Jackiesue posed this question when I complained that my Tupperware had not been returned. So, let's explore this question--What did people use/do before Tupperware.
I do know when I was younger, a child and beyond, my mother never stored anything in any plastic. She put things in bowls and on plates to store in the refrigerator. So, horror of horrors, she did not put an airtight lid on the food to keep it fresh. For years he put on a little thing like a shower cap complete with the elastic around the edge to hold it onto the bowl. It was not airtight. It was not water tight. But, nothing lingered in her refrigerator like it does in mine and most other people's refrigerators.
The storage item I remember most is waxed paper. This was put over food and sort of folded under around the plate or bowl, certainly even less secure than the shower cap arrangement. We carried sandwiches to school wrapped in waxed paper. There was no plastic wrap or Tupperware to secure our sandwiches. We were very careful getting our sandwiches out of the paper bag for lunch. I never spilled the sandwich or fillings from the waxed paper wrappings. I learned to be careful, even at the early age of seven. Before that, I don't remember lunch at school.
Some serving dishes dishes came with a matching lid that just set loosely on the top. We did not have many of those. But, there was no need for the shower cap or waxed paper. The dishes with lids that I remember were pottery or ironstone. Mama also put huge pots with their lids in the refrigerator on occasion. I am quite sure odors could escape from dishes and merge with other dishes.
Then, sometimes she turned a plate or saucer over a bowl as a lid. You can imagine how secure that method was--not at all. I suppose, depending on the bowl and plate, it might have worked a bit. This had to be removed from the refrigerator carefully so that the bowl did not slip from under your thumb.
I remember seeing tea towels over things in the refrigerator, but I have no idea what she covered with them. We called dish towels "tea towels" back then.
All these methods were very insecure. Nothing was sealed. Everything could evaporate, spill, or dry out. Since there were no margarine tubs, we did not even have those fairly secure lidded items. We did have cottage cheese, but I have no memory of her using those, although she may have.
When we got a freezer when I was about fourteen, she did buy the square plastic freezer containers. they had lids which were not air tight as the labels would have you believe. When she needed more freezer containers, there were no Ziplock freezer bags with a sealable zipper that turned a different color when sealed. At least we did not have them. I wonder when those were common. Mama washed out bread bags for weeks in the summer and dried those. She would double the bags in order to get a better barrier and possibly secure against leaks. In these she only put green beans and not anything with liquid like peaches.
Other than the freezer containers, I don't know if there were other options like freezer bags. Were there? I do know she filled an upright freezer in the late 50s and early 60s.
One summer when Daddy worked at the capitol in Jackson, MS, she took him to work everyday, brought him lunch, and picked him up. One day, she brought him spaghetti, toast, and iced tea for lunch. She brought the spaghetti and the tea in quart jars. These had the advantage of having lids and bands to avoid spillage. She wrapped the jars separately in towels and put them in their own paper bag. He poured the piping hot spaghetti onto a plate and drank from the quart jar.
The effect of all this was the guys working with him wanting the same lunch. They raved to Daddy after she left. Mama brought spaghetti for all. They insisted on giving her money. Well, from then on, she catered lunch with what would be dinner items, especially for men who ate from a paper bag. She brought dishes from home for everyone. She said she hated to take their money, but we could not afford to feed men lunch with generous portions of meat and lots of vegetables every day.
I have two of the lunch plates with the plastic lid and inner waterproof vent for microwaving. I paid dearly for one and bought the other for a dollar or two at a yard sale. They have paid for themselves many times over with lunch savings. I let exbf have them for lunches I packed him, warning him not to microwave for too long. When one came back all funny looking in the bottom of one section, I quit giving them to him. And, I yelled at him. He microwaves them for five minutes when two minutes would do!
However, I put his baked potato in a pint jar this last week and put carrots in another. I give him food in pickle relish jars and jelly jars, telling him I do not need them back. He returns every last jar! ugh Often, I put food in a storage or sandwich bag to send home with him.
Because glass is so dangerous, I do remember Mama had a solution that was not Tupperware--aluminum. Yes, good old safe aluminum for the children. There were four different colors that worked well for the four children. I remember being sad when we did not have those. I don't know what happened to them. We went back to glasses.
I gave my children Tupperware glasses when they did not drink from a small glass or a coffee cup. I did have one sippy cup that all three of my children used. I bought a set of tiny Tupperware glasses in 1968. They were just the right size for a baby hand. Later, I did buy a set of avocado green plastic tumblers that I still have. I need to get rid of those. They were short and had a bit larger diameter. But, they had no lid and were not Tupperware.
As soon as I married, I was invited to Tupperware parties. I introduced my mother to Tupperware by buying some for her. The first thing I got her was a straight-sided tall container with a lid and the spout. She made orange juice in it. I have a recipe from her that says, "one Tupperware container of powdered milk." It must have been for rice pudding or something milk-heavy since that container held over a quart if I remember correctly.
I never went for the serving items from T. I mostly have the cereal bowls, snack containers, and drinking items with lids. Of course, everything from Tupperware has tight lids or seals as they call them. Well, I did buy two serving items under pressure. I certainly never used them for company. There were little separate bowls I used in the refrigerator. The Jello mold was a mistake, since I may have used it twice. However, it worked as a bowl for whatever, but not on the table.
One of the first T items I bought was the set of snack containers. I used these to carry my lunch to work. It was years later before I bought the cereal bowls. Well, that is what I use the bowls for and for storing leftovers.
Now, I use pint or quart jars, Tupperware cereal bowls, foil, waxed paper, and Glad Wrap. I suppose I use glass mostly. I never buy T anymore. Maybe once every ten years I do buy T. But, it is always something small, although not inexpensive.
I love the spaghetti holder! However, at around $10 each, I will not be purchasing more of those.
I do believe T is safe. I am not going to rant against T or encourage anyone to buy it.
Your turn
Now, don't hold back. What did you do before Tupperware? What did your mother's generation use?What do you use now? I know I will get tirades against the dangers of plastic. That's okay! But, don't let that deter you if you use T without fear like I do. I have to say that even though I am not heavily into buying Tupperware, I DO LOVE TUPPERWARE. What are your opinions or predilections?
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Friday, September 29, 2017
Just Stuff
Last Friday, I think, I got a flu shot. I have always suffered a tiny bit of pain at the injection site the next day, especially if it were touched. This last time, I had tremendous pain over most of my upper arm for three days. There seemed to be nothing I could do to stop the pain. I never take anything for pain, so I had nothing. Flopping around and moaning did not help one bit. Wonder why? I mentioned the pain today to the pharmacist today who said that was very unusual, that most people don't even know they got it. The second pneumonia vaccine is due, but I am loath to get it in case it brings on such horrid pain.
For several months I asked exbf if he had any of my Tupperware, especially the divided dishes for lunches. He replied every time that he had no Tupperware of mine. One day, after six months of questioning him and not believing, he brought me a bag of Tupperware! He just did not realize he had it. Now, how can a person not know he has a dozen containers and their lids? I am so happy to have them back.
I still don't trust this new dryer with a heavy king-size bedspread. So, today, J took it to the car, took it in the laundromat, shoved quarters in, and for $3 it is clean. Then, she put it in my dryer. I just drove and supplied quarters. I wish I had my old washer back. I don't believe it could not be repaired. I could have found another like it and cannibalized it to fix mine. I miss it every time I have to go out to wash.
When I get my pen and me ready, I am anxious to get new chicks. Someone promised to send me eggs to hatch. I am a glutton for punishment. I miss having chickens. I am so gratified that MamaHen took Dominique since D is happy and sticking up for herself. Of course, I won't rush out tomorrow for new little ones. I like raising them so they know me.
Since I am so overweight and have gained weight, today is the start of better eating. Maybe I should say--less eating. Weighing less would alleviate the pain in back and knees! The crockpot is still going, so I bought potatoes, carrots, and kale for the next "cooking." Celery, onions, and bell peppers will be added for flavor. Potatoes are better than what I have been eating. I know what you are thinking. And, yes, I will have something chocolate or sweet every day, just not every hour.
Is it cool at your house tonight? My car ac sure is cold when it is not so hot. My ideal temperature is 80F for the day and 65F during the night. Of course, I am not eager for heating weather. The main thing about the weather these days is the low humidity. I can breathe.
I bought one Christmas present for half price today. Well, it is one part of the gift.
I found my favorite lipstick, Revlon, for $2.50 today at WM! Check your WM. The same lipstick is $8.50 at CVS,
Okay, I am off to eat a salad, take clothes out of dryer, put clothes in dryer from the washer.
For several months I asked exbf if he had any of my Tupperware, especially the divided dishes for lunches. He replied every time that he had no Tupperware of mine. One day, after six months of questioning him and not believing, he brought me a bag of Tupperware! He just did not realize he had it. Now, how can a person not know he has a dozen containers and their lids? I am so happy to have them back.
I still don't trust this new dryer with a heavy king-size bedspread. So, today, J took it to the car, took it in the laundromat, shoved quarters in, and for $3 it is clean. Then, she put it in my dryer. I just drove and supplied quarters. I wish I had my old washer back. I don't believe it could not be repaired. I could have found another like it and cannibalized it to fix mine. I miss it every time I have to go out to wash.
When I get my pen and me ready, I am anxious to get new chicks. Someone promised to send me eggs to hatch. I am a glutton for punishment. I miss having chickens. I am so gratified that MamaHen took Dominique since D is happy and sticking up for herself. Of course, I won't rush out tomorrow for new little ones. I like raising them so they know me.
Since I am so overweight and have gained weight, today is the start of better eating. Maybe I should say--less eating. Weighing less would alleviate the pain in back and knees! The crockpot is still going, so I bought potatoes, carrots, and kale for the next "cooking." Celery, onions, and bell peppers will be added for flavor. Potatoes are better than what I have been eating. I know what you are thinking. And, yes, I will have something chocolate or sweet every day, just not every hour.
Is it cool at your house tonight? My car ac sure is cold when it is not so hot. My ideal temperature is 80F for the day and 65F during the night. Of course, I am not eager for heating weather. The main thing about the weather these days is the low humidity. I can breathe.
I bought one Christmas present for half price today. Well, it is one part of the gift.
I found my favorite lipstick, Revlon, for $2.50 today at WM! Check your WM. The same lipstick is $8.50 at CVS,
Okay, I am off to eat a salad, take clothes out of dryer, put clothes in dryer from the washer.
Earthquakes, Stress, and Heart Attacks, Etc.
It seems dealing with earthquakes causes enough stress to cause a rise in the incidence of heart attacks. The article also reports the results of the stress of dealing with insurance companies after disasters. I wonder how many people are dying of heart attacks in Texas, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.
Earthquakes terrify me. I would just die of fright. Tornadoes are not so terrifying, at all.
I thought it was interesting that the insurance companies caused stress. I can relate to that.
Today was a hard day. I did not get enough sleep and exbf was here. He drove me to several places around town I needed to go. However, the weather was perfect--not too warm, no rain, and blue skies. Sitting in the vehicle on an asphalt parking lot it was so hot he sought the shade of a small tree. Don't you love to find a tree with the shade where you can park? He rolled down all the windows and enjoyed the rather stiff winds whipping the trees about.
I put chicken breasts in the crockpot on Tuesday, and then left it on warm for a day. I just did not get the vegetables added to the stock. This morning before he came, I added potatoes and carrots. I awoke tired, so I just put in enough for one meal. Later, I added more potatoes and carrots, plus onion, celery, and bell pepper for flavor. I had forgotten it earlier.
Usually, I find bags of carrots and buy those for the crockpot, no more baby carrots since they don't have much flavor. At WM, I found they had bags and loose carrots. The bags were $0.98/ lb. while the loose carrots were $0.67/lb. I don't understand why loose carrots are cheaper. Do you know? Buying just what a person wants is a good way to save money if you only have a limited budget for meals. Maybe I bought eight carrots, just because.
The crockpot is still on, so tomorrow I will buy lots of loose carrots, cook them in the delicious broth and freeze them in meal portions.
It is laborious washing all these dishes from the dishwasher, heating water, soaking them, and washing, rinsing and drying by hand. ugh
My total electric bill came to $725. I don't know why it was higher than I was told. The $300 I was told I could get from an agency to help with the bill, money from an emergency fund, was rescinded. However, the total bill for the utilities was lowered from $725 to $351 that I must pay. The water company gave me a big break on the sewage since none of this went to sewers. I got a not so large break on water. Good deal! Plus, I found someone to install the water heater when and if I can afford one. Lowe's will sell me a water heater and install it for $239!
