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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Chicken Names; Who we can Shoot! Happy Birthday DIL

Today was free lunch Tuesday at the church with real plates and forks and knives. We had chicken pot pie with huge chunks of chicken. Unfortunately, it had peas, so I scraped off the sauce and ate the chicken. Huge pieces of leaf lettuce had a large square of Jello salad, the kind that is whipped with fruit in it. YUM! The yeast roll was scrumptious. The white cake square with lemon frosting I passed up after two little tastes of the frosting. Unsweetened tea topped it all.

The sheriff of our county spoke. It was all very interesting. We learned who we could shoot and kill and under what circumstances.

Finally, I decided on names for my two chicken: Cher and Bette, you know, like Middler.

Dinner was half of the little $3 salad, his half with chicken I cooked and dressing, my half with the chicken that came with it and some cheese. He did not want cheese, anyway. I am so tired I forgot to put tomato on the salad.

I finally got stamps, hobbled into PO, then lost her card. So, Happy Birthday!

We are still expecting 90s here.

I think I slept about three hours last night. UGH


  1. You should have had my little Fuzzy Pomeranian there with you. He loves peas. I had a low priced well known brand of frozen beef pot pie the other day. Two little cubes of beef, 3 little cubes of potatoes, 1 broken up little carrot carrot, and a whole big bunch of peas. I put the peas out onto a paper towel and gave them to Fuzzy. He thought they were heavenly.

    I used to really like raw, frozen petite peas thawed and added to salad. Then one day I saw a notice on the side of the package that the frozen peas must be cooked. I don't eat peas at all now.

  2. Happy Birthday to your DIL. I like the names you gave the chickens.

  3. Susie,
    This pot pie was made in huge rectangular pans. The pieces of chicken were three and four inches long, three inches wide and at least a half inch thick. They had to be cut to put in my mouth!

    No dogs here. I am allergic. My friend's grandson hated peas and would feed them to the dog along with other scraps and dog food. When she went out, the peas had all been pushed neatly to the corner, so I suppose that dog really dislike peas.

    Peas had to be cooked? Like you would have to cook them to keep from getting sick. Or, was that just a warning they were not cooked?

    I have not eaten a pot pie in years from store, but now none at all. They smell good still. I should make one with no peas, fresh carrots, and green beans in addition to meat.

  4. I like pot pies but only when the weather is cool. No chance of that happening yet!

    1. Anne,
      After that one day, I thought of things to cook that are more suitable in cooler weather. It needs to be cool so as not to heat up the house.

  5. Great names for your chickens. I enjoy potpies too. But, we are still experiencing high temps and using the oven is something I avoid. We grill or use crockpot.

    1. Lisa,
      Thanks. I have never been much of a potpie fan because of the peas. Now, I don't even pick out the peas since I am allergic to them. It is approaching 90 right now. I need to load up the crockpot!

  6. I do like the names you gave the chickens.
    Happy Birthday Wishes to your DIL.

    All the best Jan


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.