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Saturday, February 1, 2025

My Chins

 Feb 1

steps 18,182

I noticed my face was not so fat and was thrilled. Then, one day I noticed my fat chins were less. I suppose it is still a fat double chin. But, now it is the kind that is a band going from chin to base of neck that has many wrinkles in it. Disgusting, but better than before.  I know I can have surgery, but that is not even a consideration. What can I do to make my saggy neck less prominent? Send me an email if you don't want to admit to the world you have done something to your neck.

Surgery or botox are off the table.

Friday night, I cut up the cabbage and Tommy put it on and then refrigerated it after it was cooked. We had some tonight. It is delicious. I ate it with the rest of my rice and broccoli. I refused to eat the still raw potatoes, so Tommy refrigerated them. He had the same thing. 

This morning, I finally was in bed by 8 am. I slept until 2 pm, and woke up in bed thinking I was sleeping on my stomach in my chair. I have felt okay this afternoon. 

The day has been beautiful and the week to come will be equally warm and lovely. 

Do you have excess chin/neck skin/fat?


  1. Since losing weight my face has become wrinkled, ugh. But I doubt I will do anything surgical for it.

    1. Belinda,
      Although I take some horrible pictures, my face is amazingly free of wrinkles. When people comment, I tell them it will probably wrinkle like a balloon with the air out. Horrors. But, no surgery. I would put cream on it. No botox, either.
      I suppose if I get a saggy butt, I won't have to look at it.

  2. I am pretty happy with how I look. I wouldn’t do Botox for all I am very close with a stellar plastic surgeon! I might consider surgery, but my complacency outweighs my vanity. As small as I am, I have a very long face and jaw line which only seems to be getting longer.
    I think scarves look pretty around the neck. I just don’t like them because I don’t like anything dangling in front of me. My current system is to avoid having my picture taken! Age sneaks up, doesn’t it.

    1. Meg,
      I do wear scarves but only because my neck ps cold until about June. I knew when I lost weight, I would wrinkle! I don't care enough to do anything. Yes, avoiding having my picture taken works.

  3. I lost the comment about exercising my chin. Whoever posted that can repost.

  4. Alas no I have the opposite facial wasting. I could use some chin.

  5. The drug you are on is a GLP-1 -- (Victoza, right? which is liraglutide) which has a side-effect of weight loss. GLP-1 agonists work by increasing insulin levels and decrease appetite. Weight loss is more steady if combined with exercise. For weight loss it is less effective than Ozempic (which is the trendy one, but in a higher dose, and can have more side effects). The average is 8.0% weight loss over 56 weeks. 5.0% is often seen after 8 weeks. With exercise you can see a significantly greater loss... AND with greater restraint in calorie together it can further improve metabolic function,
    Your doc should have explained all this to you, as well as contraindications (side effects).
    As for neck lifts... there are a bunch of non-surgical neck lifts, a board certified cosmetic surgeon... they have options (including micro-needling, laser treatments to stimulate collagen production). But until you lose all your weight, and give it some time -- why? Meanwhile, daily collagen peptides, and plenty of water -- can help with skin hydration, elasticity and wrinkles. (I use Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides mixed into warm water, added to fruit juice. But there are also pill supplements available.)

    1. I have been using Victoza for maybe 20 years and never have lost weight!
      Thanks for suggestions. Oh, I am not looking to get rid of excess skin until fat is gone.

    2. 20 years is a long time. I thought I was reading your blog when you discovered that you were on the verge of becoming diabetic.

      I discovered that I an prediabetic about 18 years ago. I take metformin twice a day and so far so good. When I last had blood work done my A1C was 5.0. I had blood work done this morning for 3 doctors that I will be seeing in the next 10 days. I hope that my A1C is holding steady. My big problem in anemia caused by low red cell production. Taking iron doesn't help this type of anemia.
      I see the Hematologist/Oncologist on Thursday and will learn where my numbers stand.

    3. Tommy said it was more like 17 years ago. What type anemia do you have? Your blood sugar is great.

  6. Linda, look on YouTube. There are lots of folks offering exercises for tightening the chin/neck. Now I don't know if they work or not, but you may as well give them a try. You could do them while pedaling, maybe?

    1. Sue,
      I was hoping to find a way that worked, not search for something that worked. Looking for tried and true. Can you imagine how I would look with body moving all over?


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.