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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Movie Recommendation

A movie with Keanu Reeves, "A Walk in the Clouds," comes to mind when I hear of the fires destroying vineyards in California. Vineyards do burn. It is set after WWII complete with period clothing. The movie is a poignant love story with a twist. I highly recommend this movie. I looked to see if it was online. It is.

On Friday at about 4:10 J texted me, asking me if I still wanted my yard mowed. I told her it was too late, how about tomorrow. She said tomorrow is her daughter's birthday and she is going to B'ham to celebrate with her. I just texted "Oh." and not one word more. She always wants to come to work here when there is so little time to do what I need done. Usually, she has to come late and leave to be home for bf from 2 pm to 3 pm, his lunch.

Daughter was given up for adoption at birth, but the aunt of child, aunt on father' side is her mother now. She is talking about her and bf maybe spending the night. Hopefully, the mother will not allow this. It will be a prelude to wanting to move in to get their feet on the ground.

Tuesday, she left in a run. When I went into the kitchen, dishes were shoved in everywhere, cereal bowls and other bowls shoved in on their sides. So, the next day she had to spend 20 minutes straightening up all she slammed in cabinets. I suppose she thinks I will pay her twice for the same job. No way.

She wanted to mow so she could have money to go to B'ham. No, it is in a money order for her to pay to probation officer. She leaves things undone in the yard and will "do it later." The thing is, "later" never comes.

One of the cats that hangs out here is heavily pregnant. Hopefully, she will give birth elsewhere! I believe she belongs to someone.


  1. J does sound as if manipulation of people and circumstances are one of her skills. Glad that you see through her.

    1. EC,
      She fools me once about some things, but never twice. When she left so quickly, I knew something was up.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.