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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Happy Birthday, A!

My baby is 42 today. Like all the rest of my babies, she was such a cutie. But, she was different from the other two, a boy and a girl. For one thing, she insisted on coming toes first. And, I had a natural birth complete with no anesthesia instead of having a C-section. I had vaginal births with the first two, but they knocked a woman out back then.

I should post pictures of her, most of which she may have never seen.  Maybe I will put up a separate blog, a private blog only for a few eyes. Or, I could put them on Facebook after dropping all my friend contacts.

Maybe I have told you this, but one day I heard the dog yelp. She shortly came into the house with hair all around her mouth. When I asked her what happened to puppy that she yelped. She said, "I bite Puppy." She had no reason. Puppy had done nothing, she said. I guess she had biting our very good dog on her bucket list and crossed it off when she was barely two-years-old.

According to my friends, she was the best behaved baby and toddler they had ever seen. She was such a good girl. I said it so often that "good girl" was the second thing she said after "Mama."


  1. They grow up way too fast. Good thing we have our memories. Wishing your daughter a very happy birthday.

  2. EC,
    She was and is precious to me. Thank you.

  3. Happy Birthday to your daughter! I love the dog biting story. Very cute!

    1. T'Pol,
      Thanks! I was horrified she bit Puppy. I don't recall another child just biting a dog. I knew for certain the dog did not do anything to her.

  4. it sounds like you had a very good puppy as well as a good daughter!

    Happy happy birthday to her

    1. kylie,
      I was very surprised she did not get nipped for biting the dog. Thanks

  5. Now she knows the Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything.

  6. our daughters are about the same age..happy birthday to her.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.