All this is stressful. However, we have had our 9th day without rain, and it looks hopeful it will remain relatively dry for the next 7 days. Plus, the weather which had been near 90 will be closer to 80 this next week. YAY!
Sunshine makes me happy!
Earthquakes terrify me. I would just die of fright. Tornadoes are not so terrifying, at all.
I thought it was interesting that the insurance companies caused stress. I can relate to that.
Today was a hard day. I did not get enough sleep and exbf was here. He drove me to several places around town I needed to go. However, the weather was perfect--not too warm, no rain, and blue skies. Sitting in the vehicle on an asphalt parking lot it was so hot he sought the shade of a small tree. Don't you love to find a tree with the shade where you can park? He rolled down all the windows and enjoyed the rather stiff winds whipping the trees about.
I put chicken breasts in the crockpot on Tuesday, and then left it on warm for a day. I just did not get the vegetables added to the stock. This morning before he came, I added potatoes and carrots. I awoke tired, so I just put in enough for one meal. Later, I added more potatoes and carrots, plus onion, celery, and bell pepper for flavor. I had forgotten it earlier.
Usually, I find bags of carrots and buy those for the crockpot, no more baby carrots since they don't have much flavor. At WM, I found they had bags and loose carrots. The bags were $0.98/ lb. while the loose carrots were $0.67/lb. I don't understand why loose carrots are cheaper. Do you know? Buying just what a person wants is a good way to save money if you only have a limited budget for meals. Maybe I bought eight carrots, just because.
The crockpot is still on, so tomorrow I will buy lots of loose carrots, cook them in the delicious broth and freeze them in meal portions.
It is laborious washing all these dishes from the dishwasher, heating water, soaking them, and washing, rinsing and drying by hand. ugh
My total electric bill came to $725. I don't know why it was higher than I was told. The $300 I was told I could get from an agency to help with the bill, money from an emergency fund, was rescinded. However, the total bill for the utilities was lowered from $725 to $351 that I must pay. The water company gave me a big break on the sewage since none of this went to sewers. I got a not so large break on water. Good deal! Plus, I found someone to install the water heater when and if I can afford one. Lowe's will sell me a water heater and install it for $239!
All this is stressful. However, we have had our 9th day without rain, and it looks hopeful it will remain relatively dry for the next 7 days. Plus, the weather which had been near 90 will be closer to 80 this next week. YAY!
Sunshine makes me happy!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Happy Birthday, A!
My baby is 42 today. Like all the rest of my babies, she was such a cutie. But, she was different from the other two, a boy and a girl. For one thing, she insisted on coming toes first. And, I had a natural birth complete with no anesthesia instead of having a C-section. I had vaginal births with the first two, but they knocked a woman out back then.
I should post pictures of her, most of which she may have never seen. Maybe I will put up a separate blog, a private blog only for a few eyes. Or, I could put them on Facebook after dropping all my friend contacts.
Maybe I have told you this, but one day I heard the dog yelp. She shortly came into the house with hair all around her mouth. When I asked her what happened to puppy that she yelped. She said, "I bite Puppy." She had no reason. Puppy had done nothing, she said. I guess she had biting our very good dog on her bucket list and crossed it off when she was barely two-years-old.
According to my friends, she was the best behaved baby and toddler they had ever seen. She was such a good girl. I said it so often that "good girl" was the second thing she said after "Mama."
I should post pictures of her, most of which she may have never seen. Maybe I will put up a separate blog, a private blog only for a few eyes. Or, I could put them on Facebook after dropping all my friend contacts.
Maybe I have told you this, but one day I heard the dog yelp. She shortly came into the house with hair all around her mouth. When I asked her what happened to puppy that she yelped. She said, "I bite Puppy." She had no reason. Puppy had done nothing, she said. I guess she had biting our very good dog on her bucket list and crossed it off when she was barely two-years-old.
According to my friends, she was the best behaved baby and toddler they had ever seen. She was such a good girl. I said it so often that "good girl" was the second thing she said after "Mama."
I voted; I lunched; I shopped.
We had a runoff in AL. I did not vote in the primary, therefore I could vote in the other party's runoff. This was a case of voting against the worst candidate by voting for the lesser of two evils. I was the only person there besides the four poll workers. As I sat down to vote, another person came in. Voting was just a matter of bubbling in one bubble and shoving it into the machine. I am done until November. After collecting my "I Voted" sticker, I left. The whole business from the time I left the car until I returned was less than ten minutes. And, I even talked with the poll workers.
This was a Tuesday free lunch--chicken patty, mashed potatoes, carrots and peas, slice of bread, tea, and choice of cake slices. I did not even take the peas and carrots. And, I left most of the cake. Of course, people brought me leftovers that I turned down. Everyone thought my chicken died.
Then, exhausted from no sleep, I went shopping for water heaters. After I wrote down the options, I talked to a TVA guy who gave me his opinion and choice of water heaters and specs for them. So, now I know what I will get....when I can afford it. I don't feel like typing my choices right now when I feel more like napping. Tomorrow....
Yes, I hate using "lunch" as a verb when it is not. At least I did not "do lunch." The chance for parallelism was too strong for me to overcome. The title is almost the literary equivalent of "Veni, vidi, vici"/"I came, I saw, I conquered." Oh, not equivalent to that? You don't say? Whatever.
Today, the weather was perfect with blue skies and good company at lunch.
This was a Tuesday free lunch--chicken patty, mashed potatoes, carrots and peas, slice of bread, tea, and choice of cake slices. I did not even take the peas and carrots. And, I left most of the cake. Of course, people brought me leftovers that I turned down. Everyone thought my chicken died.
Then, exhausted from no sleep, I went shopping for water heaters. After I wrote down the options, I talked to a TVA guy who gave me his opinion and choice of water heaters and specs for them. So, now I know what I will get....when I can afford it. I don't feel like typing my choices right now when I feel more like napping. Tomorrow....
Yes, I hate using "lunch" as a verb when it is not. At least I did not "do lunch." The chance for parallelism was too strong for me to overcome. The title is almost the literary equivalent of "Veni, vidi, vici"/"I came, I saw, I conquered." Oh, not equivalent to that? You don't say? Whatever.
Today, the weather was perfect with blue skies and good company at lunch.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
It's always something
I found out why I have so much pain in my right hand. I have broken a bone. No wonder it hurts! I spent two weeks getting over the pain of driving to Nashville. I kept my hand just resting on the steering wheel or in lap for two weeks. Plus, I avoid using it for daily living.
When anyone extends a hand to shake mine, I almost shake the hand and then recoil. Plus, switching to my left hand is a habit now, making the left hand overworked. I have a brace that was not fitted and hurts my hand, so I don't wear it. Hopefully, I can get it fitted at next appointment.
That is how I have lived the last two weeks, avoiding using my hand. I ask for a half gallon of milk, and refuse to handle it, asking the person to put it in the basket of the electric cart.
How can I type, you may wonder. I don't pound the keys and never have, I keep my fingers flat to keep carpal tunnel from getting worse. You cannot hear me type. Some people hit the keys on my computer so hard that I ask them to stop.
Right now, my hand hurts a bit, but I overworked Monday. Three loads of laundry were too much for my right hand.
There were few dishes in the dishwasher, but I got them out. I struggled to load it again. About three hours later, I looked in. ALL THE DISHES were just as dirty. There was no water! Remember, the guy turned off the water to water heater, so I have no water going into the dishwasher. UGH! Now, the dirty dishes have been baked by the dishwasher. I just cannot wash them, now.
Hopefully, the dishwasher is not ruined by running it without water. What do you think?
This is one more expense and pain in the neck for me if I ruined it. I still don't have the money for the utility bill. This is wearing me down! And, my hand is so useless!
I must wash my hair in cold water and go to the free lunch today. The weather was beautiful yesterday and will be today. And, there will be music.
When anyone extends a hand to shake mine, I almost shake the hand and then recoil. Plus, switching to my left hand is a habit now, making the left hand overworked. I have a brace that was not fitted and hurts my hand, so I don't wear it. Hopefully, I can get it fitted at next appointment.
That is how I have lived the last two weeks, avoiding using my hand. I ask for a half gallon of milk, and refuse to handle it, asking the person to put it in the basket of the electric cart.
How can I type, you may wonder. I don't pound the keys and never have, I keep my fingers flat to keep carpal tunnel from getting worse. You cannot hear me type. Some people hit the keys on my computer so hard that I ask them to stop.
Right now, my hand hurts a bit, but I overworked Monday. Three loads of laundry were too much for my right hand.
There were few dishes in the dishwasher, but I got them out. I struggled to load it again. About three hours later, I looked in. ALL THE DISHES were just as dirty. There was no water! Remember, the guy turned off the water to water heater, so I have no water going into the dishwasher. UGH! Now, the dirty dishes have been baked by the dishwasher. I just cannot wash them, now.
Hopefully, the dishwasher is not ruined by running it without water. What do you think?
This is one more expense and pain in the neck for me if I ruined it. I still don't have the money for the utility bill. This is wearing me down! And, my hand is so useless!
I must wash my hair in cold water and go to the free lunch today. The weather was beautiful yesterday and will be today. And, there will be music.
Monday, September 25, 2017
I am going to make this pumpkin!
As I was cruising around the internet, I found the cutest pumpkin made of canning jar rings on Little Vintage Cottage. I totally stole this picture! I could not contact her. Maybe someone will tell her. I just hope she is not angry. I am not stealing. She has many cute ideas on her blog. You can find the instructions for making this on her blog. She said people make this pumpkin with 24 rings, I like her version with 12 rings better. Cute?
This is Scary and Lighter Side
I found this on AL.com
"I think Donald Trump is a wise man and he knows what he is doing," said Chestang. "We trust the Lord. It's all about God and our country and each and every individual's souls being saved."
This is from his trip to Huntsville, AL, just north of me.
Trump is trying to save our souls? Really? I'm scared.
On the lighter side: I miss Dominique! I was going to save the apple core, a gristle bit, a bit of bread crust, just anything edible. All these would go to Dominique. I decided to come home to feed her. No, she is not here, so I cannot save anything for her. There is no need to rush home before it rains.
Every time a chicken departs, I miss it. However, there has always been another chicken to feed. This time, there is nothing. I will need to reject all scraps at the lunches. Everything here just goes into the trash now. I feel like there is an empty spot in my heart.
"I think Donald Trump is a wise man and he knows what he is doing," said Chestang. "We trust the Lord. It's all about God and our country and each and every individual's souls being saved."
This is from his trip to Huntsville, AL, just north of me.
Trump is trying to save our souls? Really? I'm scared.
On the lighter side: I miss Dominique! I was going to save the apple core, a gristle bit, a bit of bread crust, just anything edible. All these would go to Dominique. I decided to come home to feed her. No, she is not here, so I cannot save anything for her. There is no need to rush home before it rains.
Every time a chicken departs, I miss it. However, there has always been another chicken to feed. This time, there is nothing. I will need to reject all scraps at the lunches. Everything here just goes into the trash now. I feel like there is an empty spot in my heart.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
MamaHen and I were talking after she caught Dominique. We were near the door to my hen pen. I saw MamaHen look sharply to one side and then up. I had no idea what she was seeing, but I followed her gaze.
There about 15 feet above the ground was a hummingbird. That was so exciting to me as I have never seen one in my yard. For several years I put up hummingbird feeders only to have huge, inch-long, black ants fill the feeder every time, no matter how many precautions I used.
Several years ago, I bought a moat to keep ants out and promptly could not find it. Now, I have it in a box with garden things.
Several weeks ago, I commented to exbf that I really wanted hummingbirds in my yard. He said he has seen lots of hummingbirds in my yard. Whaaat??? Why did he never tell me? He does not know.
Now that I know they are in the yard, I need to entice them to come where I can see them a little better. I was so interested at the Audubon Society meeting about hummingbirds. Now, I don't have the material or remember anything. But, everything is on the internet, maybe. ???
One year, I spent a lot of time staring up into the pine trees looking for the little hummingbird nests. I think I might take that up again.
Does anyone have any hints for more sightings? Do you have hummingbirds in your yard?
