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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wearing Me Down

candle sweater

Before I start sharing, let me show you this. I found this little candle with its own sweater. I was looking at it when a store manager was working on a display. She commented as I was thinking--"cuffs could be used instead of knitting." There is even a seam where this was sewn together. So, it was not knit just to size and for this purpose only. Knitters could whip this up in a short time. As for me, I will just have to look at naked candles.

The plumber was supposed to call me before he got here to turn on the water for a few hours. However, when he called I was dead to the world. The cell phone was one foot from my head and turned on. I awoke 3 hours later, called the plumber to apologize. He told me he turned on the water, a job done at the street. Thank you! Since he passes three blocks from my house, this is not too big an imposition for him, but a great favor to me.

In the last three hours, I have yet to wake up and feel okay. So, only one load of clothes is done and still to be hung up to dry.

I need to empty the dishwasher, reload it, and wash items in the sink. But, there is no energy after two weeks of struggle without water. The mental part is as stressful as the physical part.

Really, I need a Coke with sugar and caffeine to make it back to the land of the living. Since there is no Coke in the house, a few chocolate chips may work. We will see. I need to get up now and shuffle clothes and start more, hang them out, empty the dishwasher, and reload it, plus washing the crockpot again.

(no edit on this post)
Your turn
Have you ever had circumstances wear you down to the bone? Cause you to keep getting ill or cannot recover from an illness?  Can you knit these little candle sweaters? Do you have cuffs or a sweater you can use as a substitute? You must know--I AM in a Christmas kind of mood underneath the weariness.


  1. Circumstances grinding me down to the aching bone I am familiar with. Sadly.
    And I am not yet in a Christmassy mood.
    I am happy that the plumber is helping out by turning on the water for a few hours.

  2. EC,
    It is too bad we can commiserate. No one should have to go through this kind of misery. I finally just got up and did things although the pain in my back and troubles made me want to scream with pain. I need to spread out the chores through the day and over several days. ugh!

    I remember when I could fly though chores so quickly that my sister said she did not how I worked so fast and got so much done. Then, I slowed down a bit because there was no urgency. Now, just shoot me!

  3. I don't know how to know. Circumstances have exhausted me many times. Occasionally I'm so tired I feel sick.


    1. Janie,
      Then, you know. I actually will get sick if I am under too much stress.

  4. I had a psychopathic boss a few years ago, i used to actually vomit before going to work.
    More along the lines of what you have to deal with, our hot water system broke once and i washed four kids, plus me, with one bucket of water each. Hubby took two weeks about fixing it and it was winter (admittedly mild here but just a pest with littlies)

    1. kylie,
      If only I could get in a bucket. Speaking of hot water, now I have no hot water in the kitchen, just a dribble of hot water, barely the size of a coffee stirrer. So, what is with that!

      Yes, that would be a pain with little ones, especially since I have no heat yet.

  5. Only time I have been worn down to the bone was after Hurricane Charley. Spent many a night crying because of fatigue both physical and mental. Lasted for about a month and during one week we actually moved - no furniture but all our personal stuff - 3 times trying to find a place with water and electricity at a price we could afford while repairing our home so we could live in it.
    Haven't you switched to paper plates and cups yet? Keeps dish washing to a minimum. And for dishes, heat water on the stove - only enough to fill a small saucepan, move to the sink, dilute with cold water to a temp you can tolerate, put soap on the sponge, then wash whatever. Rinse with cold water. I actually do that now to save on water as our water rates are so very very high. With just the 2 of us I haven't used the dishwasher in almost 5 years - it takes a week to fill it up before I'll use it and then it smells nasty.
    Still hoping, keeping my fingers crossed and saying a little prayer for you daily for your water problems to be fixed ASAP

    1. I use paper plates, know how to heat water and use it. But, when handling chicken, water sure is nice. I know HOW to do this, but I see no end. My fatigue is mental and physical.

    2. Cheap throw away 'surgical' gloves to use when fixing the chicken? Didn't mean to say you didn't know how to heat water, just sometimes when we are so beaten down we don't think of an easier way to do things. I was wasting a lot of water letting it run to hot when hubby made the suggestion to heat some water - a real DUH moment for me. And again, thoughts and prayers for a fix for your water problem.

    3. Bellen,
      Walking with even a quart of water is downright risky for me when I am so exhausted and stumbling because of my back. When I did not have a hot water heater for three months about 30 years ago, I heated water for everything--bath, hair washing in kitchen sink.

  6. Oh, forgot to add - can't see any reason to have a sweater for a candle. Just one more thing to keep clean and have a place for plus I think it would not allow much candlelight thru. I prefer candles plain in groups of 3 or 5, enough light to be useful that way.

    1. Bellen,
      It is just cute. I would only use it for decorative effect and only for a short it better not get dirty.

  7. I've had to go without water and on another occasion I have had to go without electricity, it is so so terrible.
    I don't blame you for being run down. I'm sending you positive vibes and wishing that a coke finds its way in you hands.

    1. Sonya,
      Thanks. I need something positive! I think going without electricity is worse.

  8. I've never been in a situation like that.. without water or electricity. But I can only imagine how completely draining it is. Situations like my mom's death & my own divorce have weakened me to the point my friends, family, & doctors were very concerned. Luckily, I snapped out of it eventually.

    1. tlc,
      Life stressors are not something I can handle anymore. Thanks for understanding.

  9. Linda - I have been there, more than once. I know the remembrance of a death in the family and your own physical stresses are taking a toll. Know that there are people that care, and will offer support in whatever we we can, you just have to ask.

    1. Brigid,
      Thanks for the kind words, Brigid. I really admire you. Okay, I will ask tonight or tomorrow. Thanks.

  10. I had a bad summer that totally wore me down when I desperately needed to re-charge and get ready for September. Consequently, I didn't craft, etc., like usual and my pocket really feels it. I totally get how that can translate in an inability to re-bound from illness, etc.

    I love, love, love crafting and I can do super-tiny things. Everything about knitting and crocheting appeals to me, yet I stink at it. The main problem is the uneven stitches I create. So, I could make a cozy sweater for your candle...but you'd just blow it out.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.