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Monday, October 2, 2017

I Won Ribbons at the Fair

Sunday, with only two hours left to pick up exhibits, I happened to remember I had to pick my entries. If I did not pick them up, they would be donated. The check would be mailed, however.

I entered a pint jar of dehydrated pineapple rings, won a blue ribbon, and $5. I also entered a pint of banana slices, won a red ribbon, and $4. Since I wanted needles for crafts and upholstery, I immediately bought those.

I always want to know the reason I did not get a blue ribbon. There are three reasons: 1) someone entered bananas whiter than mine, 2) someone entered something better, better for a number of reasons, and 3) I forgot what that is. A red ribbon is fine, but I shoot for blue, 1st place.

There are pictures that maybe you can see some day when I can post them.

My DSL was down for 24 hours.  But, I am back and will catch up on comments on my post and reading of your blog.

Your turn
Did anyone else enter the fair this year? Did your children enter animals or art? What have you entered in the past/ Win anything?


  1. Congratulations. I entered an apple pie at a fair once and got second place. My hubby, daughter and I also entered a scarecrow contest at the fair and won $100.

    1. Lorraine,
      Thanks. And, congratulations on your wins. I have never entered a pie! I love the contests for scarecrows, but have never entered one. If you have a pic of your scarecrow, it would make a good post on a slow day on your blog. Of course, with your creativity, it's never slow at your blog. Thanks for that. I just knew I had some winners in my readers.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.