There about 15 feet above the ground was a hummingbird. That was so exciting to me as I have never seen one in my yard. For several years I put up hummingbird feeders only to have huge, inch-long, black ants fill the feeder every time, no matter how many precautions I used.
Several years ago, I bought a moat to keep ants out and promptly could not find it. Now, I have it in a box with garden things.
Several weeks ago, I commented to exbf that I really wanted hummingbirds in my yard. He said he has seen lots of hummingbirds in my yard. Whaaat??? Why did he never tell me? He does not know.
Now that I know they are in the yard, I need to entice them to come where I can see them a little better. I was so interested at the Audubon Society meeting about hummingbirds. Now, I don't have the material or remember anything. But, everything is on the internet, maybe. ???
One year, I spent a lot of time staring up into the pine trees looking for the little hummingbird nests. I think I might take that up again.
Does anyone have any hints for more sightings? Do you have hummingbirds in your yard?
Saturday, September 23, 2017
12:15 until 3:00
That is how long it took to pump the water from the basement. It was as high inside the door as outside. The guy brought his son. It took both of them to carry the pump. It looked like a generator--huge and gasoline powered. I had to give them the last of my 100% gasoline. Well, I offered it and he used it.
Let me tell you the stagnant water was fetid! Yeah, the smell, oh, the smell! The whole backyard smells like a swamp. Some of the water ran under the fence where the eternal hole is. Whatever is underground is probably drowned.
The whole top of the water heater just "blew up" is how he described it, saying usually the bottom goes out. I bought this in 1989 or thereabouts. I will have no hot water for awhile. I still don't have enough money to keep electric and water one...sigh. Read carefully. I do have electricity. I don't have enough money for the exorbitant bill of $691.57 which keeps the utilities on. I received $150 in paypal and checks when I asked for help. Some of the comments are just bizarre since I do have electricity and water from city was never turned off. I asked them to turn it off at my meter.
But, I am happy. I have gone to the laundromat twice and was going this evening. I wash one load at a time because more than one load is more than I can do and still function.
Have you ever had everything happen at once? Well, I have been needing the water pumped out and he came. And, I have wanted to give away Dominique. Well, MamaHen from Edifice Rex came just after the water guy did! I was just sitting and watching water flow, so it all turned out great.
MamaHen gently caught Dominique and put her in a nice cage for the ride home. Dominique was so hot from the chase of getting caught that her mouth was open, trying to cool off. She will be in the cab of the truck with the ac going. So, she will cool off fine.
I had a pleasant visit with her and husband. I truly believe they will treat Dominique with kindness. She will have her own run and house for awhile. Mama Hen brought me a dozen fresh eggs, gathered yesterday and never washed, just like I like them.
A nap is calling my name along with the washing machine and dishwasher. Nap wins.
Update: I awoke from a good nap to be greeted by bizarre comments and accusations that really depressed me. And, some of these were from people whose blog and decisions in their life I have supported. I was getting depressed reading the comments, so I deleted most of them and will just move forward. I am not angry, just trying to regain my very good mood today. If you have a question, just email me. If you have a negative comment, just email me.
Let me tell you the stagnant water was fetid! Yeah, the smell, oh, the smell! The whole backyard smells like a swamp. Some of the water ran under the fence where the eternal hole is. Whatever is underground is probably drowned.
The whole top of the water heater just "blew up" is how he described it, saying usually the bottom goes out. I bought this in 1989 or thereabouts. I will have no hot water for awhile. I still don't have enough money to keep electric and water one...sigh. Read carefully. I do have electricity. I don't have enough money for the exorbitant bill of $691.57 which keeps the utilities on. I received $150 in paypal and checks when I asked for help. Some of the comments are just bizarre since I do have electricity and water from city was never turned off. I asked them to turn it off at my meter.
But, I am happy. I have gone to the laundromat twice and was going this evening. I wash one load at a time because more than one load is more than I can do and still function.
Have you ever had everything happen at once? Well, I have been needing the water pumped out and he came. And, I have wanted to give away Dominique. Well, MamaHen from Edifice Rex came just after the water guy did! I was just sitting and watching water flow, so it all turned out great.
MamaHen gently caught Dominique and put her in a nice cage for the ride home. Dominique was so hot from the chase of getting caught that her mouth was open, trying to cool off. She will be in the cab of the truck with the ac going. So, she will cool off fine.
I had a pleasant visit with her and husband. I truly believe they will treat Dominique with kindness. She will have her own run and house for awhile. Mama Hen brought me a dozen fresh eggs, gathered yesterday and never washed, just like I like them.
A nap is calling my name along with the washing machine and dishwasher. Nap wins.
Update: I awoke from a good nap to be greeted by bizarre comments and accusations that really depressed me. And, some of these were from people whose blog and decisions in their life I have supported. I was getting depressed reading the comments, so I deleted most of them and will just move forward. I am not angry, just trying to regain my very good mood today. If you have a question, just email me. If you have a negative comment, just email me.
Dental Cleaning Pain and An Answer
My sister was saying about 40 years ago that her gums/teeth hurt for days after having teeth cleaned. I commented that sometimes mine did, too. However, I thought I had found the reason.
During PMS if I had my teeth cleaned, it hurt, and continued to hurt for a couple of days. Okay, maybe it went from pain to sensitivity. At any other time of the month, I had minimal or no problems. This had been my observation, but she said she would get appointments with this in mind.
After using the same dentist for about twenty years and dreading the throb-inducing pain shot to numb my gums, I found out what caused the pain. My new dentist gave me the shots for pain and I did not feel anything beyond the initial needle stick.
When I commented about the lack of pain, he explained it to me. When the person administering the injection pushes the med quickly into gum or skin, there is pain. This new dentist has never caused me a bit of pain.
I am not talking about the speed of pushing the needle into the skin. Fast is best there. Pushing the med into gum or skin slowly is what I am talking about.
Your turn
Have you ever noticed a correlation between how fast the med is pushed into the skin and how bad it hurts? Have you noticed the correlation between PMS and having teeth cleaned?
During PMS if I had my teeth cleaned, it hurt, and continued to hurt for a couple of days. Okay, maybe it went from pain to sensitivity. At any other time of the month, I had minimal or no problems. This had been my observation, but she said she would get appointments with this in mind.
After using the same dentist for about twenty years and dreading the throb-inducing pain shot to numb my gums, I found out what caused the pain. My new dentist gave me the shots for pain and I did not feel anything beyond the initial needle stick.
When I commented about the lack of pain, he explained it to me. When the person administering the injection pushes the med quickly into gum or skin, there is pain. This new dentist has never caused me a bit of pain.
I am not talking about the speed of pushing the needle into the skin. Fast is best there. Pushing the med into gum or skin slowly is what I am talking about.
Your turn
Have you ever noticed a correlation between how fast the med is pushed into the skin and how bad it hurts? Have you noticed the correlation between PMS and having teeth cleaned?
Friday, September 22, 2017
A Hard and Fast Rule
I never, ever buy washcloths unless they are on sale. That is my rule! Since I like white ones and pale pink ones, I buy those colors. I own lots of washcloths. I even buy them secondhand.
One day, I noticed that a hemmed washcloth was coming unhemmed. So, I put it aside to re-hem and put something else on top of it and forgot it. Then, I did not have the right color of thread or could not find it. Finally, I bought the right color, and had the wayward washcloth, needle, and light to see. The washcloth has been hemmed and will live a much longer life than it would if I had just continued to use it unhemmed.
Speaking of washcloths and colors. I did find some soft lavender and palest green washcloths that were acceptable, not jarring colors. Since I use washcloths as a substitute for tp, I can dry wetness with these colors that were on sale. Lately, I have used tp for solid after eschewing tp for about ten years.
Do you hem or otherwise mend the edges of washcloths? Or, do you just let them die over time? Or, do you get rid of them or demote them to cleaning or outdoor cloths?
One day, I noticed that a hemmed washcloth was coming unhemmed. So, I put it aside to re-hem and put something else on top of it and forgot it. Then, I did not have the right color of thread or could not find it. Finally, I bought the right color, and had the wayward washcloth, needle, and light to see. The washcloth has been hemmed and will live a much longer life than it would if I had just continued to use it unhemmed.
Speaking of washcloths and colors. I did find some soft lavender and palest green washcloths that were acceptable, not jarring colors. Since I use washcloths as a substitute for tp, I can dry wetness with these colors that were on sale. Lately, I have used tp for solid after eschewing tp for about ten years.
Do you hem or otherwise mend the edges of washcloths? Or, do you just let them die over time? Or, do you get rid of them or demote them to cleaning or outdoor cloths?
Thursday, September 21, 2017
$20 Value for $6
On Wednesday, after my doctor's appointment, I decided to go to the fabric/sewing shop. I had a coupon for $20 worth of merchandise, a coupon that cost me $6. Since he did not have what I wanted, a long craft needle, I just got a piece of fabric. I think I came within a nickel of using the whole value of the coupon.
Along with this coupon, several weeks ago I paid $6 for a $10 coupon at KFC. We used it a few weeks ago for lunch before he took me to a doctor's appointment in Birmingham or Huntsville, forgot which..
Speaking of going to the doctor, I am feeling much better! A nice shot in my derriere is working magic. Now, I just need to rest instead of wearing myself out. Since I still have no water in the house, I will not be doing much. But, I need to go to the laundromat to wash a load of black pants and a load of white. The dishwasher still has a few clean dishes, so I can empty them and put the ones rotting in the sink into the dishwasher.
Okay, I took five pair of black pants to the laundromat and poured a half cup of vinegar into the washing machine door. I mean in the front of the washing machine and on the clothes. I don't use the dispenser on top of the machine.
It cost me $2. I had nothing else black to wash! I easily carried all five pair of pants and the vinegar in a water bottle as I entered. When I left, I could barely carry the five wet pair. Since I put the machine on a gentle wash, the pants were waterlogged. I only brought one pair in the house. It's now hanging in a doorway. I need to go out and retrieve the other four pair and hang them to dry. ugh
The guy who was to come here is no longer answering his phone when I call. Why did he say he would come??? I could have been looking for someone else to pump out the basement! GRRR
I read about people using Hancock's coupons. Are they a good bargain? What kind of discount do you get? Our Hancock left town!
Along with this coupon, several weeks ago I paid $6 for a $10 coupon at KFC. We used it a few weeks ago for lunch before he took me to a doctor's appointment in Birmingham or Huntsville, forgot which..
Speaking of going to the doctor, I am feeling much better! A nice shot in my derriere is working magic. Now, I just need to rest instead of wearing myself out. Since I still have no water in the house, I will not be doing much. But, I need to go to the laundromat to wash a load of black pants and a load of white. The dishwasher still has a few clean dishes, so I can empty them and put the ones rotting in the sink into the dishwasher.
Okay, I took five pair of black pants to the laundromat and poured a half cup of vinegar into the washing machine door. I mean in the front of the washing machine and on the clothes. I don't use the dispenser on top of the machine.
It cost me $2. I had nothing else black to wash! I easily carried all five pair of pants and the vinegar in a water bottle as I entered. When I left, I could barely carry the five wet pair. Since I put the machine on a gentle wash, the pants were waterlogged. I only brought one pair in the house. It's now hanging in a doorway. I need to go out and retrieve the other four pair and hang them to dry. ugh
The guy who was to come here is no longer answering his phone when I call. Why did he say he would come??? I could have been looking for someone else to pump out the basement! GRRR
I read about people using Hancock's coupons. Are they a good bargain? What kind of discount do you get? Our Hancock left town!
2000th Post and another Ball Jar Hack
This blog is a little over ten years old. There were months at a time when I did not post because computer was broken, being repaired, or I could not get into my blog. When I first started, no one even visited my blog. No one commented. Then, ten people came to my blog one day. I was ecstatic...ten people...lol.
Not being able to use the Kodak picture program has hurt me, maybe not the blog. The person who was going to teach me how to use Paint had not. I will not use Picasa or whatever it is. They own your pictures, and once you do not use their program, they remove your pictures from the blog.
Plus, I have no chickens to write about. And, I cannot post a picture of the one I have. And, I have not planted anything. The interesting things for my blog really need a picture.
This is a milestone, but what does it mean? I am not sure.
I was looking around and thought of another hack for the applesauce cup I wrote about yesterday. (Actually, you can just as easily scroll down just below this post.)Yogurt could be in the bottom of the jar with granola in the top. It seems there could be other applications. Maybe if you wanted to heat chili and put cheese on top, you could put the cheese in the cup. Crackers could go in the cup and not get soggy from the chili.
