Feb 3
steps 10,450
Today has been another slow day. I did not sleep at all Saturday night. So, all my sleeping was during the day. I slept three hours today with no nap, so hopefully I will sleep well tonight.
For dinner I had: tuna, MW, chopped carrots, and two boiled eggs eaten with two huge Romaine leaves. Tommy ate something. Then, I made pimiento and cheese and packed me a sandwich for tomorrow when we are out. Tommy will make his out of whatever he wants.
I finally tried fixing the no-color problem on my hair. I still have hair that is white. The doctor won't care. I will, very much will.
As I was telling Tommy something from the past, I decided to see if this very nice man from our church was still with us so I could get in touch. Nope. Dead. Then, I looked up another family in another location and cannot find her. The death is not overwhelming, bringing me grief. But, where is the other family??? I will work on that another day.
My Victoza is promised for Wednesday. I do hope I get it because I cannot stand the anxiety I went through not having meds and having to go 64 miles to get only enough for two or three weeks.
The weather was beautiful, a little humid and the temperature was about 76F, I think. That is what Tommy told me. I only made one call of the many I need to make, but there is tomorrow.
We are still inundated with glitter from the deer I hit and rolled around with on the front porch! I even get it in my bed, off my feet, I suppose.
The abandoned house next door has a fire ant mound that is two feet in diameter and about a foot tall. I am going to go over there and use Amdro around it. Hopefully, I won't get in trouble. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
is the abandoned house the one that had the dogs?
are the dogs still there?
DeleteThey disappeared many months ago.
When we lived in the southwest, the kids would kick fire ant mounds. I don’t like to use pesticides, but when I saw those, I was sorely tempted! We don’t have fire ants here, thankfully. In fact, the bugs aren’t bad at all! My husband and I were commenting the other day that we raised kids who took it for granted that they could go outside at dusk in the summer in shorts and short sleeves without worrying about being eaten alive by mosquitoes. In over 20 years of living here, I think the family has had a total of 6 mosquito bites combined! The thing that shakes us is the bats that fly at dusk! They leave us alone, but when kids and I would head home at dusk from the neighbor’s farms, we would see bats circling overhead. At first we thought they were swallows, until eldest informed me otherwise!
ReplyDeleteThe other “problem “ is swallows building nests in the eaves and staying until their babies fly the nest. It’s cute, but they leave a mess. My husband is willing to allow it because of how much of their weight they eat in bugs!
DeleteIt seems few people in this town believe in eradicating fire ants. I do, but no other bugs. My kids often came in with six bites on each leg and and each arm in the summer and fall.
I have never seen a bat in the wild, at least to my knowledge. A swallow nest would be good.
Well, I thought I was seeing birds circling overhead, not bats. I could have happily enjoyed thinking that, but eldest is one for facts. I imagine another reason the bugs aren’t bad, besides the proximity of the ocean, is because we have so many bats and birds.
ReplyDeletePeople here have bat houses to attract bats to eat bugs, but I don’t think I could do that!
DeleteA bat house is creepy to me.