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Friday, November 3, 2023

It's Back!

 I have no idea how I can post! What did I do? I have no idea. The only reason I made a new blog, moreparsimony.blogspot, was because I could not get into this, my original blog. So, I will be here from now on. 

The last time I posted was October 8, I believe. So, I will continue, starting there. I started making notes of notable or not so notable happenings. 

October 18--Baked sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving. We had one meal and the rest went into the freezer. These are part of the sweet potatoes we bought Fall 2022. They are still good. We store them in paper bags out of the light and in correct temperature. 

Oct 19--Frasier is no longer on TV late at night. This distresses me greatly. I saved $8.45 at store. Forgot how. 

Oct. 20--My 92 year old female friend told me she has decided she won't get on a ladder and clean the gutters this year. What!!!!! This is the friend who had a knee replacement about five years ago. 

There was a new program that only had two programs--Great Halloween Fright Fight. It is like the Christmas show where people decorate houses. It was fun. 

I told Tommy to turn stove eye on and put something on the stove, probably eggs to boil. I told him to turn it to 4 o'clock. A few minutes later, I went to look and he had put the eye on 7 o'clock. I was horrified and admit to yelling at him a lot! He still insisted he was correct and I said it wrong. 

Oct 25--bscb were $1.99/lb at Food Giant. Publix had them for $4.99/lb. I bought four packages at Food Giant. The best part is that they were still frozen solid. He got two packages the first time. So, I sent him back for two more packages. Before the ad went off, I sent him back for three more packages. The first packages were put in the freezer just as they came from the store. The last three packages are ready to be baked. 

At Publix I found no sodium Campbell's Cream Of soups for $1.99. That is high, but I was not going to wait for a sale and miss this iteration I need. Later that day, I saw the soups with sodium for $1. No way just to save money. 

French's Fried Onions are much better than Publix brand. 

Oct 27--I needed a notebook to make me a new recipe book. The ones I looked at were $3.98. Well, in the midst of all these colors, I saw a $1 sign on the purple ones. I would never buy the purple, but for this price, I will tolerate purple. When it did ring up at that amazing price, I went back and bought four more. 

I found cranberries at an exorbitant price, $2.99, I think. I bought them. They Ocean Spray. The few times I bought other brands, they were not good. The recipe on the bag called for 1 cup of sugar. I used 1/4 cup. Yes, they are tart, but will be good. If they are inedible, I can add more, but I won't. 

Oct 29--We went to two neighborhoods to see Halloween decorations about 7:30. There was nothing out or turned on!

Oct 30--Returned a purchase to Macy's. Ate at Five Guys, part of my birthday. I don't remember them being so huge. I had cooked onion, cooked mushrooms, lettuce, tomatoes. Tommy only had catsup, mustard on his. I brought some of mine home and had it for dinner along with vegetables. That was too much meat! I will probably never go there again or maybe in a couple of years.

Oct 12--Had RSV vaccine. I have never been so ill from a vaccine! 

Nov 1--Flu shot. No reaction. Arm is sore only when I feel for pain. 

Nov 2--I paid for a car wash for Tommy's car because the windshield was smeared from his multiple attempts to clean them. He uses a squeegee  on a stick with sponge on the other side. The only liquid he uses is a little vinegar and water from a squirt bottle. The windshield was so dirty and smeared that the bright sun caused us not to be able to see out. He had just paid $9 for something for me, so I did not worry about the cost of $10. I cannot clean it because of shoulders. He just refuses to clean it properly, saying he can see through the dirt when the bright sun hits it. Yeah, sure! I have to warn him all the time about cars he about to hit. His excuse--I didn't see the car. 

We had a turkey bought after Christmas in the refrigerator, thawing. So, I baked that and froze it in a gallon bag for Thanksgiving. I will freeze the broth today. 

Nov 1--We took down all Halloween decorations inside and out. The fall items will have Thanksgiving items added. There is nothing outside. 

Nov1-3--Tommy covered plants with sheet that will remain until Saturday. Maybe it won't freeze again until nearer to Thanksgiving when we will put them up for winter. 

So far, we have sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, turkey, and broth for Thanksgiving dinner. I made a list for Tommy to collect other canned goods I will use. He did. There is nothing we will need to buy. All was bought last year on sale. I do not want to be needing a can of something and be unable to find it for a cheap price in the crush of shoppers just before Thanksgiving or Christmas. 

I have no idea why I can use this blog. But, I am happy. 

Just before Thanksgiving, We will get latest Covid vaccine, maybe a bit earlier. 

I wore my huge spider ring. No one saw it.


  1. Blogger is a rule unto itself. I am glad you can post here again and hope it lasts.

  2. EC,
    Me too! I still have no idea why it went or why it is back!

  3. Did you know that Hulu has a Frasier reboot program?

    1. Ms Sandie,
      I have free Hulu, but Tommy says I have to pay to stream and refused to get it. Then, he said it was complicated and we would need a new tv. So, I want a new TV!

  4. Here you are!!! Linda I've been so worried about you!!! I keep checking your other blog for an update and when you didn't post for over 10 days, I thought something bad must have happened & was quite sad :( I emailed you but didn't hear back. I am SO glad you're OK and are still posting - just on here! You should post on your other blog so people know, I bet I'm not the only one who's been worried about you!

    1. Bri,
      I cannot post on my other blog, or I would! I have no idea why I could not post on this one, and I have no idea why I can no longer post on the other. It is a mystery. I posted on other people's blogs. As for your other question, I will post with a decision.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.