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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Saturday, a Better Day

Jan 8

steps 12,356

 It has been a beautiful day and very warm. It is 8 pm and still 71F. For the last few days, I have not slept well or eaten well. I did not use the pedals for several days. My left leg has swollen more and has spasms. 

Today, we got my repaired necklace from Jared's. There is still something wrong with it. Then, I got a refund from Barnes and Nobles, overdue and denied me for three years. I got my Victoza prescription straightened out. The pharmacist had recorded wrongly what I got when we drove 65 miles to pick it up. I did not ruin the necklace while they had it in their possession. I did not record my prescription wrongly. And, I was not responsible for receiving and paying for a book, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, that had no title on spine or front of the book. But, I did get all three straightened out today and money returned after everyone tried to blame all these problems on me.

I left home without breakfast because I was miserable feeling. We stopped and got Arby's cheese and beef and senior coke. There were no sandwich specials, but they gave us special prices, making both sandwiches and drinks $7. 

We sat in pharmacy drive-through for 45 minutes straightening out my Victoza. The nicest tech and pharmacist were on duty.

We went to Publix to pick up supplements that I finally found. 

It was a short day for us. I sat in the car the whole time. 

At home I made slaw and prepared a cabbage and put it in pot. We can eat that tomorrow and for a few more days. The slaw will work for about three days, too. 

For dinner we both had baked chicken and slaw. Tommy had little rolls, so he made little chicken sandwiches. I ate about 1.5 cups of slaw! Delicious. 

It is 8:30 pm and 71F. It has been a fantastic day weather-wise. Lots was accomplished, mostly old business. It feels good. Tomorrow, Sunday, it will rain, cool off. Rats! But, the weather is moving toward blazing hot summer weather. Great!

Do you have long-term things that need to be resolved or ones you finally resolved? 

How was the weather today where you are? 

Tomorrow Tommy will plant my bulbs!!!

Forgot to say--eggs Grade A Large are $4.59 at Publix.


  1. Gee, we still have slush on the ground, a whopping 36 degrees for the high, and somewhere in the 20's as the low. Another week of this, at least. I'm staying home -- it's too much work to shovel the driveway.

    I stayed busy, and wrote. (projects I need to complete)

    Glad to hear you untangled some knots.

    Very envious of your weather. I don't expect to see 70's until June or July.

    "open up that refrigerator, so I can stand in the light and get warmed"

    1. Meetsy,
      I do think opening the refrigerator would be a good idea in your circumstance! I use rainy weather to get some things done since I cannot go out. Okay, snow on the ground, even an inch is project weather.

  2. Where I live bulbs are planted in the Fall. Some, like tulips, require a freeze.

    1. Janet,
      These were dug from the ground, so fall bulbs. Usually Nov and Dec are bulb planting months. I finally told him about needing a freeze. He got out there that day. It was warm and dry, so no excuses.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.