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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Too Warm for November and Yellow Cat and The Problem

Publix was on my list of places to go today. I bought hair color for $2 off if I bought two boxes. I did. It's not much of a saving, but every little bit helps. Dole pineapple was $.99 for the large can. Once at home, I could not resist having a pineapple sandwich with Miracle Whip. YUM

According to the weatherman, it was over 80 today. There have been a few trees that dramatically changed in the last few days from green to a brilliant yellow. My trees are hanging in there with green fading to yellow. Years ago, I came  outside to a shower of yellow oak leaves falling after a mist or fog to dampen my car.  My white car was yellow. As I approached the car, I could barely  see a yellow cat sitting on the hood of the car. The car covered with leaves and the yellow cat were indistinguishable. I could not get the camera out fast enough, so I missed a good shot.

Today, J came a little before 8:30 to help me to pay back the last $5 of gas money for the trip last week. Most of these things were the ends of jobs I had already paid her to do. I had cut my bangs, so she trimmed the length. She only cut a half inch, but it felt like three inches. And, it feels and looks good.

She had left grass in the lawnmower bagger, so I had her wash it out, and sit it to drain. I hope she actually got the grass out as she said she did. She left the table in the wrong place last time. She left a five-gallon bucket with bits of construction wood and limbs in it right were it could be seen from the road, but sitting in the back yard. I hate things like that. Keep anything unsightly in the back if it must be left in sight at all.

I had her drag the hose to the curb as it is so kinked and hard I can not longer squeeze the dozen kinks out to get water. When I was the only person who handled my hose, I checked for kinks every time I dragged it back into the basement.

As usual, I had to stand and watch every move she made inside because she cannot make rational decisions, she would break things, and I needed to show her what she could have. I gave her four coffee cups that she was happy to get since they have to drink out of tall coffee thermos things. Two of the cups

While we were out, I took her to the Little Free Pantry and sat in the car while she got things she needed. When I offered to drive her there other times or offered to sit while she went into a food bank, she would say, "We have too much food!" I commented that no one could have too much food.  This is all non-perishable.  Now, she gets it because they cook in the little crock pot and he usually takes a sandwich for lunch.

I had told her she could have my electric skillet, but she could not locate the cord. I do not want to give it to her, have her disappear, and me have the cord. So, I told her to put it back. She rammed and shoved, hitting breakable items. She fumed, pouted, snorted, and declared it was too hard as she threw up her hands over and over and she was frustrated. So, I had her to leave it on the stove, right in my way. grrrr I know I can find it, but it will hurt me.

My friend picked her up at noon to clean for him, and she had him drop her off where her bf works at 2 pm..  I forgot to warn him she shuts down for bf. Her excuse today--"well, it is a holiday."

I had gone to Publix and to doctor and was in WM parking lot when she called me. Her bf was on his lunch and needed to drive her over 10 miles home, wait while she fixed his lunch, and then go back to work 10 miles back. She wanted stuff left in my house NOW! Then, she exploded and said she supposed she would just lose her stuff at my house. Finally, could bf pick it up after work. NONONO I was halfway home by then and was so disgusted and tired.

So, she had me just wait at home for her...grrrr. WAIT? !!! In order to get him back to work on time, they went out to eat using the $20 she made from my friend.  She came by here and got her hugs bags of food and items from my cabinets, he drove her over ten miles home and came back to work. Between Subway subs and Cokes and cigarettes, she has nothing to show for her work today. She had asked me to buy cigarettes today since she only had five left. I did not because my check comes on Monday. He was angry at her, so she offered up her money that they need. He got his fast food that he loves, and she was drained of her money.

They are getting a new place in the same building in which they live. Instead of one room and a bath, they are going to pay $50 more for a place with bedroom and living room/kitchen and bath.  I raised my voice, incredulous at what I was hearing. She said it would be so much better until they could get a better place. It is hard to watch this long slow slide downward.

Oh, his boss caught him watching you tube when he was supposed to be detailing. So, now he must leave his phone in the car.  He is a screwup.

Since there was no cell phone or you tube when I was young, I have been trying to figure out what ways people got into trouble on the job back in the 60s. Can you think of anything? Remember any time wasters on the job?

She is wanting a cat or dog. They can barely take care of themselves, and she is allergic to cats. hmmmm

These are actions and attitudes of many of the Food Stamp recipients. So, while I wonder some days what they are doing and thinking, I have an ever-present example here to drive me nuts and further baffle me. However, I do need her cheap help.


  1. About your hose - it's probably too late, but if it's a dark hose it can be laid out in the sun to soften, then you might be able to get the kinks out. I, well really hubby, has a white hose that kinks and I refuse to use it. That hose is not helped by laying out in the sun.

    Time wasters in the 60s. In high school, 67-68, I worked the supper shift in a hospital. After serving our assigned floors of patients the other girls and I would hang out in the stairwells and talk instead of returning to the kitchen to help finish cleaning.

    In the 70s I worked in a very large insurance company. Every morning an older woman in her 40s would come in on time then retreat to the ladies room to put on makeup, do her hair, etc. After about 45 min she'd come in to work. According to others, she'd been doing that for about 5 years. With a change in our immediate boss, she was told it was unacceptable, didn't change and was fired. It was the first time I'd worked anywhere when someone was fired. Certainly made me more aware of my workmates in other jobs I had.

    Haven't figured out how much work gets done unless phones are completely removed from the workplace. Do your local schools have rules against phones in the classroom? Here there is a rule against having phones 'on', they must be on vibrate. Parents state it is necessary in case of an emergency. Can't imagine a teacher competing with phones.

    1. I cannot manipulate the hose--bending pulling, squeezing. It would take her all day and I would have to watch or hear about her frustration tantrums. I have never seen an adult fling herself about, throw her hands up (literally) and generally let frustration and a hard job cause such problems.

      I guess I was always on the job when I was on the job. The makeup routine certainly saved her time.

      Cell phones were banned. Then, they had to be turned in at the office in the morning. Then, they had to be off when the kids did not obey that. The rule was the phone was taken away until parent came to retrieve it. Well, I took a phone away that was clearly in the open and on. The principal gave it back within a few hours and the students smiled and told me about it. That principal is gone and I won't be in the classroom, so I can say

  2. J and her bf are in complete denial. Just cannot wrap my head around this kind of behavior.

    1. T'Pol,
      It took me awhile to figure out I had to make sure she actually had done the job she said she had done. Plus, her appeasing him by spending her money to stop his tantrum is just something I will never get. I suppose after 13 months of having someone take care of their needs in luxury, they still expect to live "high on the hog."

  3. I remember a scene from a musical where the king turns to his prime minister (after the king has heard all the problems from the queen) to say to him "Sometimes I wonder if the fornication I am getting is worth the fornication I get".

  4. You are a patient woman! I would try to help someone like J, too, but at some point, when they are not trying to help themselves, I'd give up.

    1. One,
      She is actually helping me when I am not going crazy over her actions. I gave her lots of encouragement to get teeth fixed, but she would do it later. Now, she is bemoaning the fact their rotten state is holding her back. But, still she is willing to let the world rock on while she tries to find her next smoke. I am tired of pushing her along.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.