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Monday, October 15, 2018

Coughing is Difficult

Coughing is important when you have Chronic Bronchitis! Now, I have to hold back when I cough because it hurts my shoulder so much. And, my back/spine and arm. My chest is getting tighter and congested!

I called the doctor and complained I had not had an MRI of shoulders. Well, I left a message. The doctor did not call. The nurse practitioner did not call. A nurse with whom I have never spoken called. She said the doctor will look at the MRI tomorrow. He thinks my shoulder and back pain is coming from neck.

This all annoys me.  I can barely get out of the bed. But, I do. I ate cereal all day long. When have you ever heard me say that? I ate cereal all day Friday, too. Or, was it Saturday? Saturday night, I found a can of mini ravioli and ate that.

To top things off, I have lost the remote again.

The mail is still in the box. And, I don't care!


  1. Take care of yourself! When I see people who have been dealing with pain for a long time, they look haunted. Pain can really wear down a person. Hope you get some relief soon.

    1. tana50,
      Thanks. I don't look haunted yet. But, it is getting harder to breath by the hour. I hope to get some relief tomorrow.

  2. I'm sorry that you are suffering through such pain at this time. I hope you can find medical people who will listen to you, figure out what is happening, and then do something to help you...pronto.

    Take care and try to get some rest while you wait for their help.

    1. Susie,
      Thanks. You know I will get help? Question is--when? I suspect I will have to drive 45 min for another MRI. Or, I will have to go an hour to orthopedist. Rest is all I am

  3. Ouch! Take care! I spent an hour in and MRI machine on Monday -

    1. Travel,
      It is not so bad if it is an open MRI. Thanks.

  4. I hope you get through this latest cough soon. It does not sound good.

    1. Sam,
      The trouble is I am holding back and trying not to cough. But, my lungs need to cough so I won't end up with congestion. Thanks.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.