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Monday, November 27, 2017

Doctor Visit

On Wednesday I was told to come back in 48-72 hours to check the finger that was abscessed. I knew I was not going back Friday, so decided to go on Saturday. Since I slept all day Saturday, that did not happen.

Today, Sunday, the doctor was very concerned as he came in the door. He looked at it closely and was asking me how this happened. He had ordered an anti-fungal after the lab report and the women were supposed to call me and tell me. So, he said he would call it in. I went to WM and no one had called it in. sigh

Then, I realized I did not have enough cash to pay for it. I was unsure of the bank balance, so I was not writing a check. I don't need to start taking it until Friday, so it is okay I don't have the meds.

A month ago, my blood pressure was 103/58. When I had my blood pressure taken Wednesday and today, Sunday, it was 130 + over 70+. The nurse said, yes, the finger infection and inflammation could make my blood pressure go up. Plus, temp was elevated. I feel great.

I HAD LOST FIVE POUNDS SINCE LAST WEDNESDAY. Holidays are the easiest time of the year for me to lose weight. I only eat holiday stuff. Yes, that includes candy and pie. However, I do not nibble on other things. I feel inspired and motivated.

Sunday, I have been puttering. I am giving J all my whole wheat pasta since I cannot have it anymore. I had it in canning jars, so I am putting it all in gallon ziplock bags for her. I really hate I cannot eat whole wheat anymore. She may not even like it.

I managed to put my 6 large boxes of Quaker Old Fashioned Oats that were on sale on the shelves she cleaned off. It is not that I cannot do anything, I just cannot do it all and not even much of the sorting. They had been sitting in plastic bags in a box for several weeks.

Eleven Christmas Child boxes are being emptied. I will put all the same thing in one storage bag--crayons together, pencils and erasers together, etc. Next year, filling the boxes will be a snap. Plus, I returned something for the boxes I had bought but did not open.

After that, I will wash a few dishes, including the crock. Cleaning the bathroom sink and commode are on the list, too. Maybe if I write it down, I will feel obligated to do it and not put it off. Okay, it's all done.

Were you aware that a badly infected finger could cause such a rise in blood pressure?  If J does not come back, is there any blogger near who would like this expensive whole grain pasta, all shapes?


  1. You frequently ask a question that I have no info about and so I will Google it. Things that raise blood pressure that I was unaware of: infection as you mentioned, certain prescription and over the counter pain and anti-inflammatory drugs, sugar! and BPAs from plastic bottles and lining of some cans.

    I'm glad your finger is healing and that you're feeling better overall. And, thank you for making me better informed about causes of high blood pressure.

    1. Bellen,
      When I take pseudoephedrine, my blood pressure is always elevated, so I never take one the day I will be going to the doctor. I am glad to learn new things about my health. I will probably keep asking. I am like that. lol Sugar/carbs are obviously killers.

  2. Linda, so happy to hear you are feeling hopeful. No pill can create that and it makes the biggest difference. Now if you can just stop injuring yourself. Do you have a food bank where you can donate the pasta? I don't care for whole wheat in any form, a mind thing I guess.

    1. carol,
      The sun helps with hopeful around here. I did not injure the finger. It just happened. Yeah, I say that, but... The pasta is not in containers so it may be looked upon with suspicion. A person could say all the things I cannot stand are a mind thing, but then I am allergic to them. I keep saying I don't like whole wheat, but then remember I do like whole wheat bread but cannot tolerate it without a reaction.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.