Feb. 24
steps 18,000
I have been awake since 10 am and have not napped at all today. So, a much better situation. I still need to get with Amazon for continuing problems.
We went to grocery and I now have sardines. There were no POSSUM sardines. But, I did have to get sardines in soy oil, something I did not want to do. I will try to get all the olive oil off that I can. This calls for paper towels, something I rarely use. And, I now have bananas. Nature's Own was bogo, dozen large Grade A Publix eggs--$5.99, 2 roach baits, Bertolli bogo. I forgot to buy onions. At Piggly Wiggly--cabbage, Land O Lakes Butter-2 pounds, Ronco Spaghetti. Between the two stores, we spent $74.
It breaks my heart what is happening to Ukraine!
I checked with my bank to determine if McAfee was trying to get into my account. PayPal is sending me warnings. But, they have not gotten into my account or attempted to take funds. I have not used PayPal in 20 years. I refuse to open the emails from them.
When, if eggs from Turkey are imported and sold here, I will buy none. I will pay the price at the store.
Today, when I dressed to go out, I put on a light jacket. It was scorching outdoors and suffocating in the car. I think it was 66F today. Tomorrow, I think the forecast is 70F for Tuesday. I love this weather.
I was hoping someone had bought one of the scooters in the yesterday post. Or, maybe had experience with one.
Even though I only slept until 10 am this morning, I got very little sleep last night. I warned Tommy that I would start using the phone when I awoke. He did not complain.
Okay, 'napped' from 7-12 pm. Still groggy and feel I had no rest.
Tomorrow, I will get up and start phone calls.
It was a beautiful day! Birds are all aflutter. My pots of tulips are so green. Hopefully, the blossoms will appear. The dandelions are ahead of all the other 'flowers.'
It is 1 am and I have not eaten since noon, so I suppose I should eat something, I have no idea what Tommy ate.
Will you buy eggs from Turkey?
Is the weather where you live warmer?
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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.