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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Problem Solved (sort of)

History of this. I was told after an MRI that I had broken a bone in the base of my thumb. Then, I was told to go to hand surgeon. Today, I did. The doctor ordered and xray and used that for his diagnosis. Remember I caught myself on steps as I tripped on the high step and landed with hand/palm flat on concrete? Well, that was diagnosed today.

Conclusion today: I do not have broken bone in thumb. I did not break a bone in hand. No sprains either. The pain in hand from last injury is probably a bruised bone or two. That is  good thing for thumb and hand. The solution for the pain is shot in thumb base. No thank you. Or, there was a long list of NSAIDs, none of which I care to take.

He ordered a brace for me. That, I know, will help with the pain and keep me from hurting it over and over again.

So, I get a brace and I just don't do things that make it hurt. Using a brace will help me not to hurt my hand. The thumb pain will be with me forever, just not so great a pain, I hope.

Today, exbf drove me out of town to hand surgeon. I could kill him for his swerving all over the road and in my opinion driving too close to the outer edge. His opinion is that he drives just fine. He gets bent out of shape over it. He manually turned the windshield wiper on and off today. Since it was raining, he really frightened me.

Remember, he is the one who has wrecks and hits things. I don't.

I did not want to go the back way because the water would be high on each side of the country road, especially on my side of the car on the way up. I knew I would drown it he ran off the road. So, we went to long way to the doctor.

We went the wrong way to doctor because he did not make the turn that I told him about. "Take the Parkway to the left and then Governors to the right. Well, two miles past the Parkway, I told him we were still on Bob Wallace. He angrily blamed it on me for not telling him about the turn. ???  Fortunately, I knew the names of the roads and got us back on track easily.

Then, on the way back from doctor, he wanted to go the wrong way to leave and I yelled at him. I yelled because he kept arguing and waggling the wheel back and forth, trying to go right and then left. He did this about ten times, and I just knew we were gong to have a wreck in the rain and rush hour traffic. He just does not follow directions or notice where we came from...ugh.

By being on the wrong road, we passed a Quiznos, and I promptly told him I was getting that on the way home. It must have been ten years since I had the Traditional sandwich. I ate it in the car and had crumbs down my blouse with some migrating to my waist. I love Quiznos!

When we got back to my house, he sat in the car while I came in the house and packed what I had for him. He got the thighs and legs and wings from the chicken I cooked. I baked four spicy thighs gotten cheaply. I put them in four pint freezer bags to facilitate his eating them. I remembered to give him the baked carrots I put in the freezer. I had bought coleslaw mix and had not made it. So, I put half the mix in a gallon storage bag and put all the seasoning stuff in the bag and sent it home. He was laughing about squeezing it to mix it. He still had the apple, halo, and grapes I packed for his wait at the doctor. Oh, I gave him the whole wheat bread I cannot touch and some nooks and crannies. Altogether, he had enough meat and vegetables for eight meals. He is so happy to get this food so he will have home-cooked food.

This may be the first time he ever recognized Valentine's Day without me complaining that he always forgets. It was a token gift, nothing expensive. But it made me happy he remembered.

The weather is damp which makes me chilly, but spring-like and makes me get too hot. More daffodils bloomed and exbf exclaimed at how pretty they were. I suppose it is the first time he has seen them. The tulips look like they will burst open any day.


  1. Glad you did not have a thumb break. It was warmish and humid here today but no rain beyond the early, early morning.
    The Halos and Cuties have been so good this year.

    1. Anne,
      If there were a thumb break, I would have some sort of relief. The MRI showed a break, but he did not use that, just xray. We got all the rain, I think. Lucky me, just when I have to be out and driving. They have been delicious. I also brought home some navel oranges that were delicious. I suppose it was a good year for citrus.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.