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Friday, February 28, 2025

Sad Day

 Jan 28

19,998 steps

I think I turned it around. Last night, I slept from midnight until 7 am. I did not go to bathroom once. That sort of worries me. 

We went out for one little chore and came back. While out, I wanted a snow cone. Some places have watered down flavoring. This flavoring, strawberry, was delicious. I ordered strawberries and cream. The cream is condensed milk. I got the small and managed to get it all over me. I worried about my blood sugar. As soon as I got home and got all the sticky mess off me, I dragged out my Legxerciser, pedals. I did 9,999. I never felt like my blood sugar was rising. I will step another 9,999 soon. 

Dinner: chopped salad and pasta and chicken. Tommy had bbq sandwich, chopped salad, pork and beans. 

Today, I was shocked, stunned, appalled at the treatment of Zelensky by Trump and Vance. I felt ill and my head was immediately in pain. I am utterly ashamed. I hope all of Europe does not turn against us. I fear for all of us, especially the Ukrainians. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Vaccines and Alzheimer's

Jan 27

steps 15,000

 Sleep last night was disrupted waking up sweating. I asked Tommy to make sure ac was on and not heat. When I was upset, he said he left it on ac. However, he left it so high that it never came on. I slept some sitting up straight in the chair. I have not had a nap at all, consequently, I got a few things done, even washed some dishes. 

We did go to Publix where almost everything I bought was either bogo or 'two for.'

Nature's Own bogo-bought one hamburger and one hotdog bun

Cheeto and Dorito--bogo for Tommy

Public Pizza Sauce-- 2 for $3, bought two

Kraft Parmesan Cheese--2 for $6, bought 2

Wheat Thins--b2g1, bought 3 Lightly Salted

Mt Olive Sweet Relish, no bargain

5 lbs Yellow Onions $4.99 marked to $3.99

Kleenex tissues--not on sale

2 salad mixes bogo, $2.50 each

We had leftovers for dinner. I had a small amount of the alfredo and a salad. Tommy had bbq on bun and salad, beans, I think.

We spent $51 and saved $24. 

It seems getting a covid vaccine can be helpful with delaying Alzheimer's. 

Researchers find a critical link between vaccinations and Alzheimer's disease

Speaking of vaccines, we will be getting one for pneumonia. Tommy has never had a vaccine for shingles. I will get another, too. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wednesday Doings

 Jan. 26

steps 19,998

Even though I still have remnants of Christmas, I put out St. Patrick's decoration. Yes, 'decoration' is what I have and all I want. There is a sparkly Shamrock on the front door and behind the storm door. There is no way I can transform the Christmas/Valentine tree into a shamrock tree unless I just take all the red from it and have a green tree. 

Last night, I sort of slept enough. At least, I have not been sleepy today. But, I feel it coming on

Today, we collected the three store ads. I did buy one thing I was afraid would sell out. I also took a salad back. Today was the last day. When I ate it with the tuna on top, I had to pick out all the brown pieces. Well, I suppose I could have eaten it. The rigid stalk where the plant grows into the ground was also in the bag. Romaine usually lasts longer than a few days. I opened the bag, shook out what I wanted, squeezed the air out and put the whole thing in a ziplock bag, squeezed the air out and took it straight to the refrigerator again. Weird.

We shopped for otc meds we don't want to worry about finding or finding at an exorbitant price. I am not sure what the results of Trump's shenanigans will be. I was so exhausted that I cancelled grocery shopping today. 

I also bought two nightgowns. For Tommy, I bought 3 pair underwear. He sleeps in khaki pants that are too tight, outgrown and a belt. That cannot contribute to restful sleep! He swears he will not wear the pants I bought him, actually a shirt and pants. I intended to only buy pants, but sets were all that was left. He says he will just sleep in underwear which is fine with me. I asked why he does not, and he said it was too hard to get his pants off at night and on in the morning. He does struggle. So, he may get his money back. I don't know or care. 

Right now, we are making dinner--shredded chicken, basil alfredo sauce, tiny jar of pimientos, package of frozen broccoli, garlic. It should be delicious. This is where having frozen bscb is handy. The hardest part has been shredding the chicken and waiting for pasta to boil. 

