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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Flu Vaccination

Tuesday night, I received a "flu shot" for the first time in two years. The pharmacist and doctor both said the vaccination is not as effective if a person is sick. Even sinus congestion or an earache can hinder the effectiveness and consequently the protection conveyed.  I had never heard this. Have you? There are times I had the flu vaccination while ill. However, no one informed me!

This is the first time in over two years that I have not had a sore throat, major ear ache, sinus infection, or chest congestion. Giving up all the foods I have has certainly cut down on my need for meds. I no longer take anything for acid reflux, allergies, congestion. I only take a Zyrtec and med for thyroid. Yes, Zyrtec is for allergy, but I had other things I took, too. Maybe this fall, I may have to add meds back. We will see.

I don't think I have ever had the flu. But, when I turned 65, I thought maybe it would be prudent to be protected since age might affect me as far as contracting the flu.

Maybe the protection I appear to have is genetic. No one in my family on mother's or father's side died in the influenza Pandemic of 1918-20. Plus, lung issues have killed no one since. We die from cancer. Did any of your family die during the 1917  worldwide flu outbreak? Could my family's history be genetic protection from influenza?

There is  a new technique. A round bandaid is put on the arm first. Then, the needle is pushed through the very thin middle of the bandaid. It's not a regular bandaid, but a special type just for vaccinations. Have you ever had one of these used for an injection?

As the pharmacist was preparing to inject me, I asked him if mercury were in the vaccination. He said there were no preservatives at all, "I like my vaccinations preservative-free."  I wonder if they are used for other types of injections and not just vaccines. ???

My arm was swollen yesterday and still is very hot. I guess I am okay even though my equilibrium is off. I appear as drunk as a bicycle.

We will not entertain the pros or cons of vaccinations. Those on both sides will never agree, so pardon my bossiness. I do know there are problems because I still have a huge dimple on my right arm where the vaccination site had to be lanced when I was a baby. And, my younger daughter had to be hospitalized for dehydration when she threw up for four days. My older daughter and I had a pretty bad life-threatening reaction to our tetanus vaccination! The doctors told us to never have another tetanus shot. I refuse to take a booster for tetanus because it terrifies me. Still, I am getting other vaccinations.

Your turn
Have you ever heard that any illness, no matter how slight will make the flue shot less effective? Do you think that the fact I have never gotten the flu has anything to do with genetics? Did your family lose members to the 1918 flu epidemic?  Are you aware of the new way of giving injections through the bandaid which is applied before the injection? Have you gotten your "flu shot" this year?


  1. Never heard of the bandaid trick and yes, every year there is a flyer and a form to fill out that asks about recent illness, fever etc. One shouldn't get the flu or any vacinations if even a little ill. I did have the flu once as a child, no thanks. Fast forward and a subsequent DX of mild asthma years later, I have received the flu shot annually. I don't know if anyone passed due to the flu epidemic. I normally don't get a flu shot until sometime from Sept to Feb

    1. CTMOM,
      Maybe I just don't remember being asked about recent illnesses.
      Since it is almost September and I am well, I grabbed the opportunity to get the flu shot. I will have the remaining cataract removed next Tuesday and the doctor may not want me getting the vaccination. Maybe I should have asked if it would be okay to get it.

  2. I haven't come across the bandaid thing either. And didn't get around to a flu shot this year, and we are moving (fast) into spring now.
    Hopefully you can stay off your meds.

    1. EC,
      It is not a normal round bandaid, but a special one for injections. I think 2014 was the last one I had due to being ill with something. Me too, I hated having to take so many meds.

  3. I've never had a flu shot and dont intend to any time soon. As far as I know nobody from my family died in the pandemic but they probably would have been outside of the susceptible age groups.
    The thing about mild illness lowering effectiveness of the vax raises some questions for me.

    I hadn't realised you had eliminated some foods for your health, which ones have you cut out?

    1. I have cut out anything that is the product of a mammal--meat, milk, and cheese. Cannot have wheat, citrus, anything fermented, aged, pickled. Wheat, cashews, and several other nuts. I can have chicken, turkey, and eggs.

    2. kylie, read post--I AM NOT Happy. just a few days ago.

  4. I have always heard if you had just a head cold, it was OK to have the flu shot. I get mine fathfully every September or early October, usually at Walgreens and yes, I have argued until blue in the face with folks who claim it gave them the flu NO! I'm very healthy but take no chances and yes, I had the flu once and it was awful! I remember it well because we were living in Connecticut and headed to the Midwest for Christmas- December, 1979!I had fever, aches and chills.

    1. NAN,
      Yes, I have heard those folk, too. They don't want to listen, so after one declaration they the vaccination won't/didn't give them the flue, I just drop it because I think they just don't want to get the flu shot and want attention.

  5. I get the flu shot every year, it's good to do.
    I've had a few bouts of flu, and when I do, it reminds me this is a very nasty disease. I can see how people die from it.

    1. Urspo,
      I imagine it is one of those diseases where people wish they were dead.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.