and garbage talk. So, I turned off my phone.
I finally saw a police car and the woman gave me the correct directions--one more turn. It was not the convoluted directions of the person on phone.
Once I got back on 59 headed toward Birmingham, I am okay. But, listening to J I managed to miss the exit to home up 65. I crossed the interstate, exited at 22nd street and wondered how to get back on 65 N. So, I headed South to University drive, and followed it to interstate and all was smooth from there on.
We went to bathroom in WM since were both in pain. I refused to let her out of my sight, so I had her go to family bathroom while I waited outside. Then, I made her stay in there while I went. We headed to my house and she came in. She didn't "know what to do, where to go." I told her she could lie down in my floor and sleep or I would drive her home. She said this at least 100 times in two hours.
She stood up and said she felt like she was going to faint. I nonchalantly said don't knock anything over when she fell. She tried to collapse, but it was a controlled fall. I just lay here and turned off the light. However, I stayed turned on right side so I could see her. In about five minutes, I saw her stand up and lean to look at me. Except for those five minutes, craziness came from her mouth from about 6 pm on Wednesday until 4:30 am on Thursday.
At 8 or so, she said she was going home. She came back about 2 pm today, showered and looking nice. Her bf not only took her phone, he left with her purse, three bags of her clothing. So, I suggested we go get it. She was all against that because it was wrong to open the door to his unlocked car and get her things. I insisted.
When we got there, she headed straight to the area he works. I screamed at her to come back. She kept turning back saying she needed to tell him, needed to see him. She said she could not just get her things without telling him. I am yelling at her to get the stuff and come on. She got in the car and said it did not feel right to do what she is doing.
Finally, I let her out at her house. I went somewhere and came back past the house where they live. She had met him at the car and was making the motions of explaining and switching around in an "I'm helpless" sort of way. He yelled at me when I passed by. When I got home, his phone was calling me. I am not sure if it were him or her. But, I ignored it.
This was a trip full of her "religious" type rants, looking up and saying she wanted to be up there, talking to Jesus, asking me questions, telling me the "truth" because it is in the Bible and I just said the word. And what does it all mean. Threatening to take the whole bottle of Benadryl so she could sleep forever, saying if she had a gun she would blow her brains out, saying she wanted to walk in front of a car.
I took her threats of suicide semi-seriously. People who threaten and people who try to commit suicide sometimes succeed. I told my friend who is allowing them to live there about this, but he seemed cold to her problems and cannot wait until the last day of the month when they will be gone. They still have no place to go. She said she was depending on her bf to find a place.
She knows there is no room here, or she would be wanting to stay with me. No way, even if I had room. She would allow him in the door and I would have to hurt him. Then, I would call police to him.
Oh, I suggested Victim's Services quite a few times and she would beg me not to take her there, like I could make her go. They would not even open the door for her since the police would have to bring her. I am privy to the location, but signed a confidentiality agreement.
I offered to take her to hospital where they can keep her for a day, I think.
She cannot leave him because she "loves everybody just like the Bible says to do." She says she cannot judge him. She wants to love everybody and think no one is doing wrong. I told her that "by their fruits you shall know them." So, she just has to look at his abusive actions. She does not believe in talking behind a person's back. But, she has told me tales about many people.
She would go off on another crazy rant.
However, she has lied about things around here and how they went down. My friend with whom she lives believes me as he has same problems.
Bible gibberish--she just says a Bible verse, or sees a name in Bible on sign and excitedly points to it, repeating the name and saying it is in the Bible. Hears me say "word" and interrupts me excitedly saying " 'Word' is in the Bible." Somewhere, she saw the name "David" on a billboard and got excited because "it is in the Bible." Oh, adding this--when I say she says a Bible verse, she just says something like "John 3:16." She thinks quoting book name, chapter number, and verse numbers is testifying.
Okay, gotta stop. I am still exhausted mentally and physically from last night that extended into this morning and resumed this afternoon. Whew!
Your turn
Are the leaves late in turning this year? Late in falling? Are you having a glorious fall with sunshine and clear skies?