Sometimes, I don't want the cheese microwaved on top of the food because I want cheese shaken onto the hot food. Maybe two snacks could go into the setup, like strawberries in the jar and crackers in the top.
There are instances where one food will make the other soggy. I am quite sure you can think of your own examples. What two things would you put in the jar and applesauce cup?
Not being able to use the Kodak picture program has hurt me, maybe not the blog. The person who was going to teach me how to use Paint had not. I will not use Picasa or whatever it is. They own your pictures, and once you do not use their program, they remove your pictures from the blog.
Plus, I have no chickens to write about. And, I cannot post a picture of the one I have. And, I have not planted anything. The interesting things for my blog really need a picture.
This is a milestone, but what does it mean? I am not sure.
I was looking around and thought of another hack for the applesauce cup I wrote about yesterday. (Actually, you can just as easily scroll down just below this post.)Yogurt could be in the bottom of the jar with granola in the top. It seems there could be other applications. Maybe if you wanted to heat chili and put cheese on top, you could put the cheese in the cup. Crackers could go in the cup and not get soggy from the chili.
Sometimes, I don't want the cheese microwaved on top of the food because I want cheese shaken onto the hot food. Maybe two snacks could go into the setup, like strawberries in the jar and crackers in the top.
There are instances where one food will make the other soggy. I am quite sure you can think of your own examples. What two things would you put in the jar and applesauce cup?
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Ball Jar Salad Hack

These silicone cups fit inside a wide-mouth jar. The purpose is to carry salad dressing in the cup on top of the salad in the wide mouth jar. I thought this was a great idea. They only fit a wide-mouth jar. The pint jar is probably the size I would use.
Scroll down a bit at the source to see this picture.
While I love the idea, I can get a free item that will work just as well.
A few months ago, I was looking at this. I went into the kitchen and fished from the trash a used cup that held applesauce a few hours before. It fit perfectly! The little rim on the top of the applesauce cup fits perfectly on the jar rim. Then, the rubber in the lid fits right onto the lip on the applesauce cup. While I did not check to see if it was leak proof, I am quite sure it is close enough for taking for lunch.
Let me say that I got applesauce in cups with a sale and coupon cheaper per ounce than I could have bought a jar or glass container of applesauce.
Somewhere there is a picture of a jar with salad in it and the silicone cup in the top.
I had the two pictures perfectly placed, but I clicked something and they stuck together and won't come apart. If I keep fiddling with them, I might just delete the whole post!
Why would I pay $9.99 + shipping for something like this when I can use a free hack for the same thing?
Your turn
Have you seen these silicone cups? Do you have one? Do you ever carry a salad to work? In what?
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Lunch and Relapse
Today, I went to one of the free lunches. While there, I felt like I was going to faint again. I had someone drive me home while another car followed me. The light-headed feeling was not hunger or tiredness.
When I took my first dose of antibiotic today, I realized I had left off one yesterday. NOT good! I must do better.
J is going to drive me to deliver my entries for the Fair. And, she agreed to feed Dominique. Right now, it is pouring, so I hope it stops before she gets here. On the weather map on the weather station, there is a red blob over the town. Thankfully, it is moving quickly. But, there is another right behind it. RED blobs are the heaviest rain. Exbf must have driven to work in the rain.
It looks like I will not get to go to the sewing shop to use my coupon, the $20 dollar coupon that I paid $6 to buy. Maybe J will want to drive me there. Maybe I will let her choose something for sewing since she has no supplies. My friend with whom she is staying has plenty, so she has not missed needles and threads, yet. She will when she moves into her own place.
Okay, the rain has let up and the next blob of red is not coming through here. It moved to the south enough we will only get drizzles, not driving, pouring rain. This rain calls for shoes, so I need to change my sandals.
The guy probably won't come to pump the basement in the rain. He would have to work from the outside for a while until he could get it out. There is a roof over the entrance, but not enough to keep him dry while he works.
The only thing I have bought this last five days is the cookies ready to break off an bake.
That's my Tuesday so far.
How is your Tuesday so far or your Wednesday if it is Wednesday where you live?
When I took my first dose of antibiotic today, I realized I had left off one yesterday. NOT good! I must do better.
J is going to drive me to deliver my entries for the Fair. And, she agreed to feed Dominique. Right now, it is pouring, so I hope it stops before she gets here. On the weather map on the weather station, there is a red blob over the town. Thankfully, it is moving quickly. But, there is another right behind it. RED blobs are the heaviest rain. Exbf must have driven to work in the rain.
It looks like I will not get to go to the sewing shop to use my coupon, the $20 dollar coupon that I paid $6 to buy. Maybe J will want to drive me there. Maybe I will let her choose something for sewing since she has no supplies. My friend with whom she is staying has plenty, so she has not missed needles and threads, yet. She will when she moves into her own place.
Okay, the rain has let up and the next blob of red is not coming through here. It moved to the south enough we will only get drizzles, not driving, pouring rain. This rain calls for shoes, so I need to change my sandals.
The guy probably won't come to pump the basement in the rain. He would have to work from the outside for a while until he could get it out. There is a roof over the entrance, but not enough to keep him dry while he works.
The only thing I have bought this last five days is the cookies ready to break off an bake.
That's my Tuesday so far.
How is your Tuesday so far or your Wednesday if it is Wednesday where you live?
Monday, September 18, 2017
Water Still Here
Today, I called the guy who was going to pump out the basement on Saturday. It turns out there was a huge water line break and he worked on that emergency. He told me when he would be here another day.
Now, I have to plunge the commode since I could not flush for so long. No, I never put paper in the commode.
I am not quite as dizzy as when I awoke this morning. I am coughing now. However, the doctor said my chest was clear last week. Meds are helping.
Crackers are all I have had to eat today and it is almost 4 pm. There is a family sized pork entrée in the freezer and frozen broccoli. okay, I had the pork bbq, green beans, and broccoli for dinner. I know I had two green things. I wanted them, okay? It was all so good, I had seconds.
My plan for the evening/night is to make chocolate chip cookies, the kind that come in a flat layer in the refrigerated section. I refuse to cook anything that needs to mess up dishes. Dinner was cooked in disposable parchment paper and eaten on disposable paper plate/platter decorated like watermelon.
I am starting to feel so much better. Maybe I can continue to hand sew pumpkins tomorrow. I paid $.97 for a piece of fabric to make two--a Halloween print. Here in the house, I found a black and white chevron fabric for others, maybe a dozen. Stuffing, thread, and yard for the ribs is all right here. I need a six inch needle which I will get with a coupon.
A $20 coupon cost me $6. Tomorrow, I can go to the fabric store and get the needle there and probably more material for pumpkins.
There will be no cookies if I don't go and slice them and put them in the oven. Since I will cook them on parchment paper on the same pan on which I cooked the dinner, there will be no more dishes to wash.
Don't you love the day you actually think you might live after having been so ill? I may have asked, but is anyone making fabric pumpkins?
Now, I have to plunge the commode since I could not flush for so long. No, I never put paper in the commode.
I am not quite as dizzy as when I awoke this morning. I am coughing now. However, the doctor said my chest was clear last week. Meds are helping.
Crackers are all I have had to eat today and it is almost 4 pm. There is a family sized pork entrée in the freezer and frozen broccoli. okay, I had the pork bbq, green beans, and broccoli for dinner. I know I had two green things. I wanted them, okay? It was all so good, I had seconds.
My plan for the evening/night is to make chocolate chip cookies, the kind that come in a flat layer in the refrigerated section. I refuse to cook anything that needs to mess up dishes. Dinner was cooked in disposable parchment paper and eaten on disposable paper plate/platter decorated like watermelon.
I am starting to feel so much better. Maybe I can continue to hand sew pumpkins tomorrow. I paid $.97 for a piece of fabric to make two--a Halloween print. Here in the house, I found a black and white chevron fabric for others, maybe a dozen. Stuffing, thread, and yard for the ribs is all right here. I need a six inch needle which I will get with a coupon.
A $20 coupon cost me $6. Tomorrow, I can go to the fabric store and get the needle there and probably more material for pumpkins.
There will be no cookies if I don't go and slice them and put them in the oven. Since I will cook them on parchment paper on the same pan on which I cooked the dinner, there will be no more dishes to wash.
Don't you love the day you actually think you might live after having been so ill? I may have asked, but is anyone making fabric pumpkins?
Taverners Wine Gums & Stuff
These are another of the UK sweets--"Great British Sweets". The gums are different colors, shapes, and flavors. The only one I can eat are the diamond-shaped red ones. The rest start out okay, then the most putrid taste occurs. They taste like they are fermented and not a good fermentation. The citrus ones are horrid from the first chew because I am allergic to citrus and especially citrus flavored foods.
I am not sure if this is an acquired taste. If I drank wine that tasted like most of these, I would assume the wine had gone bad. I have had to spit these out. All the good ones are eaten, and the bad tasting ones are in an empty disposable cup where I deposited them mid second chew.
When I first put one these in my mouth, I have the sensation I am chewing on an eraser. The texture is not a bad thing, just surprising as I thought they would be like gummy bears. I eat few gummy candies, so maybe some are as tough as these.
The guy who was coming Saturday evening to get the water out of the basement did not show up, and I have heard nothing today...sigh.
Yesterday, I was so ill I could not get out to feed Dominique. I could not risk another vine tripping me or not getting safely down and back up the stairs. This is not fair to her. So, I will find her a new home. This is not that the novelty wore off or I am not getting eggs. She needs to be fed regularly. This is not the first time she has missed dinner lately.
I have two afternoons to get the entries of dehydrated foods to the Fair--until 6 pm Wednesday. I hope I can walk steadily by then! Keep your fingers crossed!
Summer is returning. September here for the most part is hot as August. I have had a daytime high in 50s. That is just not right. We have had record breaking low temps for the highs. It is now 70F or above for our nighttime temperatures. We will have 90 at least one day this week. That is much better! Has your normal September weather returned? Or, is it cool early and fine with you?
Your turn
Has anyone from the UK or anywhere had these Taverners Wine Gums? Do you like them? Have some of mine gone off?
I am not sure if this is an acquired taste. If I drank wine that tasted like most of these, I would assume the wine had gone bad. I have had to spit these out. All the good ones are eaten, and the bad tasting ones are in an empty disposable cup where I deposited them mid second chew.
When I first put one these in my mouth, I have the sensation I am chewing on an eraser. The texture is not a bad thing, just surprising as I thought they would be like gummy bears. I eat few gummy candies, so maybe some are as tough as these.
The guy who was coming Saturday evening to get the water out of the basement did not show up, and I have heard nothing today...sigh.
Yesterday, I was so ill I could not get out to feed Dominique. I could not risk another vine tripping me or not getting safely down and back up the stairs. This is not fair to her. So, I will find her a new home. This is not that the novelty wore off or I am not getting eggs. She needs to be fed regularly. This is not the first time she has missed dinner lately.
I have two afternoons to get the entries of dehydrated foods to the Fair--until 6 pm Wednesday. I hope I can walk steadily by then! Keep your fingers crossed!
Summer is returning. September here for the most part is hot as August. I have had a daytime high in 50s. That is just not right. We have had record breaking low temps for the highs. It is now 70F or above for our nighttime temperatures. We will have 90 at least one day this week. That is much better! Has your normal September weather returned? Or, is it cool early and fine with you?
Your turn
Has anyone from the UK or anywhere had these Taverners Wine Gums? Do you like them? Have some of mine gone off?
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Why Me? (NOT a lament) Just WHY?
Is there anything you know about me that would make you think I would be receptive to the Church of Scientology information? Why would they want me? I have no money!
Before I read the last packet, I asked exbf if he had ever gotten anything like I had. He hadn't and was quite interested in taking it home to read. He has no memory of that conversation or taking it home. Today, I got another packet of information.
Someday, I will read it. Not now. I have never read Scientology information, so this will be an extreme curiosity driven read.
Sluggy has a new giveaway that is fabulous as always.
Your turn
Have you ever received an unsolicited mailing from Scientology? Any clues why I received this?
Before I read the last packet, I asked exbf if he had ever gotten anything like I had. He hadn't and was quite interested in taking it home to read. He has no memory of that conversation or taking it home. Today, I got another packet of information.