Tommy is complaining he cannot hold his coffee without pain because of carrying in things from the car. I know he hurts. He won't use the Voltaren, so I don't know what to do. I need to get him to a doctor! He has quit refusing to go and yelling about not going. 

Jupiter is brilliant tonight. I thought it was an I heard the planets will align sometimes soon. I need to see when so that I don't miss the display. 

Dinner is ready. Afterwards, I will make a grocery list. I think bedtime will be early tonight.

Now, I am sleepier than before eating. Oh, I have only had alfredo sauce with chicken chunks, not shredded chicken. But, this chicken was shredding when I tried to slice. 

The temperature today was 79F. It is so nice out. The tulip tree across the street is starting to bud. Lots of specimen trees will bloom in a few days. 

Breaking in for a Special Announcement

 At this point, I have lost 39 pounds. I lost the 7 I gained over Valentine's Day and another six to go with it. That makes 39 pounds total. Okay, go back to reading the last post. YAY!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Yawning Tuesday

 Yawning and yawning is all I have done tonight. I almost got enough sleep last night. I have not taken a nap. I was going to take a nap at 4 pm, but gerd attacked and I have had to sit up. I ate a tiny doughnut and this is what I get. 

I don't feel like doing steps right now, but I will record some steps for this day later. 

Tommy is heating up bbq and  baked beans, He is having applesauce, too. I will have tuna salad on a bed of Romaine. That should not upset my stomach. I was mistaken. The tuna salad and Romaine choked me. I had to quit eating. 

I think it was 74F degrees today. The ac is on. I'm in heaven.

Latest I read: "Trump unveiled his plans to offer a shiny new "gold card" with a price tag of $5 million to "very high-level people," among them "Russian oligarchs.""

Trump Says He Could Sell ‘Russian Oligarchs' a ‘Route' to U.S. Citizenship

What is this world coming to?

Eggs from Turkey

Feb. 24

steps 18,000

 I have been awake since 10 am and have not napped at all today. So, a much better situation. I still need to get with Amazon for continuing problems. 

We went to grocery and I now have sardines. There were no POSSUM sardines. But, I did have to get sardines in soy oil, something I did not want to do. I will try to get all the olive oil off that I can. This calls for paper towels, something I rarely use. And, I now have bananas. Nature's Own was bogo, dozen large Grade A Publix eggs--$5.99, 2 roach baits, Bertolli bogo. I forgot to buy onions. At Piggly Wiggly--cabbage, Land O Lakes Butter-2 pounds, Ronco Spaghetti. Between the two stores, we spent $74.

It breaks my heart what is happening to Ukraine! 

I checked with my bank to determine if McAfee was trying to get into my account. PayPal is sending me warnings. But, they have not gotten into my account or attempted to take funds. I have not used PayPal in 20 years. I refuse to open the emails from them.

When, if eggs from Turkey are imported and sold here, I will buy none. I will pay the price at the store. 

Today, when I dressed to go out, I put on a light jacket. It was scorching outdoors and suffocating in the car. I think it was 66F today. Tomorrow, I think the forecast is 70F for Tuesday. I love this weather. 

I was hoping someone had bought one of the scooters in the yesterday post. Or, maybe had experience with one. 

Even though I only slept until 10 am this morning, I got very little sleep last night. I warned Tommy that I would start using the phone when I awoke. He did not complain. 

Okay, 'napped' from 7-12 pm. Still groggy and feel I had no rest. 

Tomorrow, I will get up and start phone calls. 

It was a beautiful day! Birds are all aflutter. My pots of tulips are so green. Hopefully, the blossoms will appear. The dandelions are ahead of all the other 'flowers.' 

It is 1 am and I have not eaten since noon, so I suppose I should eat something, I have no idea what Tommy ate.

Will you buy eggs from Turkey?

Is the weather where you live warmer?

Monday, February 24, 2025

Sardines and Mobility Scooter Search

 Sunday was about the same as the last week. No sleep on Saturday, just Sunday. I got none of my calls done. 

