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Monday, February 17, 2025

Poison Control

 Feb 16

steps 10,345

On Saturday night, I was so sleepy and was going to bed at about 10 pm. I was sitting on the bed and putting toothpaste on my toothbrush. I sort of wondered why the toothpaste was not the right color--white instead of Crest colored. As I brushed and sat on my bed, the taste was not there either. I kept my mouth wide open as I grabbed the tube and saw it was Lamisil. Obviously, I had grabbed the wrong thing. 

There was no way to get it out. I took a wad of toilet paper and brushed at my teeth with Crest. I managed to get back to living room and had Tommy look up Poison Control. I had swallowed nothing and only had a smear on my toothbrush when I started. 

The woman wanted to call me back in an hour to see if I was okay or for me to call back. I told her I was on my way to bed and felt I would be okay. 

Well, I finally fell asleep at 4 pm on Sunday.

The last time I used the wrong product was long ago when I used my hairspray instead of my spray deodorant. I even got another toothbrush to brush my teeth again. 

No need to tell me how not to make this mistake again. 

There was a very strong storm happening last night. I knew I heard something being blown about. Tommy told me I was imagining things, that I was always afraid. Not so. He tells me it is my imagination! This morning, a huge planter was on the concrete in front of the car where it had been blown off the porch, Tommy said it knocked off several small pots of dirt and dead plants. There were tornadoes elsewhere with damage. Many people lost power. Today was a beautiful day, but it is getting colder and there will be rain, possibly snow. 

As I was reading on the internet, I discovered an article that stated red light therapy could lessen the chance of a stroke or heart attack by lessening blood clots. I cannot find the article right now. I am too tired to look tonight. Have you heard of this therapy?

For some reason in the middle of the night, I stepped into the bedroom across the hall and looked around without stepping further into the room. I saw a Tootsie Roll bank that I bought many years ago. It was in a large bag. I brought it into the living room to examine since it seemed full of change. It was too loud to handle because Tommy was asleep. When he awoke, I opened it and dumped the change out. It was full of coins I don't remember having. There were only pennies, dimes, and quarters. 

Tommy said he had counted them for me several years ago and decided to divide them by coin. The quarters were state quarters. I barely remember seeing those and certainly not dozens of them. The pennies were mostly the new, ugly shield pennies. The dimes look fresh off the mint. The state quarters look new, also. I cannot imagine how I came by these. I do have two more little banks. I know one is in the bedside table where I put spare change. 

Okay, it is almost dawn, so time for me to go to bed.

Okay, I accidentally found the article. 

Red light linked to lowered risk of blood clots


  1. Yikes! I'm glad you were OK after the Lamisil incident. It's nice to find change like that. I found a lot after both my parents passed away. I think my Dad went around tossing pennies into the floor downstairs. LOL

    1. Belinda,
      I am glad it was not awful tasting or would kill me. I can imagine how many pennies you found in an elderly person's house. Good for you.

  2. Gosh I'm glad you're ok!!! Mind you, I've sprayed hair spray under my arms at work too!

    1. Treaders,
      Thanks! I was alarmed initially. Since I no longer use hairspray or deodorant spray, that is no longer a

    2. Treaders,
      Thanks! I was alarmed initially. Since I no longer use hairspray or deodorant spray, that is no longer a

  3. I guess you don't have to worry about developing thrush now, eh? LOL! Sorry you had to go through that.

    I've never mixed up deodorant and hairspray because I used gel deodorant.

    I have not heard of red light therapy for blood clots. I guess I'm not surprised, because I'm reading it's used for more and more things these days.

    1. Sue,
      I don't think it is for thrush. I suppose, but Tommy did not use it for that.
      Red light is used for skin problems or improvement, I have heard and some eye problems.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.