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Thursday, November 9, 2023

My Barbie Clothes

 Remember the grab bag for which  I paid $2? Two items in it will become Barbie clothes. There were two pair of spandex panties. One was raspberry and the other was a pink striped. I decided these would be the basis of two new dresses for my Barbie. The elastic will serve to be the ovr-the-bust area so I won't have to worry about the dress falling down or my shaping it. I will make the dress as long as the material will let me. 

It will need sparkles or lace or tulle or something shiny around the top and bottom because these will be fancy dresses. The price of the panties is negligible. But, the price of the adornments will be more. This is where my stash of bits and pieces of lace or rhinestones would be handy. Alas, I no longer have these bits and pieces. 

For years, I saved these bits. It was not hoarding. It was probably what some would deem 'junk.'  There were strings of pearls, you know, the kind sold by the yard. I also had a stash of ribbon ends. Maybe some of you keep this kind of stash. 

The other day, I took a crimson grosgrain ribbon that was tied to a stack of four tiny plates and put it with my new collection of bits and pieces I save for decorating a bow for a package, doll clothes, and other decorations. But, I don't have this old well-stocked box now. I even saved brown grosgrain ribbon that I can use for Thanksgiving.

Do any of you save bits of ribbon or rhinestones to add to something you are sewing or gluing? Do you save bits of ribbon for embellishment. It is fun to have a little box to rummage in for something to complete a look for seasons or dolls or to put on ribbons on presents. Maybe is is just me.

Today, I bought two yard flags, the small ones, for Halloween. They were 90% off at Lowe's. I paid $0.49 each. 

One is two squirrels with a squirrel with bolts in his neck and another is a rabbit pushing a wheelbarrow with a stack of three pumpkins. Of course, I only have one of the holders, but that is enough. They are in an orange box now.

I was in Lowe's to buy a pair of pruners, the short ones, for Tommy or me, most likely him, to prune the flowers before we store them. Each pot might have one blossom, if any at all. Tommy broke a pair of scissors because he could not find our other pruners. I think I received the scissors for free from Harbor Freight, so no big deal they broke. He has used them on heavy cardboard and the tough plastic containers before, so it was their time to go.

We drove to Hoover to shop at that Publix, getting things for holidays, and bogo that was not here in Hueytown. Jimmy Dean one-pound rolls of mild sausage were 2/$4. In another store, Tommy noticed it was almost $5. We will want sausage balls a couple of times during the holidays. 

It has been 73 days since B'ham has had more than 1-inch of rain nd 54 days since we have had more than 1/2-inch of rain. Friday, it should rain, but not much. Hopefully, no more wildfires will occur. 

In Lowe's I met a really friendly woman, and we exchanged telephone numbers. When I asked her if I could have her number, she was eager and asked for my number in return. Lovely woman. 

Do you keep scraps of pretty things and ribbons to embellish something without buying new items all the time? 

Do you ever hit up Lowe's 90% Off sales after holidays? 

What cooking/baking supplies for the holidays did you buy this week?


  1. I got a job at Lowe's starting in October one year in the mid 1990's. At the time, I had no idea that they had so much home decor or seasonal items. I was shocked. Ever since, I have been a huge fan of shopping there after holidays to snag some great deals.

    I'm not crafty, so no keeping of pretty things for me. That's a great idea, though! We haven't purchased anything for the holidays yet, but given that Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away, I need to get on that.

    1. Alice,
      I have been shopping afterChristmas sales for at least 30 years. One year, when the had the 90% off, they included all the extension cords. I bought $30 of those.

    2. I meant to say I have been shopping at Lowe's Christmas sales for at least 30 years.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.