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Sunday, October 21, 2018

Making Cheese

A great deal of the evening and part of the night was spent watching videos about how to make mozzarella cheese. One man made cheese using dried milk. Another woman called her definitely- pitted aluminum pot "stainless steel."

When I read or view something that is ancient but with modern things that did not exist, I begin to wonder how they did it. How did Romans make cheese without stainless steel pots? Were their pots non-reactive? What did they use instead of going to Kroger to get rennet tablets? I already knew the answer to the last question, but have no young calf freshly slaughtered.

Then, I found an article that tells where in the Iliad that Homer mentions fig branches curdling milk. I suppose I was too young to notice that passage the several times I read the Iliad. At any rate, the ARTICLE was enlightening.

Maybe I will make some least once.  I am not hung up on making mozzarella as that was just what was in the list of videos.

Have you ever made cheese? What kind? What kind of milk did you use? Do you have any tips or recipes you have tried?


  1. My grandma used to make cheese. She used sheep milk and a few drops of a liquid. It must have been a coagulant I guess. They sell them in grocery stores. Her cheese tasted very good and a bit saltier than the mozarella. I sometimes make yogurt using a mixture of water buffalo milk and cow's milk. We love plain yogurt in this country and if it tasted like what we have, the people all over the world would like it too. The plain yogurt sold in your country is quiet different.

    1. TPol,
      That is all very interesting, but I doubt we have water buffalo milk anywhere in this country. I love plain yogurt, too. How is out plain yogurt different?

  2. I've never made cheese, but I do enjoy eating it.
    There are so many different varieties.
    Mozzarella is a favourite :)

    All the best Jan

  3. I have never made cheese although I have a few friends who do they all enjoy it so.

    1. Urspo,
      I will ask tomorrow and see if any of the people I will see have made cheese.

  4. I've made haloumi which I u ndersalted so it was a bit flavourless but otherwise worked well. I also have made farmhouse cheese coagulated with vinegar, quark coagulated with rennet and sour cream from a commercial culture.

    A few years back i thought i wanted to ake cheeses and bought quite a few supplies but my family didnt seem to like my cheese so I still have little vials of various cultures and rennet. I also have cheesecloth and a basket and a thermometer.

    I used milk from the supermarket, pasteurised and homogenised. We once got about 40 Litres of milk from a dumpster, I think I might have made some cheese with that.

    1. How interesting. You are experienced. I have heard of farmhouse cheese. I like the idea of using dumpster milk! Too bad about the family not liking it. Thanks for the information.

  5. Also, if you make cheese i'll be interested to see how you go

  6. I made mozzarella with whole milk. It worked fine but I can buy fresh mozzarella at many places right around me, so to me, other than knowing I can do it, there is no reason to make it again.

    1. Anne,
      Thanks. I certainly won't make cheese to save money or become a cheesemaker. I, too, just want to make it to make it. Maybe just once?


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.