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Monday, November 6, 2023

Shall I Go Blond?

 I need to make a list of things to discuss and ask my gastroenterologist, so cannot ramble on about everything. 

Today we managed to make two returns at two different stores. Tommy was sitting and waiting for me in the store. I rushed past him while looking for the Halloween leftovers. I turned right around because he might have something to tell me, not just saying 'hi' to me. Well, I was shocked. He was showing me where the discount Halloween items were. I will tell you about those things next year. He was encouraging me to buy stuff. I can barely believe it.

One thing I did buy was a long, blond wig. I tried it on and took a picture of me in it. Maybe I will go blonde. Of course, it would be a wig, just better quality. 

I fried hamburgers and onions in a skillet because Tommy would not take my advice after he could not get the grill to work. I had slaw with mine and cheese. He had a salad with his burger and no cheese. 

The turkey is now sitting on a dark green bowl. His presence is stronger since he is higher. 

It has not rained here since the first week in September. (I think that is right.) Humidity was 19% on Thursday. I like it even though I know we need rain. November with its usually ever-present rain is so dreary and sad. It will happen!

When I went to Publix today, an employee offered me a tote bag. It was free, a Fall design. 

So, maybe I will get a good blond wig. This was $3.00, 75% off original price. I had Halloween wig long ago, but ratty looking from a yard sale for a quarter.  The picture is a wig but not as thick and blond as the one I bought.

We actually finished our list today. We started early after lunch and beat the school buses and school letting out. 

Do you have a drought in your area, too? 

Do you think I would look good as a blonde? 


  1. No drought here in the Northeast. One of the wettest summers on record, I think.

    As far as the wig goes, I cannot judge if you would look good as a blonde. That's something a good friend or hairdresser needs to tell you.

    If you want to change up your looks, who am I to tell you otherwise? But I do think a $3 wig is gonna look like a $3 wig. Good wigs are expensive.

    I wonder if folks sell used ones on Craigslist, eBay, or FB Marketplace?

    Why do you think you need a wig?

  2. It is an $11.98, thank you. I will not go blond. I was kidding. However, I need a wig to make it easier to leave the house looking presentable. If I buy a wig, I will go to a store, not used. You sound very disapproving.

    1. 1. Glad I found you! I saw a comment of yours on One Family's post and was happy to see that you're able to blog somewhere.

      2. In order to leave the house looking presentable, maybe you could just wear some type of head covering. Scarf, beret, cap, beanie, etc.

    2. Alice, I need a new computer and brain! Oh, a hat would work in the winter, but dirty hair is dirty hair winter or Maybe a wig would work, though.

    3. Alice, I need a new computer and brain! Oh, a hat would work in the winter, but dirty hair is dirty hair winter or Maybe a wig would work, though.

  3. You yourself said that if you went blonde it would be a wig, but of better quality. $3 or $12--it's gonna look gnarly at either price point.

    And I also said, "If you want to change up your looks, who am I to tell you otherwise?" How exactly is that" very disapproving"?

    You sound like you're having a trying day. I suggest you go kick Tommy in the shins until you feel better. LOL!

  4. Shit, Sue. I know that difference won't be a good wig. This was a $12 wig I bought on Halloween sale for $3.

    The whole comment was disapproving. I would never kick Tommy. But, I have considered

  5. Many years ago I was trying to grow out a haircut that had my hair cut around my ears. (Think Twiggy) I bought 2 short wigs. They did help me look a bit better at work. (I was a telephone operator "Operator, may I help you?" was our customer greeting) I considered a wig during covid while I was growing out my purple hair color and quit coloring my hair. I ended up being so busy with John and with the covid restrictions I rarely went out. I skipped the wig idea. I am very glad that I no longer need to color my hair. I did love the purple hair but the actual coloring was a pain in the ass. I was disappointed to discover that I was not as gray as I had hoped. With the stress that John's condition brought I ended up loosing a lot of hair. As the new hair is growing in it is quite gray, very fine, and sticks out all over my head giving me the look of a dandelion! Not my best look!

    1. Janet,
      I am trying to imagine you as a dandelion. lol


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.