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Friday, February 28, 2025

Sad Day

 Jan 28

19,998 steps

I think I turned it around. Last night, I slept from midnight until 7 am. I did not go to bathroom once. That sort of worries me. 

We went out for one little chore and came back. While out, I wanted a snow cone. Some places have watered down flavoring. This flavoring, strawberry, was delicious. I ordered strawberries and cream. The cream is condensed milk. I got the small and managed to get it all over me. I worried about my blood sugar. As soon as I got home and got all the sticky mess off me, I dragged out my Legxerciser, pedals. I did 9,999. I never felt like my blood sugar was rising. I will step another 9,999 soon. 

Dinner: chopped salad and pasta and chicken. Tommy had bbq sandwich, chopped salad, pork and beans. 

Today, I was shocked, stunned, appalled at the treatment of Zelensky by Trump and Vance. I felt ill and my head was immediately in pain. I am utterly ashamed. I hope all of Europe does not turn against us. I fear for all of us, especially the Ukrainians. 


  1. Yep. The White House has put us on the wrong side of history now. We may not recover in our lifetime.

  2. It’s a shame, the USA is a laughing stock across the world, but your madness in voting in this tyrant is to the detriment of the rest of the free world

  3. I think all who watched it were stunned!

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      Some are suggesting Trump should be given the Nobel Peace Prize for that. From now on, it would be a meaningless prize to me.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.