list for price-matching
For this I took most of my ads and sat down to see where the deals were and record them. I used a green pen to make this because it was at hand. I deliberately changed to red when I was shopping. The red pen marks are made in the store to record the price at Walmart price for the item I recorded from another store ad. Marked-through in red means either the price was cheaper at WM or another store, or I changed my mind about the purchase. At any rate, the red-lined items just means not to pay attention to that item again. This act of marking through just whittles down the list a bit. Everything I bought this day at WM with price-matching from other stores.
Here is an example. You can see that at WDG turkey is $.88/lb. But, at WM it is the same price, so there is no hurry to buy it that day. I did not buy it at all, as it turns out.
S&S grocery had sugar at a price that made me decide not to get it. Actually, I more than plenty on hand. Do you remember when I found sugar marked down and a coupon for the same sugar, making my sugar $0.25/lb. ($1.25 for 5 lbs.)
Hopper's turned out to be a good deal all around. I bought oj, pineapple, and cheese with their prices matched at WM.
TSC is Tractor Supply. I don't remember what "stuff" was.
Piggly Wiggly is where I found cheap apples, but nothing else I wanted, even after making a list of items I might buy. That is all I bought from the list of things there.
Save A Lot--changed my mind.
Win Dixie was best price on onions. Bought some.
Dollar General and Target--did not need more flour. And, it was too high.
K Mart--decided I did not want or need black beans because I have a few cans. I don't eat that many black beans.
The only stores on this list that are right in town are Piggly Wiggly, K Mart, Dollar General, Save A Lot, WM, and Aldi. Actually, Piggly Wiggly is just 5 miles in the wrong direction, sort of out of the way. Target is 40 miles away and Winn Dixie and Publix are 50 miles away. Hopper's and S & S are 15 and 20 miles away, respectively. Sometimes, I get an ad from Kroger's (25 miles), but I can go online for that ad.
That day I bought from this list: oj, Dole's Pineapple, Kraft Cheddar, apples, oranges, onions, celery. I might have bought milk or something not on the price-match list, maybe not. I shopped at
only Walmart and got prices from four stores. My lack of ability to get in and out of the car easily causes me to just go ahead and do all my shopping at WM. The real problem is the walking into the store and maybe finding that the two carts in a smaller store are in use.
I did not get a poinsettia and never got to KMart, both on my list. I was not going to buy a reindeer. I will explain that some day.
This list might look like a lot of trouble, but if I search through ads while sitting in the electric cart in the store, I block traffic. It is also easy to check out because some clerks demand to see the price in the ad. Searching through ads at the register takes longer than getting coupons in order. I used only one coupon on this trip--Dole canned pineapple.
So, that is how I shop every week. Some weeks, I am not so super-organized or really cannot afford the deals. If I only buy 1) price-matched items, 2) items on sale, 3) items on sale at WM, or 4) items at clearance prices, or 5) use a coupon on top of 1-4, I never have to buy anything and pay full price.
I have an in-my-head allotment of money for groceries and toiletries. If the end of the month is coming soon, like in a week, I check to see if I have enough money for milk and bananas. Then, it doesn't matter if I want something or it is reduced/sale-priced because I don't get it. One week, I may spend $50 and the next I spend $6, depending on whether there is nothing on sale that I want or I just have no more money.
Your turn
Do you make this kind of list to price-match? Or, do you make the list and stop in at multiple stores? There is no judgment. I do too, sometimes, but not the ones out of town. What does your list look like?