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Friday, November 3, 2017

Almost Frugal Lunch and SAD Light

Today, exbf and I had a mostly frugal lunch. I bought one of the $2.98 salads from WM, and we halved it. Half the salad was plenty. We had slices of free Granny Smith apples and a half piece each of cheese toast I made on Texas toast. We were full, and only The salad was bought today.

The salads are in a bowl with a fork. Ingredients are Romaine, chicken, cheese, and Caesar dressing. Each bowl has 230 calories and 16 grams of protein. These are a healthy splurge. And, I know exactly how much I have eaten.

I asked him what he wanted for lunch. A lunch of two sandwiches for $4 was discussed as was a grilled cheese. I finally decided what we ate. Two people eating for $3 is good. I know it could have been better.

For dinner I threw potatoes and carrots in the crock pot and those cooked while I napped. He had two of the frozen, skinless chicken legs I had frozen for him. Those along with carrots and potatoes were dinner. He left full and happy. Strangely, there were not the numbers of potatoes and carrots I had planned. I was tired and decided to come back in a few minutes. I never did; I took a nap.

Altogether, it was a rather frugal day for eating. I did buy loose carrots for dinner and beyond. Plus, there were pretty cabbages for future cooking. I got a cabbage along with carrots and the cheap salad--$8.01. That makes $14 so far this week.

I sent him home with two packages of cooked and frozen legs, two in each package and one with bbq sauce. Three good-sized potatoes and two carrots from the crock pot will be eaten with the two package of chicken. I thought I put in four more potatoes and two more carrots for him. I was tired after lunch when I put on the vegetables. I suppose I cannot count when I am

The candy I bought to replace what I ate was appreciated. He did not even question what I had gotten. I will give him a Milky Way for good measure.  In this case, it is the thought plus chocolate that counts. I even gave him the little purple bag.

One of the potato sprouts has turned sort of brown. The other sprouts have leaves smaller than 1/4 inch.

One pot or piece of whatever, I am finishing the job J did not finish. She left the bagger absolutely full of grass. It will sour. Eventually, the life of the bag will be shortened. Is it any wonder I don't want to pay her full price for a job done poorly? I have given her mini lectures/suggestions on the best way to do a job for future employers. AND, she wants me to give her a recommendation.

I really hate it gets dark so early, and I will really hate DST in the Fall. The next time I go to my doctor, I am going to ask for one of the lights for SAD. I can live without it, but I think I will feel better with it. I feel blah, not at all depressed.

Your turn
Does anyone have a suggestion for the strength of the lights for Seasonal Affective Disorder? I have heard there are better and lesser ones. Should I snip off the brown sprout?


  1. I have a friend who uses one of those lights. No clue which one, but I think she bought it from Amazon and she seems to feel better with it. With the way Winters drag on where I live, I've thought one might do me some good. By April I am so sick of snow I all but want to cry!

    1. Dime,
      I have heard some are stronger than others, lightwise. Maybe you would feel better. I know I would. We almost never have snow. I suffer from short days that often are not sunny or even bright. Thanks

  2. I remember years ago walking into a lamp store and seeing a light fixture about two feet square and being told it was a special order SAD light. I have contemplated buying one but have not yet. If we just had some sunshine winter might be tolerable, but we seem to have more gloomy days than sunny. A tablet size light is worth looking into. I already take the vitamin D. I was curious how the candy saga was going to end.

    1. carol,
      From your comment and Jeans', I am surprised at the size of the lights. I always say that I can stand any temp if there is sunshine. It ended fine. He was smiling at my having eaten it. I think he appreciated my willingness to fix the whole mistake. I am quite sure he will be more careful with his candy from now on.

  3. Jean,
    Thanks. I will take this information to my doctor. Sunset will be at 4:15 pm tomorrow where I live. I am already feeling it just in anticipation. I am glad it helped you. Thanks!

  4. Glad you made the candy apology! Nothing is worse than having your mouth set on something only to find it is gone.
    The seasonal change really does not affect me too badly, but I get very excited in late January when you can start seeing the days get a little longer.

    1. Anne,
      I hate putting something away to eat and having it purloined! I, too, love seeing the days get longer, even if by a few seconds.

  5. I treat SAD.
    What you need is '10,000 lux" and that's it. You do not need fancy bells and whisltes and blue light and full spectrum etc. There is no data to support any of that rubbish and it is $$$. Happily you can get a relatively simple 10,000 lux light. You expose yourself to it x 30 minutes in the morning ~ one hour before the sun rises (more of less). I can give you details if you want more.

    1. I would love more information! BEFORE the sun rises? Some mornings, the sun is rising before I go to bed.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.