I wanted to see the special with Tom Hanks narrating, but I needed to sleep as my eyes were closing. I slept. I wanted to see the Grosse Point Garden Club or something like that. I could not keep my eyes open once again. I actually did watch part of the special. I wanted to watch the news and slept through it.

Tommy woke me and told me it was almost six just like I told him. I just lay there. Finally, he came back and I asked him why he wanted me to get up so early. He told me the special that I wanted to watch at 6pm was coming on. Once again, I got the time wrong. 

This is driving me crazy. 

Finally, I made a call to Amazon about issues with orders. I got a woman in the Philippines who seemed incapable of speaking slowly except when she said, "I'm sorry" when I stopped her to slow down. It was torture! I need to get someone in the US to help me straighten out the problems she caused. I was too exhausted to try to get her to slow down. 

I had tackled the easiest issue! Have you found that Amazon service is less efficient and more confusing lately? 

How about this scooter? Anyone ever used this or knows anything about it? 

Today, I did not have my banana! I just ate more apple. I have been craving sardines! Do you like sardines? My favorite brand is POSSUM. What is your favorite? 


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chicken and Ducklings YUM

Saturday and Saturday night did not go any better than Friday and Friday night. We got nothing done on Saturday. Leftovers were plentiful and delicious, So there were no problems to finding tasty and nutritious meals, not just eating whatever. 

I had a short talk with Tommy about not getting two important calls made. He said if he could get enough sleep during the night, he could get up earlier. The problem also is that I cannot get to sleep during the night, so I need to do things early before I am punchy. 

Sitting on the bed to talk does not work and there is no other sitting place I can use anywhere in the house to make a long phone call. Now that he knows what is going on, I will just use the phone even though he is asleep. He knows these calls involve money, lots of money. I never wake sleeping people, so this makes me feel like a mean, unfeeling person. I told him he could take a long nap if I caused him to get up too early. I am only talking about 10 am!

Saturday, I got up at 7 pm, too late to go to store or pharmacy. He was rattling around getting his dinner. So, we both have to work on this problem. Otherwise, nothing will ever be accomplished around here. 

I need to make this. Chicken and Ducklings Will you try this?

It seems the roach treatment that works well had been discontinued. That is disappointing. It seems that happens too often--find a favorite in any category and it disappears! My favorite bra disappeared, followed by favorite shoe along with many other items. Has this ever happened to you too many times?

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Nothing Here

 Feb 21


I did not sleep a second on Thursday night. We decided to go somewhere on Friday afternoon that was closed! I was in bed by 1 pm. I awoke at 6:45, sweating, and Tommy was making a racket in the kitchen. I asked him what he was up to so early. Of course, it was still 

He brought my dinner--a bit of ground beef, huge sweet potato, turnip greens. 

That is it. I have more, but I am tired and going to bed

What have you accomplished?

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Garlic and Me

 I know my health is my responsibility. I will not give up chocolate! I do eat much less. But, there are things I can do. Eating garlic to lower the risk of a blood clot or heart attack or stroke is something I can do. I always keep garlic visible on the counter. But, since I don't put things in food, leave it to Tommy, it never is included. My head of garlic had gone bad. 

I bought another this week with the goal of consuming one clove each day, at least. I asked Tommy if he liked garlic. He doesn't. I assured him he would not be able to taste strong garlic. One of his favorite dishes at Ruby Tuesday is zucchini, olive oil and garlic. I chopped a whole clove and put it in the soup which we will eat over a few days. So, there will be no consuming a whole clove each day. I will increase consumption slowly so as not to freak out Tommy. 

Plaque in arteries is not anything to ignore. 

We cooked soup again today. It was on before noon, and Tommy managed not to have it done by 9 pm. How is possible when I told him to put it on high? 

He could not detect the garlic taste. Next time, I will put two cloves. He said it was crunchy when he ate it??? Garlic cooked for 7 hours will not be crunchy. The potatoes were crunchy along with the carrots. 

Tommy knew all the vegetables had no sodium. Yet he used no salt on his soup. Maybe he can now taste food without salt. Progress! 