Someday, I will read it. Not now. I have never read Scientology information, so this will be an extreme curiosity driven read.
Sluggy has a new giveaway that is fabulous as always.
Your turn
Have you ever received an unsolicited mailing from Scientology? Any clues why I received this?
Saturday, September 16, 2017
After Thirty Years
When I put color on my hair, I have one problem area left that never takes color. Yes, I know this is a First World problem. After I get the color on and very close to hairline, there are always those few fine and short hairs around the hairline that are white as snow. Even when I take a finger and mush the little hairs into the color, they remain white.
I really hate to have my hair colored evenly and have it blow back to reveal a white sort of crown. I have even given up on some style because of the lack of color. I don't even like looking at it in the privacy of my own home!
Even when I ask my hairdresser, the answer is short and vague. I watch hairdressers putting on professional color and can never determine what I am doing wrong around my hairline.
Finally, I asked J how to color the little hairs. She took cosmetology in hs, so I thought she might know. She told me to use a brush to color those hairs.
Since I don't have one of those little paint brushes hairdressers use, I headed for a toothbrush. I am using one toothbrush and the rest that are old probably have been used to clean. So, a new toothbrush it was. The bristles are so black, I will never mistake it for anything else.
All the little hairs are colored now. I feel so much better about the color job! Before, the look was as though I had not colored in weeks when it was new color. This is much better. I will report how it holds up.
* I wrote this before I became so ill. Hopefully, the guy who is going to work on the excess water removal will come soon. In the meantime, I am still very ill.
Your turn
Did you know to use a brush for color, especially on those fine hairs around your face? If so, how did you figure it out?
I really hate to have my hair colored evenly and have it blow back to reveal a white sort of crown. I have even given up on some style because of the lack of color. I don't even like looking at it in the privacy of my own home!
Even when I ask my hairdresser, the answer is short and vague. I watch hairdressers putting on professional color and can never determine what I am doing wrong around my hairline.
Finally, I asked J how to color the little hairs. She took cosmetology in hs, so I thought she might know. She told me to use a brush to color those hairs.
Since I don't have one of those little paint brushes hairdressers use, I headed for a toothbrush. I am using one toothbrush and the rest that are old probably have been used to clean. So, a new toothbrush it was. The bristles are so black, I will never mistake it for anything else.
All the little hairs are colored now. I feel so much better about the color job! Before, the look was as though I had not colored in weeks when it was new color. This is much better. I will report how it holds up.
* I wrote this before I became so ill. Hopefully, the guy who is going to work on the excess water removal will come soon. In the meantime, I am still very ill.
Your turn
Did you know to use a brush for color, especially on those fine hairs around your face? If so, how did you figure it out?
Friday, September 15, 2017
Friday Funk
I awoke about 8:15 and was at the doctor's office 30 minutes later. It was scary driving the way I feel. Since I was sure I had a uti, they had me give a specimen. I was staggering when I came out of the bathroom, sort of stumbling and swaying. What do you know? When I had take about 6 steps, I saw the doctor was watching me as he waited for me. I don't think I had to say much about how horrible I felt.
Yes, I had uti and sinus infection. So, I had to go to WM to pick up prescriptions. While there, I bought two gallons of waters. There is one gallon here. Two of these bottles, when empty, will be refilled at neighbor's faucet if J will help me.
After picking up the meds, I went to Publix because I had no milk. It turned out the half gallons of a2milk were $6/2, so I got two. That saved me $2.56. I will go back next Tuesday before the ad goes off and buy two more half gallons. They are usually $4.28 plus tax for a half gallon.
I finally got someone here from water dept. As it turns out, no one turned off the water. Then, why did flushing the commode once result in a commode not refilling? Why is there no water in faucets? Beats me. The guy was stumped too. He was amazed at the depth of the water. The water is off now, finally.
Someone is coming with a sump pump tomorrow late to help. I hope it helps to drain the water. He said he would get the leak "plugged up" so I could have water. There is no way to figure out what the problem is until the water is out where the location of the leak can be ascertained.
In the meantime, I have partially solved the horrendous bill this month, but it will still be as big the next month because the meter was read on the 8th of Sept. ugh Well, that is a hurdle to cross next month.
All day, I have been up and down, sleeping a bit, watching tv a bit. I need to drink lots more water than I have today. I have no desire to eat or drink anything. I fed Dominique early. She had a bit of water, so tomorrow I will carry a couple of bottles of water to her and partially refill her water.
Writing this has been a long, arduous task, so I will publish and collapse.
Yes, I had uti and sinus infection. So, I had to go to WM to pick up prescriptions. While there, I bought two gallons of waters. There is one gallon here. Two of these bottles, when empty, will be refilled at neighbor's faucet if J will help me.
After picking up the meds, I went to Publix because I had no milk. It turned out the half gallons of a2milk were $6/2, so I got two. That saved me $2.56. I will go back next Tuesday before the ad goes off and buy two more half gallons. They are usually $4.28 plus tax for a half gallon.
I finally got someone here from water dept. As it turns out, no one turned off the water. Then, why did flushing the commode once result in a commode not refilling? Why is there no water in faucets? Beats me. The guy was stumped too. He was amazed at the depth of the water. The water is off now, finally.
Someone is coming with a sump pump tomorrow late to help. I hope it helps to drain the water. He said he would get the leak "plugged up" so I could have water. There is no way to figure out what the problem is until the water is out where the location of the leak can be ascertained.
In the meantime, I have partially solved the horrendous bill this month, but it will still be as big the next month because the meter was read on the 8th of Sept. ugh Well, that is a hurdle to cross next month.
All day, I have been up and down, sleeping a bit, watching tv a bit. I need to drink lots more water than I have today. I have no desire to eat or drink anything. I fed Dominique early. She had a bit of water, so tomorrow I will carry a couple of bottles of water to her and partially refill her water.
Writing this has been a long, arduous task, so I will publish and collapse.
Catastrophic Thursday
I hardly know where to begin. I was within two minutes of leaving the house to go to my oncologist appointment. And, I barely had time to get there. In the end, I was a bit late.
The Power Board called to tell me I might have water heater problems. This was a strange call at the moment. It appears I have used about ten times the water I usually do. Plus, the electric usage has gone up the about five times the usual. Now, I think these were the usages they talked about. However, the one thing I have absolutely correct is that my bill which includes: water, sewage, electric is $691 instead of my usual $200. I was and still am stunned. I doubt I can find help with that large bill.
My basement only has a door on the outside. I like that because no one can get upstairs. I watch many scary movies, well, in the past I did. Anyway, I went to the basement door and there is anywhere from 2.5 to 3 ft of water in the basement.
After I got in exbf's car and briefly told him, I called the power board and asked them if someone could cut off the water in the yard. She explained I could do it myself with a tool. No, my meter no longer uses the long key. It is a new one and different. So, she told me she would call water company. Then, I talked to water company woman who told me how to cut it off. Nope, mine does not work that way. First of all, no key is required. The "switch" is below ground level. I cannot bend and reach that far.
Water guys cut if off. So, now I have no water. And, I have no money to buy gallons. All my vinegar jugs that I used to bring home water from the neighbor's faucet are in the basement, probably floating.
Since I have no one to do the physical labor and no money to pay for this, I am just sick about it. The appointment with the oncologist always freaks me out. Cancer is still a possibility for me.
Exbf took me to dinner at Cracker Barrel with a gift card he won at a Senior Christmas Party last year. I had food almost done at home, but needed to not come home and try to finish without water.
I ate the chicken fingers, part of the slaw, and one bite of biscuit, and hash brown casserole. Oddly, I because sort of dizzy. Then, nausea set in so bad that I asked for something to throw up in. My knees became like rubber even though I was sitting. I broke out in a drenching sweat and told the waitress and exbf I was going to faint. Only sheer will power kept me from keeling over.
Then, my queasy stomach got worse and I really needed to get to the bathroom. Two tiny female waitresses wanted to help me, but I assured them they were too tiny. The manager was made aware of my problem, I suppose, because he and another equally tall man came and helped me up and held onto me firmly even into the bathroom.
A waitress told me she would stay right by the stall door. I almost fell off the commode! Thankfully for her, I needed no help in there. Afterward, I was still shaky but managed to walk assisted by her to the car.
Exbf had gone ahead to the car before I left the table because he walks so slowly. In the meantime I had asked them to watch my purse, carry it to him, along with the bag with food I did not eat.
Once we got home, I called J and asked her to help me. We went around the corner and picked her up. She carried my bag and purse in and made sure I did not faint in the yard and got into the door.
For the last week my ears have been popping a lot, I have a sinus headache and pain under my eyes. All the sinus and allergy meds have not worked. So, in addition to everything else, I have to go to doctor in the morning. ugh
She said everyone at the fast food place where she works could not speak and now she is dizzy, too. And, her bf had to go to emergency room.
I was going to dehydrate vegetables on Friday for submission at the fair on Saturday, but that is not happening. I have one jar ready if I can get it there.
If anyone would like to help me, the Donate button is at the upper right. I just don't think I can stand being without water, plus, the water in the basement is making the house damp! And, I know I cannot get enough help around here. Plus, in the near past, the water company does not give a person a break on water!!! Years ago, they did cut the bill a bit.
It is almost 3 am, and I am feeling worse by the minute. It seems the last few years, things come on more quickly and I end up very ill.
I just staggered to the bathroom and now must try to sleep a bit to face tomorrow.
The Power Board called to tell me I might have water heater problems. This was a strange call at the moment. It appears I have used about ten times the water I usually do. Plus, the electric usage has gone up the about five times the usual. Now, I think these were the usages they talked about. However, the one thing I have absolutely correct is that my bill which includes: water, sewage, electric is $691 instead of my usual $200. I was and still am stunned. I doubt I can find help with that large bill.
My basement only has a door on the outside. I like that because no one can get upstairs. I watch many scary movies, well, in the past I did. Anyway, I went to the basement door and there is anywhere from 2.5 to 3 ft of water in the basement.
After I got in exbf's car and briefly told him, I called the power board and asked them if someone could cut off the water in the yard. She explained I could do it myself with a tool. No, my meter no longer uses the long key. It is a new one and different. So, she told me she would call water company. Then, I talked to water company woman who told me how to cut it off. Nope, mine does not work that way. First of all, no key is required. The "switch" is below ground level. I cannot bend and reach that far.
Water guys cut if off. So, now I have no water. And, I have no money to buy gallons. All my vinegar jugs that I used to bring home water from the neighbor's faucet are in the basement, probably floating.
Since I have no one to do the physical labor and no money to pay for this, I am just sick about it. The appointment with the oncologist always freaks me out. Cancer is still a possibility for me.
Exbf took me to dinner at Cracker Barrel with a gift card he won at a Senior Christmas Party last year. I had food almost done at home, but needed to not come home and try to finish without water.
I ate the chicken fingers, part of the slaw, and one bite of biscuit, and hash brown casserole. Oddly, I because sort of dizzy. Then, nausea set in so bad that I asked for something to throw up in. My knees became like rubber even though I was sitting. I broke out in a drenching sweat and told the waitress and exbf I was going to faint. Only sheer will power kept me from keeling over.
Then, my queasy stomach got worse and I really needed to get to the bathroom. Two tiny female waitresses wanted to help me, but I assured them they were too tiny. The manager was made aware of my problem, I suppose, because he and another equally tall man came and helped me up and held onto me firmly even into the bathroom.
A waitress told me she would stay right by the stall door. I almost fell off the commode! Thankfully for her, I needed no help in there. Afterward, I was still shaky but managed to walk assisted by her to the car.
Exbf had gone ahead to the car before I left the table because he walks so slowly. In the meantime I had asked them to watch my purse, carry it to him, along with the bag with food I did not eat.
Once we got home, I called J and asked her to help me. We went around the corner and picked her up. She carried my bag and purse in and made sure I did not faint in the yard and got into the door.
For the last week my ears have been popping a lot, I have a sinus headache and pain under my eyes. All the sinus and allergy meds have not worked. So, in addition to everything else, I have to go to doctor in the morning. ugh
She said everyone at the fast food place where she works could not speak and now she is dizzy, too. And, her bf had to go to emergency room.
I was going to dehydrate vegetables on Friday for submission at the fair on Saturday, but that is not happening. I have one jar ready if I can get it there.
