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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Yesterday's Headache

After cataract surgery, I still could not see clearly. The doctor finally said I had a bubble behind the lens. Yesterday, I had that zapped with a laser and ended up with the horrid headache I get from having my eyes dilated. It is almost gone, but maybe will get worse like it usually does, taking 24+ hours for complete relief.

Yesterday was the first time having my eyes dilated has caused a problem with driving. However, it was 5 o'clock when I left the office and had to drive directly into the low evening sun. Consequently, I had to exit onto the highway and go a different direction to escape being blinded. Then, about 100 feet down the road turned around and headed back into the sunset with one hand up to shield my eyes. Even those little glasses did not help.

My sinuses hurt a bit, so I hope the headache I still have from the dilation does not get worse when I sit up from lying here.

Next week, I have to go and see if everything is okay--no buildup of pressure. Then, I can go back and have the bubble in the left eye zapped.

I sat with my chin on the little support while the doctor used a laser on my eye.  I thought there would be a single zap with the laser. NO! There were seven to ten beeps as the same amount of red spots appeared in my vision. It was amazing. And, scary. I was not afraid, but I was not aware of what was going to happen.

Your turn
Have you ever had bubbles in your eye that had to be zapped with a laser? Does having your eyes dilated give you a horrid headache?


  1. Yes! Getting my eyes dilated gives me an awful headache. I never drive myself to the eye doctor's for that reason. I also have to wear sunglasses even indoors after the dilation. The good news is that my eyes dilate almost immediately after the drops go in, so I am out quickly. Overall, I tend to be very sensitive about anything to do with my face, though. I truly dislike dental cleanings for that reason...I hate having my face touched.

    1. Meg B,
      No one ever suggested I bring anyone to drive me or suggested I might have a problem. And, I did not. However, for the last few years, I have had a headache. I did not mention this to my doctor, but he and office were alarmed that I did not bring a driver. ???

      The headache does not come on until hours later and after I am home. I do continue to wear the glasses at home. I do want people to keep their hands off my face. Quit touching me!

  2. I also get headaches from this. Yes I have had my eyes zapped. Fun! I had a terrible headache yesterday and really no excuse I must have been channeling your pain:)

    1. Kim,
      It seems everyone has had their eyes zapped, and I did not even know it was a thing. Why have I never heard of this??? Too bad you channeled my pain. My back hurts right now. Leave that pain alone.

  3. Hope you feel better quickly. I forgot to comment on your blog from the other day but to answer belatedly: yes, I do listen to music when I work. I stay better focused with some hot jazz playing.

    1. Anne,
      Maybe you two just need to be waked up.

  4. I hope you're feeling better today.

    1. T'Pol,
      No headache, just allergy problems. Thanks.

  5. Linda, I have always had a driver with me for an eye exam. Someone must have told me it was a requirement way back when. I have never had a headache but I hate to have my eyes dilated. I have had laser treatment for a broken blood vessel and it left scars that made my vision even worse. Solve one problem, worsen another.

    1. carol,
      I hate those kinds of cures! I will keep that in mind if I ever have a broken blood vessel problem in my eye. Thanks.

  6. Im so grateful that with my age, high blood pressure and being a diabetic I have little or no problems with my eyes..last exam my glasses didn't need to be changed.

    1. iackiesue,
      I have extremely low blood pressure, diabetes and am I needed glasses to read about thirty-years ago. I don't need a different prescription, just new lens. Since my lens are scratched, the old prescription cannot be used, so I have to pay like I had never had the prescription.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.