It has been so cold here.  I could not sleep because of cold feet. I did discover how to keep my feet warm. Tomorrow, I will reveal that. lol

I discovered how to get Tommy to keep the short bookcase by his chair and the door uncluttered. Before Christmas I put three electric candles on a long white tray. When I had this ready, I told him to keep junk off the bookcase. Since the tray goes on the table where the Christmas tree is rooting, he still keeps the area around the candles free of junk. I have not mentioned clutter since before Christmas. I had room to put my salsa bouquet there, too. 

Okay, time to hang up nightgowns to dry!

Do you dislike garlic or use it freely?

Do you deliberately eat some things for your health?

I tried Coca Cola Orange Cream


Jan 19

steps 10,300


I tasted it once and made a horrible face. Tommy  tried it and did not like it, either. I decided to give it a second chance. It was still horrible. Tommy wondered how it would taste with vanilla ice cream in it. I don't care. The problem is--I like to mix orange juice and Coke!!

We had no slush yesterday, not even a flake. The temperature is in the mid 20s and going lower. This Wednesday night will be frigid. 

We collected the ads, even though I had not slept a second on Tuesday night or all day on Wednesday. 

We bought Romaine, blueberries, sweet potatoes, garlic. I was feeling so horrible that we got Whopper, jr for each of us. At home, Tommy scrubbed the sweet potatoes, and I trimmed and oiled them for the oven. Then, I went to bed for a nap. I was willing to sleep for the rest of the night. But, I had no such luck.

I did manage to do my steps, the only thing besides shopping in Publix. 

Dinner for Tommy: sweet potato, turnip greens from can, leftover ground beef. I had a cup of sweet potato from jacket. 

My Whopper, Jr. had no lettuce, so they handed me two huge slices. I considered that part of my vegetable consumption. 

I am grateful for a warm bed tonight. How about you?

Have you tried the orange cream Coke? Do you like it?

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Nuts and Slush

Jan 18

Steps 10,350

I keep nuts in the freezer and a little container of thawed ones on the table beside me. No matter how healthy a nut is, I am totally devoted to pecans. When I was seven years old, we lived on 10 acres and half a dozen pecan trees. Pecans were work, entertainment, food.

We went as a family to the pecan trees. Days before the pecans were ready, Daddy mowed and picked up all fallen limbs. My brother, at least, went with him.  Then, one day, after picking up pecans every day, Daddy would hoist my brother up in the tree where he shook the limbs. He was young and light, so more brawn was needed. Daddy took a two by four and put one end under the limb and pushed hard enough to dislodge gallons of pecans. We were all present for this event, armed with empty paint buckets and five gallon buckets. It was always a happy day for us. Yes, it was entertaining. (I forgot to say that Daddy took heavy tarps he had used when he was a painter and spread them on the ground. He had about three. The pecans were easier to pick up. Some bounced off the tarps. We could easily look beyond the tarps for those.)

We loved shelling pecans and eating the meat. Daddy would sell many five gallon  buckets of pecans. But, we saved enough for snacks. Mama made old-fashioned fudge and pressed half a pecan in each piece of fudge. I have never used any other nut in baking. I substitute pecans for any nut in a recipe. 

 Click HERE>>  Nuts to Eat. Nuts not to Eat.

Tommy prefers peanuts over any other nut. Of course, peanuts are not really nuts. ( Tommy came in and said pecans are the least distasteful nut if he has to choose something beside peanuts.) I have always loved cashew nuts, but learned early on of the calories, so I limited my consumption. Pistachios have long been a favorite nut, a preference developed before we had pecan trees. Now, I find they are too hard and often hurt my gums. Then, I discovered that I am allergic to cashews! So, no more of those no matter how much I like them. 

Today, I have done little. Tommy planted daffodils and a dark pink tulip in the same two pots, washed a lot of dishes in the sink. I did my steps, napped, and ate poorly. 

It is supposed to rain and snow tomorrow. So, the forecast is slush? We will see how that works out. We have nowhere to go and no desire to go anywhere so we can watch the snow/rain. I do have calls to make and fires to put out. I will be busy. Will the ice be on top or bottom? 