If anyone would like to help me, the Donate button is at the upper right. I just don't think I can stand being without water, plus, the water in the basement is making the house damp! And, I know I cannot get enough help around here. Plus, in the near past, the water company does not give a person a break on water!!! Years ago, they did cut the bill a bit.
It is almost 3 am, and I am feeling worse by the minute. It seems the last few years, things come on more quickly and I end up very ill.
I just staggered to the bathroom and now must try to sleep a bit to face tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Sleep and Doctors and Fair
It seems I have slept away two days. Finally, I awoke refreshed. When I sleep so much, I know I will wake up ill. My ears and sinuses still feel full, so I have a way to go before I am well. By religiously taking allergy meds, I hope to get better and not succumb to this.
I need a minor procedure by A. However, I was told by A to go to B to get referral or something. I went to B office for something else and messages back and forth between office staff and B and me went poorly. B sent a message for me to go to C. ??? I left without discussion. I called the office of A whose nurse told me to just come back there, to A, that I did not need to see B. ??? I took the appointment date and am still puzzled as to the discrepancy all the way around. I am leaving well alone and going to the appointment. No questions before or after. Sometimes, that is best.
Soon, I have an appointment with oncologist. I wonder how long I must see him every six months. Even though so far I am free from cancer, this appointment leaves me shaken every time. And, how can he tell about more cancer with only an internal exam?
I feel blah and am not very productive today. The clouds have not contributed to any sense of well-being, but they are not my problem.
One pint of dehydrated food is ready for the Fair exhibit. Now, I must get the other ready. So, I have plans. Okay, here I go to dehydrate more food.
Your turn
Do you ever just feel blah or sleepy before an illness? Have doctors orders ever been confusing and contradictory when dealing with you? Is anyone entering anything in the County Fair in your area? Have you ever entered anything in the past? What are you going to enter or have entered?
I need a minor procedure by A. However, I was told by A to go to B to get referral or something. I went to B office for something else and messages back and forth between office staff and B and me went poorly. B sent a message for me to go to C. ??? I left without discussion. I called the office of A whose nurse told me to just come back there, to A, that I did not need to see B. ??? I took the appointment date and am still puzzled as to the discrepancy all the way around. I am leaving well alone and going to the appointment. No questions before or after. Sometimes, that is best.
Soon, I have an appointment with oncologist. I wonder how long I must see him every six months. Even though so far I am free from cancer, this appointment leaves me shaken every time. And, how can he tell about more cancer with only an internal exam?
I feel blah and am not very productive today. The clouds have not contributed to any sense of well-being, but they are not my problem.
One pint of dehydrated food is ready for the Fair exhibit. Now, I must get the other ready. So, I have plans. Okay, here I go to dehydrate more food.
Your turn
Do you ever just feel blah or sleepy before an illness? Have doctors orders ever been confusing and contradictory when dealing with you? Is anyone entering anything in the County Fair in your area? Have you ever entered anything in the past? What are you going to enter or have entered?
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Freezer Camp for Dominique; More Irma
Dominique needs to depart. 1) She is alone, and that makes me sad. 2) However, she is a very poor layer, taking off half the year for herself. For those two reasons, I cannot pass her off as a layer. Oh, 3) she has a very disconcerting habit of crowing.
She did not crow until I got rid of the rooster that I paid too much for. He crowed very loudly, enough to disturb neighbors. Dominique still struggles, sounding like she has a sore throat.
She can never free-range because of the fear of something eating her. So, it is a pretty restrictive life, not something I like to see since she has no company!
I will not give her away without seeing her right up until the moment she is harvested for food. I am afraid someone will mistreat her. I am not attached to her, but do not want her mistreated at all. I am okay with her dying to feed someone.
There is nothing on the radar, yet it is raining! It is not more than a drizzle. It is entirely unexpected. It is a gloomy fall day, not something I even like in season, much less now at the end of summer, a day that should be hot at least.
I hope Fall is not here I need more summer.
Your turn
So, what would you do with a hen that does not lay much, crows, and is lonely. I want more chicks, but not this chicken. Have you ever sent a hen or more to freezer camp?
She did not crow until I got rid of the rooster that I paid too much for. He crowed very loudly, enough to disturb neighbors. Dominique still struggles, sounding like she has a sore throat.
She can never free-range because of the fear of something eating her. So, it is a pretty restrictive life, not something I like to see since she has no company!
I will not give her away without seeing her right up until the moment she is harvested for food. I am afraid someone will mistreat her. I am not attached to her, but do not want her mistreated at all. I am okay with her dying to feed someone.
There is nothing on the radar, yet it is raining! It is not more than a drizzle. It is entirely unexpected. It is a gloomy fall day, not something I even like in season, much less now at the end of summer, a day that should be hot at least.
I hope Fall is not here I need more summer.
Your turn
So, what would you do with a hen that does not lay much, crows, and is lonely. I want more chicks, but not this chicken. Have you ever sent a hen or more to freezer camp?
Monday, September 11, 2017
Birthday Rain
Last night, I slept little, so today, naturally, I was tired and sleepy. Well, I napped but could not sustain a long sleep. That made me exhausted eventually.
The wind was minimal all day, just like I expected according to predictions. The rain started about 1 or 2 pm, and was not a rain, just a drizzle. I decided I would go out about 5 pm since I needed gas and milk. Of course, the wind and rain picked up. I was soaked by the time I got into the car, even with an umbrella. There were little bunches of leaves, the tips of branches, all over the yard.
When I got out of the car at WM, I could not get the new umbrella open even with both hands, so I was trying with both hands to get it to open. Well, the right hand, the weak and hurting and injured hand, was holding the handle. Even though I was having no luck opening the umbrella, the wind helped and opened the umbrella and snatched it from my hand and blew it away. It did not go too far, but I had to hurry and retrieve it and got hair and myself and clothes soaked.
I quickly pulled up the hood on my coat and wore it up the rest of the night. I was too soaked and windblown to put it down! When I left WM, I was riding the electric cart, so I did not try to handle the umbrella in the wind.
Then, I staggered into Publix and rode to get the milk, checking out the reduced section. I talked with a woman who gave me the Kid's Club cookie when I asked. I laughed and said it was going to be my birthday cookie, so she said since it was my birthday, she would give me two cookies. Okay! I rode the electric cart through the wind and rain to the car, getting soaked again.
Then, when I stopped to get gas, I had much less money than I thought I had, thank goodness! The wind was blowing rain sideways under the canopy and made me wonder if I was getting rain in the gas tank.
I decided not to use the umbrella to come into the house. I had a bag with milk and another with lots of light stuff and my purse. So, once again I was soaked to the skin. I am still wet and cold. It was so cold in the car, I used the heat for the first time this year.
So, that was the whole of my birthday except for cancelling a doctor appointment and rescheduling it.
Two weeks ago, with an eye to my birthday, I ordered the $10 card for National Parks. It gives free entry to people in a car with me or three other entries free when the entry is per person. I used exbf's credit card, told him, and handed the money back to him the next time I saw him. He is certainly okay with this. When I use this card in the future and save money, I will remember I considered it a birthday present to me.
Today, I started dehydrating one of my entries for the County Fair. I will let you know after entries close. Tomorrow, I will start the next entry. They are due on Saturday, so I need to get a move on.
It is too cold for a tornado, thank goodness!!! The high today was 62 F, way too cold for this time of the year. My birthday is always hot.
Tomorrow, I will tell you about the conversation with exbf about my birthday gift from him....funny.
Is it cold, rainy where you are? Do you ever consider a special event/venue, an experience, as good as a physical gift?
The wind was minimal all day, just like I expected according to predictions. The rain started about 1 or 2 pm, and was not a rain, just a drizzle. I decided I would go out about 5 pm since I needed gas and milk. Of course, the wind and rain picked up. I was soaked by the time I got into the car, even with an umbrella. There were little bunches of leaves, the tips of branches, all over the yard.
When I got out of the car at WM, I could not get the new umbrella open even with both hands, so I was trying with both hands to get it to open. Well, the right hand, the weak and hurting and injured hand, was holding the handle. Even though I was having no luck opening the umbrella, the wind helped and opened the umbrella and snatched it from my hand and blew it away. It did not go too far, but I had to hurry and retrieve it and got hair and myself and clothes soaked.
I quickly pulled up the hood on my coat and wore it up the rest of the night. I was too soaked and windblown to put it down! When I left WM, I was riding the electric cart, so I did not try to handle the umbrella in the wind.
Then, I staggered into Publix and rode to get the milk, checking out the reduced section. I talked with a woman who gave me the Kid's Club cookie when I asked. I laughed and said it was going to be my birthday cookie, so she said since it was my birthday, she would give me two cookies. Okay! I rode the electric cart through the wind and rain to the car, getting soaked again.
Then, when I stopped to get gas, I had much less money than I thought I had, thank goodness! The wind was blowing rain sideways under the canopy and made me wonder if I was getting rain in the gas tank.
I decided not to use the umbrella to come into the house. I had a bag with milk and another with lots of light stuff and my purse. So, once again I was soaked to the skin. I am still wet and cold. It was so cold in the car, I used the heat for the first time this year.
So, that was the whole of my birthday except for cancelling a doctor appointment and rescheduling it.
Two weeks ago, with an eye to my birthday, I ordered the $10 card for National Parks. It gives free entry to people in a car with me or three other entries free when the entry is per person. I used exbf's credit card, told him, and handed the money back to him the next time I saw him. He is certainly okay with this. When I use this card in the future and save money, I will remember I considered it a birthday present to me.
Today, I started dehydrating one of my entries for the County Fair. I will let you know after entries close. Tomorrow, I will start the next entry. They are due on Saturday, so I need to get a move on.
It is too cold for a tornado, thank goodness!!! The high today was 62 F, way too cold for this time of the year. My birthday is always hot.
Tomorrow, I will tell you about the conversation with exbf about my birthday gift from him....funny.
Is it cold, rainy where you are? Do you ever consider a special event/venue, an experience, as good as a physical gift?
Getting Ready for Irma
Even though I am in the northern third of Alabama, I am getting ready for a hurricane. Well, the remnants will be here and possibly cause trouble. High winds bringing down trees onto power lines and tornadoes are all we have to worry about. Where I live, there is no threat of heavy rain.
I have had the water and food covered for anything. I needed bread, just because I needed bread. the shelves are three quarters gone. People had left all the whole grain wheat that I cannot eat. Finally, I found a white bread that looked tolerable, not one I have eaten ever. A loaf of rye looked good, so I got that. This is not hurricane prep! I just wanted bread and only had ends left.
What am I doing in prep?
*washing clothes
*making sure every dish is clean
*gathering all the flashlights, electric candles, and headlamps and putting batteries into one
*making sure the car is not parked under a dead limb...lol.
*feeding Dominique early tomorrow and again just before the wind is dangerous
*filling up the car early tomorrow
*secure lawn chairs trash cans.
The last time I lost electricity, it was from a tornado and my electricity was out for five days. So, I wash clothes.
Paper plates, bowls, and glasses are at the ready. I just don't want rotting dishes sitting around. I will wash each few pieces I use all day tomorrow.
All the flashlights and batteries are within arms' reach, but I just want to make sure they are ready.
It is dicey finding a place on this tree-filled lot where the car is safe! I may park on the street in front of my neighbor's house since she moved.
I will not feed Dominique in a strong wind. There was a knife with a 10+ blade that flew in my yard during the last tornado. Enough said.
I should have put gas in today. Tomorrow, there may be lines and some gas stations may be out. I doubt the last, but who knows?
Maybe I will get up as soon as gas stations open and fill up the car. My car had just been filled before the tornado that turned out the lights and gas pumps.
There is no way I want to lose my lawn furniture or trash cans or have one thrown through a window. I will put them against the retaining wall. They may blow over, but they will stay here in my yard. If I can, I will get someone to turn over the larger of the two tables. I can turn the smaller one over, legs up. The picnic table will be fine. If it blows away, we have real trouble! At any rate, I cannot turn it over.
I did buy six bananas. It is cool enough they won't get too ripe right away. Plus, they are tiny bananas, the kind I need to eat.
I can eat bananas, apples, grapes, crackers, cheese, applesauce. Some cans of food I can eat without heating: tuna, chicken, green beans, peaches. So, I will not starve at all. There were many shoppers at WM buying for the remnants of Irma. They thought the electricity might go out if there were a electrical problem. I just went for bread.
And, it is my birthday! I suppose I will stick close to home tomorrow on the 11th, but I had no great plans, anyway!
