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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Anything Else?

Monday, I cut my right thumb on the first knuckle on the side near my index finger. I did not realize anything was wrong until Tuesday. Well, I knew I barely nicked my thumb, but it did not hurt until Tuesday. By then, it was infected. This is the hand that has the broken bone that still hurts.

All day Tuesday and since, my left nostril has been runny along with my left eye. Now, my eye hurts in the outer corner and there is a place on inside of nostril that is sore and hurts a lot.

Wednesday, I moved my head slowly and barely to the left. It felt like someone stabbed me in my shoulder blade. I could not move my neck to right or left without pain. Now, the pain is up my neck on the left side.

Brushing my teeth, typing, looking for traffic by turning right or left hurts. Washing dishes is excruciating. Mixing a meat loaf, putting on or off my pants is not fun. Steering the car is dicey. Plus, I sneeze at the most inopportune time. I suppose I will wear plastic gloves to form the meat balls I have started and quit because my thumb hurt.

I certainly will wear gloves even to handle the bulbs. Yeah, I don't want dirt on my thumb.

All this sort of eclipses the back hurting.

I am going to lie back down and try not to think of this by lying very still. And, I will consider how hard it is going to be to wash my hair which is beyond needing washing. Most of these pains are not much, but all together, I can do nothing, nothing I tell you, without pain.

I ate a cookie, but that did not help. I might even whine a bit while my eyes are closed.


  1. Have you tried a heated rice pack for your neck?

  2. Oh my gosh! Take care of yourself.

    1. tana50,
      I am. I just feel so terrible and do not know symptoms.

  3. I'm so sorry you feel so horrible, I think your bad neck is making you feel bad everywhere, mine does the same thing sometimes.
    Thinking of you!


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.