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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

and the doctor said,

"Go to the emergency room. There is nothing I can do for you." He went on to say he did not have what I need, that he was capable of helping me but did not have the equipment. So, exbf will drive up and take me to ER.

I have added a new thing to being ill. I will be sitting on the side of the bed or at the table, be walking or driving, and I sort of start fading away. It is not like I am going to faint or go to sleep. I just feel everything fading away. It is not at all like I am relaxed and just slip into sleep.

So, I am afraid to drive far. In the meantime, I continue with the immodium and Zofran.

Okay, I rested an hour from writing the above.  Then, I balanced my checking account. There is not enough money here to get to mid-month, much less to the end of the month. Lovely!


  1. Good luck.
    Your health is truly important.

  2. Hoping for the best at the ER. Let us know how things go.

  3. oh no, it really never ends!
    let us know how you go

  4. So sorry. Just got a message my uncle in Indian is back in the hospital. He had the flu, pneumonia and now has a bowel obstruction- get well, Linda, and stay that way. The bills can wait.

  5. Thanks, everyone. Nan, I going prepared for a hospital stay and will send exbf home so he won
    t catch flu at ER. I think this might be ecoli from eating fresh greens or HUS.

  6. That sounds scary! Hope you get some help at ER and feel better soon.

  7. Oh! Fresh greens! People have been hit by that up here in the PNW! I hope you feel better soon. Take very good care of yourself. Scary times!! Keep us up with what is going on in your life. I hope the ER can help you.

  8. Oh no! Sounds serious. I hope the ER can help you. I just saw on my newsfeed that Alabama was suffering from a flu outbreak across the state. I hope you are able to get some answers and some help.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.