Are you preparing for winds or rain from Irma? What are you doing? If you are not preparing and do not need to do so right now, what would you do if you were fearing electrical outage or too much rain?
I have had the water and food covered for anything. I needed bread, just because I needed bread. the shelves are three quarters gone. People had left all the whole grain wheat that I cannot eat. Finally, I found a white bread that looked tolerable, not one I have eaten ever. A loaf of rye looked good, so I got that. This is not hurricane prep! I just wanted bread and only had ends left.
What am I doing in prep?
*washing clothes
*making sure every dish is clean
*gathering all the flashlights, electric candles, and headlamps and putting batteries into one
*making sure the car is not parked under a dead limb...lol.
*feeding Dominique early tomorrow and again just before the wind is dangerous
*filling up the car early tomorrow
*secure lawn chairs trash cans.
The last time I lost electricity, it was from a tornado and my electricity was out for five days. So, I wash clothes.
Paper plates, bowls, and glasses are at the ready. I just don't want rotting dishes sitting around. I will wash each few pieces I use all day tomorrow.
All the flashlights and batteries are within arms' reach, but I just want to make sure they are ready.
It is dicey finding a place on this tree-filled lot where the car is safe! I may park on the street in front of my neighbor's house since she moved.
I will not feed Dominique in a strong wind. There was a knife with a 10+ blade that flew in my yard during the last tornado. Enough said.
I should have put gas in today. Tomorrow, there may be lines and some gas stations may be out. I doubt the last, but who knows?
Maybe I will get up as soon as gas stations open and fill up the car. My car had just been filled before the tornado that turned out the lights and gas pumps.
There is no way I want to lose my lawn furniture or trash cans or have one thrown through a window. I will put them against the retaining wall. They may blow over, but they will stay here in my yard. If I can, I will get someone to turn over the larger of the two tables. I can turn the smaller one over, legs up. The picnic table will be fine. If it blows away, we have real trouble! At any rate, I cannot turn it over.
I did buy six bananas. It is cool enough they won't get too ripe right away. Plus, they are tiny bananas, the kind I need to eat.
I can eat bananas, apples, grapes, crackers, cheese, applesauce. Some cans of food I can eat without heating: tuna, chicken, green beans, peaches. So, I will not starve at all. There were many shoppers at WM buying for the remnants of Irma. They thought the electricity might go out if there were a electrical problem. I just went for bread.
And, it is my birthday! I suppose I will stick close to home tomorrow on the 11th, but I had no great plans, anyway!
Are you preparing for winds or rain from Irma? What are you doing? If you are not preparing and do not need to do so right now, what would you do if you were fearing electrical outage or too much rain?
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Free Peppers
At a meeting last month someone offered me free bell peppers and various peppers. I accepted and took just a few. She pointed out that everyone had taken some, so I could have the rest. Well, give me a plastic bag. The rest of the basket was cleaned out by me!
Some of the green, yellow, and orange bell peppers were so tiny. Remember, these were home grown. Later in the week I saw the tiny colored peppers in Publix and they were tiny. I thought they were tiny because someone grew them at home and they just did not get big. Now, I wonder if I was given bell peppers.
Foolishly, I passed on the hot peppers. It never occurred to me until too late that I could string these and dry them, later making hot pepper relish. When I grew peppers, I either dried them on a string or gave them to a friend to eat. Later in the winter I ground up the dried cayenne peppers and made pepper jelly.
Some of the green, yellow, and orange bell peppers were so tiny. Remember, these were home grown. Later in the week I saw the tiny colored peppers in Publix and they were tiny. I thought they were tiny because someone grew them at home and they just did not get big. Now, I wonder if I was given bell peppers.
Foolishly, I passed on the hot peppers. It never occurred to me until too late that I could string these and dry them, later making hot pepper relish. When I grew peppers, I either dried them on a string or gave them to a friend to eat. Later in the winter I ground up the dried cayenne peppers and made pepper jelly.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Ambrosia Custard, Another UK Food & Dominique
I opened the Ambrosia brand custard and put it into a small bowl and tasted it. It is tolerable, but I would never buy it. It has the taste of Pet Milk, condensed milk. After I refrigerated it, I tasted it again. It still tastes like Pet milk.
The directions said to either heat it or cool it. I never did heat it. That seemed yucky, and I had nothing over which to pour it.
Finally, I decided to freeze it and stir it often to make a mushy ice cream. Good plan. Except for the fact I forgot it and let it freeze solid. It could not be cut with a spoon, so I took a fork and chunked off pieces and ate it. I could still taste the Pet milk until my tongue froze and I could taste nothing.
I pretty much despise the taste and smell of Pet milk, yet I cook with it and put it in homemade ice cream. However, in nothing I cook with it can I smell or taste the Pet milk.
After I cooked six or seven boneless, skinless chicken breasts with potatoes and carrots in the crockpot and served it, I realized I had not put in onion or celery for the taste of the two. Onions and celery went into the pot and cooked for two days. Finally, tonight, I put eleven chicken legs into the broth and it's cooking. When these legs finish tomorrow, I have another five to cook in the crockpot.
Tomorrow, I will buy more carrots and potatoes to put in the broth. All the chicken legs, half the carrots and potatoes, and one chicken breast will be frozen for exbf to take home with him when he comes this next week. I freeze two legs to one pint bag, pulling off most of the skin. Dominique gets the skin and loves it.
Last week, after exbf had chopped her carrot tops and ends, she gobbled those up first. I didn't wait around to see if she ate the carrot scrapings. I would bet money she did not. This week, I will have him cut up the carrot ends for her again. Silly chicken.
It's all gone, but does anyone have another idea for using the custard? Has anyone tasted the Ambrosia brand custard, anyone here or in UK? Do your chickens love carrots, too?
The directions said to either heat it or cool it. I never did heat it. That seemed yucky, and I had nothing over which to pour it.
Finally, I decided to freeze it and stir it often to make a mushy ice cream. Good plan. Except for the fact I forgot it and let it freeze solid. It could not be cut with a spoon, so I took a fork and chunked off pieces and ate it. I could still taste the Pet milk until my tongue froze and I could taste nothing.
I pretty much despise the taste and smell of Pet milk, yet I cook with it and put it in homemade ice cream. However, in nothing I cook with it can I smell or taste the Pet milk.
After I cooked six or seven boneless, skinless chicken breasts with potatoes and carrots in the crockpot and served it, I realized I had not put in onion or celery for the taste of the two. Onions and celery went into the pot and cooked for two days. Finally, tonight, I put eleven chicken legs into the broth and it's cooking. When these legs finish tomorrow, I have another five to cook in the crockpot.
Tomorrow, I will buy more carrots and potatoes to put in the broth. All the chicken legs, half the carrots and potatoes, and one chicken breast will be frozen for exbf to take home with him when he comes this next week. I freeze two legs to one pint bag, pulling off most of the skin. Dominique gets the skin and loves it.
Last week, after exbf had chopped her carrot tops and ends, she gobbled those up first. I didn't wait around to see if she ate the carrot scrapings. I would bet money she did not. This week, I will have him cut up the carrot ends for her again. Silly chicken.
It's all gone, but does anyone have another idea for using the custard? Has anyone tasted the Ambrosia brand custard, anyone here or in UK? Do your chickens love carrots, too?
Thursday, September 7, 2017
$87 Richer Each Month
Today, I spent nine hours sitting and walking up and down on a concrete floor where I have my storage units. J and I finished moving things into one unit from the other. I brought things home I needed and needed for Christmas Child boxes. Lots of stuff I gave to J. I had many empty boxes, stored flat that I did not use, so she put those in the dumpster.
I basically sat. She pulled things from boxes, showed things to me, and I made decisions. She is exhausted, and so am I. This week, I will give her the $87 I would have given to the storage place.
In October I will not have that expense. I feel on top of the world right now. Between this and plans to save on the phone bill, I am so happy, ecstatic to tell the truth. A burden has been lifted.
Now, I need to get Swagbucks back on the table. It seems that for two years with cancer, UTIs, head and chest colds, high blood sugar, and everything, Swagbucks fell by the way. I am going to really work hard on the phone by watching videos when I have waiting to do anywhere. Before, I only searched and was happy with the $5 Amazon card I got each month. Now, I have my sights set higher.
I am going to try M turks, too. Later....
I have other plans for making money that I will discuss another day.
Your turn
What is the most a person can make on Swagbucks, searching and watching videos What are other ways to earn on Swagbucks that are a good return on time? Have you been relieved to be out from under a monthly payment of any kind?
I basically sat. She pulled things from boxes, showed things to me, and I made decisions. She is exhausted, and so am I. This week, I will give her the $87 I would have given to the storage place.
In October I will not have that expense. I feel on top of the world right now. Between this and plans to save on the phone bill, I am so happy, ecstatic to tell the truth. A burden has been lifted.
Now, I need to get Swagbucks back on the table. It seems that for two years with cancer, UTIs, head and chest colds, high blood sugar, and everything, Swagbucks fell by the way. I am going to really work hard on the phone by watching videos when I have waiting to do anywhere. Before, I only searched and was happy with the $5 Amazon card I got each month. Now, I have my sights set higher.
I am going to try M turks, too. Later....
I have other plans for making money that I will discuss another day.
Your turn
What is the most a person can make on Swagbucks, searching and watching videos What are other ways to earn on Swagbucks that are a good return on time? Have you been relieved to be out from under a monthly payment of any kind?
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Court Today
I did not get my stickers for my tag on time, and the police caught me. I got a ticket and had a court date today. Fun, fun, fun.
If I had not waited until today to get the late tag, today would have been less stressful. I was trying to wait for the energy to go into the courthouse. I could put it off no longer. Well, I was hurting and tired, but I dragged myself in to find a long line. But, so many windows were open that I only waited about three minutes before a window for service was open and it was my turn.
The stress of wondering if I was going to find a handicap parking space at either courthouse was driving a major energy drain. But, at the county courthouse, things were easy. Then, I had to go to the city courthouse for the court date. From my house to county courthouse to the city court to home was only less than two miles. But, I had to cross school traffic TWO times and cross a highway twice, also. Living in the county seat is a boon some days. County agencies are all here and just a short distance from me.
The judge released me with no fine. Whew! I was in the company of DUIs and drug addicts out of rehab and unsupervised probation. I was the only person who did not have to arrange to pay something. I did not have to be under any future repercussions. Everyone else would have their present condition reinstated it they were caught with drugs or alcohol.
All is well, but my nerves are shot!
Now, I need to find someone to put my tag on the car. No, I cannot bend and cannot use right hand for the screwdriver. One year, I got the tag and had it in the car. A policeman stopped me for the out of date tag. I showed him the new tag. He told me he would put it on. I had a cast on my arm. Well, it was a brace but hard like a cast. I thought that was very nice of him. We have really nice police in this town.
Somehow, my phone was awol on Monday night after buying a card and having it put on the phone. Tuesday night, I was in WM and thought that maybe I had lost my phone there. When I asked, a white phone like mine was left on Monday. Oh, and someone had turned in another white phone a few minutes ago (Tuesday night). However, I had not had my phone all day. But, I decided to look at it and convinced them to allow me to take it home to charge it and see if it was mine. IT WAS MINE! Where had it been for 24 hours and only turned in a day after I lost track of it? Beats me.
In November, I will have a flip phone for $30 to call and text. The android will be $35 for using apps to make money or credit at stores. No, I am not crazy for having two phones. I got my first cell phone to make money. That really worked out well. I only bought commercial machines when I figured each one could pay for itself and make money, too. That worked out really well. Right now, my flip phone is under contract and cost me a few cents shy of $60.
(An ATT agent put me under contract after offering me a free phone and my turning down a contract. She lied. I paid and continue to pay. No one at ATT will admit she lied. So, I am stuck until October. She offered to help me out and just send me a new phone. I declined it because I did not want a new contract since I had been out from under a contract for a year. She said she could give me a new phone and fix it so I was not under contract. She lied. ATT agents LIE! So, sue me for saying it. )
The Android earning money bit is going more slowly. For beginners, I am having a hard time using fingers and must use a stylus. I did manage to earn an electronic gift card for $2 at Walmart. That bought two quarts of grape tomatoes using price matching, too.
