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Saturday, March 1, 2025

I am on a roll

Mar 1

19,998 steps 

 Last night, I slept from midnight to a little after 7 am. I am proud of me. Sleeping most of the day is not the way I want to live. Hopefully, this will continue.

Since even now I am still in a state of shock at the state of world affairs, I am surprised I slept at all. But, I think the trauma knocked me out. 

At the Pig, there were girls selling GS Cookies, so we bought two boxes, Trefoils for Tommy and Thin Mints for me. This won't be pretty. 

At The Pig, we bought two cases of Dasani, celery, sweet potatoes, slaw mix.

I decided to have sardines for lunch. I had Beach Cliff. They smelled funny, not like sardines when I opened them. Tommy said they stunk. Well, I ate them, hating every bite. When I finished, the taste stayed with me. I carefully picked up the greasy can to read ingredients. They are sprats. ??? I looked up sprats. It turns out they are supposed to taste 'meaty' and not 'fishy." In other words, they do not taste like sardines. I drank water, ate a few chocolate chips, and brushed my teeth well. I still tasted like sprats. Tommy laughed and said not to wear a mask that I wanted to wear again because it might stink forever. I was glad to wear a mask because others could probably smell my breath. Have you ever eaten sprats? Oh, the can says 'Sardines.' No, they are not. Do you like sardines?

This was a beautiful day as yesterday. Yesterday, the day was a brilliant blue with not a cloud or chemtrail in the sky. Today, there were clouds and a breeze. The breeze was warm, but I knew my allergies would suffer. Of course, next week will be mostly rainy. 

I have never gotten the taste of the sprats out of my mouth. I belch about every fifteen minutes, nasty smelling and tasting belches. I have no idea if it the sprats or soybean oil. I ate them about1 pm and it is almost 10 pm now.

Have you bought or will you buy GS cookies?


  1. “You didn’t leave the sprats out, did you?”
    -The feldsher, in “A Young Doctor’s Notebook.”

    1. Not familiar. Obviously, you are.

    2. “A Young Doctor’s Notebook “ is a dark comedy based on Mikheil Bulgakov’s short story of the same name. Bulgakov was a Russian author, but the Soviets banned his work there.
      About ten years ago, a kid found “A Young Doctor’s Notebook “ on Netflix, and we watched the series , repeatedly. Kid wanted to see it because it featured Daniel Radcliffe playing the young doctor. Kids kept watching it over and over again because it was so good, albeit dark.
      I also let my pre-teen/teens watch “Lolita” because I am that kind of parent!

  2. We have bought and sold Girl Scout cookies in the past, but will pass on them this year due to the cost. It was beautiful here on Thursday and Friday, but turned cold on Saturday. Sigh, which shows me we are still not done with winter. I’m so ready for it to be over.

    1. Belinda,
      They are $5 here, What are they there? I am getting tired of this teasing and want it to be warm.

  3. Sardines for lunch sounds good.

    All the best Jan

  4. How did you get to the age you are without knowing that "sardines" can be any of about 30 species of small fish. (Sprats are usually called "brisling sardines" -- are very small fish, of a completely different species.)

    Sardines are Sardina Pilchardus. Sprats are Sprattus Sprattus. (Sometimes Sprats are called Silds.)

    So many species are grouped together as "sardines". (Species include the European Pilchard, Sardinella, Clupeidea, Sardinopos, Japanese sardinella, rainbow sardine, dussumieria, ...the list is very long).

    Flavors vary, textures vary, the number packed in a tin vary -- they're fished from the Mediterranean, up the coast of Cornwall England, in the Atlantic and in the Pacific.

    Some taste more like anchovies to me (and a few of the species are related).

    Sprattus Sprattus is closely related to herring, and tastes more like herring. (Don't know if you eat pickled herring or not.) It's more oily than the mild flavored larger sardines.

    I avoid all mixed oils, and only like olive oil packed, sardines. (I used to like the water packed, but they taste bland to me now.) I favor those packed in Portugal, because I think they taste the best. (But, I eat sardines regularly.)

    For rough groupings: sprats and brislings come about 20 in a tin, pilchards are bigger, older, fish and are packed from 10 to 4 or 5 to a tin. (they are sorted by size)

    Either way, with the sprats you got a huge boost in the good omega-3 fatty acid. They are so good for you, as an occasional snack.

    I'd suggest make sure you don't buy brisling sardines anymore (most often from Denmark, Norway, and Scotland) Stick to sardines or those labeled pilchards. Which are usually from the Pacific, France, Portugal and Spain.

    1. Meetsy, what a great education about sardines! I did not know any of that. Thank you! Why do you caution against buying brislings from those Scandos & Scotland?
      All this talk of sardines sent me on a pantry hunt for a can. But I am out!

      I did find a 3.7 oz can of Delamaris "Mediterana Tuna" in oil with carrots, corn, peas, peppers, olives, and apple cider vinegar. It is not sardines, but it is absolutely delicious. I really wish I could remember where I bought it, because it's fantastic straight out the can. I'd like a case of this stuff.
      Thanks for the tip to "A Young Doctor's Notebook"--DH & I are in need of a new series, and anything with Daniel Radcliffe AND Jon Hamm has got to be worth checking out.

    2. I was not being rude with my reply. I just cannot keep all that info in my head to buy something. I have never heard of sardines with vegetables.

  5. PS: I was a GS "Cookie Mom" for many years so I understand the importance of buying GS cookies. Although I strongly disagree with how little the troops keep per box. It makes me insane to think adults are being paid through the labor of minors!

    I like buying cookies for the troops. That way I support the GSs, I support our troops overseas, and I don't have cookies tempting me. Because I can crush an entire sleeve of Thin Mints in about 2 minutes.

    1. Sue,
      I thought the money went to the troop to spend. What a lie.
      Maybe I should buy to support troops. I finished off my Thin Mints before dinner that night. I did 9,999 steps to make up for it.

    2. Oh, most of the money from cookies goes to GS corporate leadership. They say it's for "programs" but the bulk goes to salaries.

      When cookies were $4.00/box, only .85 was kept by the GS girls troops doing the selling. A pittance. I don't know what the percentage is now.

    3. Sue,
      Of course! I do wonder what the girls get now that cookies are $5. I heard they were going to be $6.

    4. I have no idea what they're getting per box. But I'm sure it's still well below 25%.

      Sigh. All this talk of cookies is making me want a box of Thin Mints! Or Samoas, which I also love. They are more substantial so it's harder to eat a big stack at once. Not like Thin Mints, which seem to simply leap into one's mouth. LOL!

    5. Sue,
      I gobbled down a box of Thin Mints, so I won't buy more. Thin Mints leap into my mouth and just seem to dissolve. I have never had Samoas.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.