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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

UGH! Tuesday

An early appointment did not end well. So, that's that! Since I had little sleep, I decided a nap would be appropriate. It was going to rain all day, so napping sounded good. Plus, driving around in the rain is not my favorite thing to do since getting in and out in the rain is a pain with the umbrella.

When I say pain, I mean physical pain. My right hand is swollen and hurts six inches above my wrist. Remember the broken bone in base of thumb from last year? Well, it still hurts. Plus, I tripped on the steps into the house, caught myself with palm flat on another step. I think I broke something else.

This step has been a trip hazard since we moved here in 1977.  All three kids tripped on it. Friends comment since they are unaware that the step is higher than the others. I think I will measure them to give you a sense of the problem.

Since I was out of milk, a trip to Publix was in order. I think I went to sleep at 11:45. I awoke at 3:45. I am feeling wonderful. It is almost nine pm. Yes, I will sleep.

About 6 pm I had to go to WM electronics department with a small problem solved easily, then it was home in the rain. Neighbor friend came to do one little thing for me.

He had news of J. They moved from their apt that cost more than he brought home. Now, they live about 30 miles south of here with a friend. Sound familiar? They told a friend of my friend that he wanted them to fail when he asked they move after 13 or 14 months living rent free in his home. I think J knows better. She is still waiting on a fast food job that told her in November they might be hiring after Christmas and not even looking anywhere else. Sad. And, she will not come here and get her money I owe her. Oddly, he worked a mile from here and chose to live 7 miles to the south. Then, he moved 30 miles away from his minimum wage job. ??? He and his choices could be a case study in how to fail and how to never get ahead in life.

Maybe tonight I will do the online $35 order at WM to give me a $10 credit on the order. Maybe not.

Oddly, typing does not hurt my hand. Holding a spoon to eat does.  I have a very light touch on the keys. Key pounding puzzles me. The keys are easy to touch. Since I started typing on the old black manual typewrites in 1959 in high school, I really appreciate laptops keyboards. I would not be typing on this blog is the keys were as hard to depress as those keys on the old black manual typewriters.

Did you know the first QWERTY keyboard was invented in 1873?

Wednesday plans: get 5 lbs of carrots scraped and cooked and frozen in packages for exbf. Of course, we will eat from them and I will keep some for myself.  He absolutely loves the olive oil and garlic on them.

I do not regret one bit the nap that restored me! If it does keep me awake, so be it.

I managed to take an additional evening nap and still slept six hours overnight.

Your turn
Did you ever type on the old black manual typewriters? What did you use to learn to type? Do you still pound the keys on your laptop or do you use a light touch like I do?


  1. I did use the old black typewriter as my grandmother had it and I played on it. However, I learned the correct way to type on an electric typewriter. My kids think it is insane that we actually had to type without mistakes or the page would look awful. I LOVED the computer keyboard. I could type almost 100 words per minute, but it was full of mistakes. I only type for entertainment mostly now, so I am sure I am somewhere around 40! LOL

    1. Jennifer,
      It was insane to think people can type without mistakes. Well, it was not possible for me! It is possible now to change your mind about a whole sentence or word. Imagine that? I might have fared better even on an electric typewriter. I love computer/laptop keyboards. I only type for pleasure, too.

  2. I remember going to typing classes and I dropped out twice because I just couldn't stand sitting still that long lol! we had the old typewriters and the teacher would tape a piece of paper over our hands so we couldn't look -oh it was so boring typing all those drill - they would put a cassette tape on and we had to type in time - I never did last long enough to learn much - except that I didn't like typing!

    1. Jan,
      I hated typing and the teacher hated me. She used me as example of what people were doing wrong. I was not bored, just in misery.

  3. I learned to type on a "modern" typewriter in school (in the 70's), however, at home we had the old clunky black kind with round keys! They are cool and now I wish I still had it.

    As for napping -- I think you deserved it and will say that I've napped twice this week!

    1. Alex,
      Lucky you! The old ones are truly cool, especially if you are not using one in class and forced to type. I think I deserved that nap too. Napping is not a sin when you work hard, accomplish things. Besides, if I do anything with fibro and CFS, I must nap.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.