Your turn
If you live in a county seat, do you find it is easier than driving to the county seat to do business? Have you been to court for a minor infraction? Or a major one if you want to admit it? Do you have a fantastic/cheap plan for your cell phone? No one has responded to the query I made about mintsim.com. Anyone know anything?
If I had not waited until today to get the late tag, today would have been less stressful. I was trying to wait for the energy to go into the courthouse. I could put it off no longer. Well, I was hurting and tired, but I dragged myself in to find a long line. But, so many windows were open that I only waited about three minutes before a window for service was open and it was my turn.
The stress of wondering if I was going to find a handicap parking space at either courthouse was driving a major energy drain. But, at the county courthouse, things were easy. Then, I had to go to the city courthouse for the court date. From my house to county courthouse to the city court to home was only less than two miles. But, I had to cross school traffic TWO times and cross a highway twice, also. Living in the county seat is a boon some days. County agencies are all here and just a short distance from me.
The judge released me with no fine. Whew! I was in the company of DUIs and drug addicts out of rehab and unsupervised probation. I was the only person who did not have to arrange to pay something. I did not have to be under any future repercussions. Everyone else would have their present condition reinstated it they were caught with drugs or alcohol.
All is well, but my nerves are shot!
Now, I need to find someone to put my tag on the car. No, I cannot bend and cannot use right hand for the screwdriver. One year, I got the tag and had it in the car. A policeman stopped me for the out of date tag. I showed him the new tag. He told me he would put it on. I had a cast on my arm. Well, it was a brace but hard like a cast. I thought that was very nice of him. We have really nice police in this town.
Somehow, my phone was awol on Monday night after buying a card and having it put on the phone. Tuesday night, I was in WM and thought that maybe I had lost my phone there. When I asked, a white phone like mine was left on Monday. Oh, and someone had turned in another white phone a few minutes ago (Tuesday night). However, I had not had my phone all day. But, I decided to look at it and convinced them to allow me to take it home to charge it and see if it was mine. IT WAS MINE! Where had it been for 24 hours and only turned in a day after I lost track of it? Beats me.
In November, I will have a flip phone for $30 to call and text. The android will be $35 for using apps to make money or credit at stores. No, I am not crazy for having two phones. I got my first cell phone to make money. That really worked out well. I only bought commercial machines when I figured each one could pay for itself and make money, too. That worked out really well. Right now, my flip phone is under contract and cost me a few cents shy of $60.
(An ATT agent put me under contract after offering me a free phone and my turning down a contract. She lied. I paid and continue to pay. No one at ATT will admit she lied. So, I am stuck until October. She offered to help me out and just send me a new phone. I declined it because I did not want a new contract since I had been out from under a contract for a year. She said she could give me a new phone and fix it so I was not under contract. She lied. ATT agents LIE! So, sue me for saying it. )
The Android earning money bit is going more slowly. For beginners, I am having a hard time using fingers and must use a stylus. I did manage to earn an electronic gift card for $2 at Walmart. That bought two quarts of grape tomatoes using price matching, too.
Your turn
If you live in a county seat, do you find it is easier than driving to the county seat to do business? Have you been to court for a minor infraction? Or a major one if you want to admit it? Do you have a fantastic/cheap plan for your cell phone? No one has responded to the query I made about mintsim.com. Anyone know anything?
Trouble Comes in Threes? Mushy Peas Review
Of course they do! First, Walmart announced the demise of ad matching/price matching. I have until September 11, to shop using price matching. Second, another store that keeps a freezer on the floor with mark-down meats no longer has the freezer. Now, a consultant recommended getting rid of it. They did. Also, the cooler with marked down dairy is gone too. Third? Well, I don't know what it is yet.
Tuesday, I did a good stock up shopping trip using price-matching, coupons, and shrewd sniffing out of bargains. More celery, grape tomatoes are ready to dehydrate. Other things on sale elsewhere that I got at Walmart: two Miracle Whip on sale and with a coupon; 4 24-packs of Coke products for $9.99; Delicious apples at $0.98/lb; Vidalia onions $0.78/lb.; 2 quarts strawberries $1.29/ qt.; Dasani $3.98. The Cokes and water will last me until 2018, maybe longer.
Exbf and I ate lunch at Dairy Queen, $3 each with coupon. Lunch would have been better if I could have had a Coke instead of Pepsi. For dinner we had boneless, skinless chicken breast with carrots and potatoes in the crockpot. He was moaning over the carrots. We drank water because I did not make tea.
I served him mushy peas and he is not a fan. I had put them in s mall bowl to put on his plate. Since he asked me to take them away, I was glad I did not put them on the plate. He says mushy peas are nothing like our peas as far as taste. Yes, they are the same genus and species, but I suppose the spices are different. At any rate, Dominique will get the rest.
Four carrot ends are in water in the window to provide green tops for us to eat later in a salad or soup. to eat. He sat and chopped the bits up that I cut off each end of the carrots. Dominique will not peck off a carrot, but if I chop the ends, she gobbles them right down. I have a spoiled chicken. She needs competition for food, then she would fight for a carrot.
Now, I am waiting for the third blow to my grocery shopping!
Are any of your favorite ways to spend less on groceries disappearing?
Tuesday, I did a good stock up shopping trip using price-matching, coupons, and shrewd sniffing out of bargains. More celery, grape tomatoes are ready to dehydrate. Other things on sale elsewhere that I got at Walmart: two Miracle Whip on sale and with a coupon; 4 24-packs of Coke products for $9.99; Delicious apples at $0.98/lb; Vidalia onions $0.78/lb.; 2 quarts strawberries $1.29/ qt.; Dasani $3.98. The Cokes and water will last me until 2018, maybe longer.
Exbf and I ate lunch at Dairy Queen, $3 each with coupon. Lunch would have been better if I could have had a Coke instead of Pepsi. For dinner we had boneless, skinless chicken breast with carrots and potatoes in the crockpot. He was moaning over the carrots. We drank water because I did not make tea.
I served him mushy peas and he is not a fan. I had put them in s mall bowl to put on his plate. Since he asked me to take them away, I was glad I did not put them on the plate. He says mushy peas are nothing like our peas as far as taste. Yes, they are the same genus and species, but I suppose the spices are different. At any rate, Dominique will get the rest.
Four carrot ends are in water in the window to provide green tops for us to eat later in a salad or soup. to eat. He sat and chopped the bits up that I cut off each end of the carrots. Dominique will not peck off a carrot, but if I chop the ends, she gobbles them right down. I have a spoiled chicken. She needs competition for food, then she would fight for a carrot.
Now, I am waiting for the third blow to my grocery shopping!
Are any of your favorite ways to spend less on groceries disappearing?
Monday, September 4, 2017
Pizza Deal; Celery Deal; Tomato Deal
It was very late and I gave in to my urge for pizza that had continued unabated for weeks. As I headed home from WM, I decided to stop in and get a pizza. Since all the lights were on, including the drive up window light, I thought they were open.
Well, no they were not open. The guy unlocked the window and told me they were closed and about to go out the door. I asked if he did not have even one pizza. "Well, we have one large pepperoni pizza that is cold and not very good." "How much does a cold and not very good pizza cost." "$2."
I never ever eat pepperoni since I am allergic to pepperoni. I thought I would do like everyone suggests and just pick the pepperoni off. By the way, I never do that. Now, I know why. I had a bad reaction to the pizza even with the pepperoni picked off and tossed.
Now, there are three packages of pizza in the freezer for exbf. Boo! I still want a Dominos pizza. What I had was just a poor substitute that leaves me still unsatisfied.
Why do people think picking out the part to which you are allergic will work? No, it does not.
Celery is $0.50/head. A pint of grape tomatoes is $0.98/pt. I bought seven pints of tomatoes and five of celery. Both are destined for the dehydrator.
Your turn
Have you found any pizza deals after hours? Do people ever suggest picking out things that you are allergic to as though nothing will be left behind that affects you adversely? Are there any celery or grape tomato deals in your area? What are the deals where you live?
Well, no they were not open. The guy unlocked the window and told me they were closed and about to go out the door. I asked if he did not have even one pizza. "Well, we have one large pepperoni pizza that is cold and not very good." "How much does a cold and not very good pizza cost." "$2."
I never ever eat pepperoni since I am allergic to pepperoni. I thought I would do like everyone suggests and just pick the pepperoni off. By the way, I never do that. Now, I know why. I had a bad reaction to the pizza even with the pepperoni picked off and tossed.
Now, there are three packages of pizza in the freezer for exbf. Boo! I still want a Dominos pizza. What I had was just a poor substitute that leaves me still unsatisfied.
Why do people think picking out the part to which you are allergic will work? No, it does not.
Celery is $0.50/head. A pint of grape tomatoes is $0.98/pt. I bought seven pints of tomatoes and five of celery. Both are destined for the dehydrator.
Your turn
Have you found any pizza deals after hours? Do people ever suggest picking out things that you are allergic to as though nothing will be left behind that affects you adversely? Are there any celery or grape tomato deals in your area? What are the deals where you live?
Sunday, September 3, 2017
First Birthday Freebie
Since I am in the Birthday Club at Kentucky Fried Chicken, I got a card giving me a free two-piece meal at KFC. I don't take this lightly because I love KFC, breast only. Even though it is not my birthday yet, I think I will have it today. Because...why not?
J was impressed when I showed her the card. One day, I will take her to sign up.
I found some public plantings of scuppernongs, so I think I will help myself to some grapes. What has this got to do with anything? They are ripe around my birthday.
I think I will just have a birthday month. Why confine it to one day? Okay, I know I was only born once.
The KFC was delicious. Dominique enjoyed the rest of the breast I did not eat (skin) along with the rest of her food. I got a leg as part of the two-piece meal. I put that in freezer for exbf.
I need to research where my Monday birthday freebie will be. Any ideas?
Do you receive freebies from merchants on your birthday? Where are these?
J was impressed when I showed her the card. One day, I will take her to sign up.
I found some public plantings of scuppernongs, so I think I will help myself to some grapes. What has this got to do with anything? They are ripe around my birthday.
I think I will just have a birthday month. Why confine it to one day? Okay, I know I was only born once.
The KFC was delicious. Dominique enjoyed the rest of the breast I did not eat (skin) along with the rest of her food. I got a leg as part of the two-piece meal. I put that in freezer for exbf.
I need to research where my Monday birthday freebie will be. Any ideas?
Do you receive freebies from merchants on your birthday? Where are these?
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Canning Jars + A Story
Here are a few sites with canning jars and supplies, customized labels and such.
I would like one of all of these.
This one is a goody.
A story:
Often I empty containers of products into a canning jar so the product will remain fresh. One day, I was looking for something and came across a blue, pint jar with something that looked like a powder. When I opened it up, it smelled immediately like chocolate. It tasted like Hershey's or Instant Breakfast.
Well, a glass full of milk later with the powder left me puzzled. It had a strange texture toward the end. Okay. I had another glass of the chocolate powder and milk later on in the day. Yuck...the texture was not right. It appears I was drinking a brownie or cake mix in my milk. I don't advise it.
I have a second set of coupons for canning jars that I will get today. WM does not have wide-mouth quart canning jars, so I will have to pay the price at Publix. This will make two dozen new jars and the swirly kind and sharing kind.
Some of the applications for canning jars don't suit me. Anything glass in my bathroom is a no no. So, I won't be making pumps for soap or using jars for storing cotton balls or Q-tips.
How do you use canning jars other than canning? Have you taken advantage of the coupons that come out each August for Ball canning jars?
I would like one of all of these.
This one is a goody.
A story:
Often I empty containers of products into a canning jar so the product will remain fresh. One day, I was looking for something and came across a blue, pint jar with something that looked like a powder. When I opened it up, it smelled immediately like chocolate. It tasted like Hershey's or Instant Breakfast.
Well, a glass full of milk later with the powder left me puzzled. It had a strange texture toward the end. Okay. I had another glass of the chocolate powder and milk later on in the day. Yuck...the texture was not right. It appears I was drinking a brownie or cake mix in my milk. I don't advise it.
I have a second set of coupons for canning jars that I will get today. WM does not have wide-mouth quart canning jars, so I will have to pay the price at Publix. This will make two dozen new jars and the swirly kind and sharing kind.
Some of the applications for canning jars don't suit me. Anything glass in my bathroom is a no no. So, I won't be making pumps for soap or using jars for storing cotton balls or Q-tips.
How do you use canning jars other than canning? Have you taken advantage of the coupons that come out each August for Ball canning jars?
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