What is your favorite nut? 

What is your weather forecast?

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

It's About Time and Freezing Eggs

 Feb. 17

steps 12,000


The hit and run occurred on December 19, 2024. Finally, on February 17, 2025, the insurance company is working. A guy called, wanting to come by between 1:30 and 2:30 to see the damage on the car and write up an estimate. 
He actually showed up. He does agree with me that the car should not be making the noise it is making. That lasted about 45 minutes with me sitting on my walker with hair still dripping from being washed. It was about 40 something and a breeze. At least my hair dried quickly. Tommy said my head felt 
An hour later Tommy got a call from a guy wanting to come out and see if the first guy had done the estimate correctly. Tommy said he is happy with the first guy's estimate. I want to have the first guy's work approved. So, I have that to deal with.
Tommy uncovered all my bulbs he planted. They are no longer ghostly white. They are a healthy green and putting out more sprouts. These were the free bulbs.
We have done absolutely nothing today. We went to grocery store and got two half gallons of my milk white it was still cheap--$9 for two half gallons and a few other items. I always need bananas! We ate leftovers, so no prep and no cooking. Tomorrow, Tommy will find my bought bags of bulbs and plant them. He does not know it yet.
Tommy and I talked it over, and I think I will freeze a few eggs even though I have found no shortage and eggs are a bit over $5/dozen. At this point, the bird flu is not waning. I have a package of Ova Eggs that I need to locate and try. I wish I still had hens! I have frozen eggs many times, so no experimenting or learning. I freeze in Ball jars of all sizes. Are you freezing eggs?

Monday, February 17, 2025

Poison Control

 Feb 16

steps 10,345

On Saturday night, I was so sleepy and was going to bed at about 10 pm. I was sitting on the bed and putting toothpaste on my toothbrush. I sort of wondered why the toothpaste was not the right color--white instead of Crest colored. As I brushed and sat on my bed, the taste was not there either. I kept my mouth wide open as I grabbed the tube and saw it was Lamisil. Obviously, I had grabbed the wrong thing. 

There was no way to get it out. I took a wad of toilet paper and brushed at my teeth with Crest. I managed to get back to living room and had Tommy look up Poison Control. I had swallowed nothing and only had a smear on my toothbrush when I started. 

The woman wanted to call me back in an hour to see if I was okay or for me to call back. I told her I was on my way to bed and felt I would be okay. 

Well, I finally fell asleep at 4 pm on Sunday.

The last time I used the wrong product was long ago when I used my hairspray instead of my spray deodorant. I even got another toothbrush to brush my teeth again. 

No need to tell me how not to make this mistake again. 

There was a very strong storm happening last night. I knew I heard something being blown about. Tommy told me I was imagining things, that I was always afraid. Not so. He tells me it is my imagination! This morning, a huge planter was on the concrete in front of the car where it had been blown off the porch, Tommy said it knocked off several small pots of dirt and dead plants. There were tornadoes elsewhere with damage. Many people lost power. Today was a beautiful day, but it is getting colder and there will be rain, possibly snow. 

As I was reading on the internet, I discovered an article that stated red light therapy could lessen the chance of a stroke or heart attack by lessening blood clots. I cannot find the article right now. I am too tired to look tonight. Have you heard of this therapy?

For some reason in the middle of the night, I stepped into the bedroom across the hall and looked around without stepping further into the room. I saw a Tootsie Roll bank that I bought many years ago. It was in a large bag. I brought it into the living room to examine since it seemed full of change. It was too loud to handle because Tommy was asleep. When he awoke, I opened it and dumped the change out. It was full of coins I don't remember having. There were only pennies, dimes, and quarters. 

Tommy said he had counted them for me several years ago and decided to divide them by coin. The quarters were state quarters. I barely remember seeing those and certainly not dozens of them. The pennies were mostly the new, ugly shield pennies. The dimes look fresh off the mint. The state quarters look new, also. I cannot imagine how I came by these. I do have two more little banks. I know one is in the bedside table where I put spare change. 

Okay, it is almost dawn, so time for me to go to bed.

Okay, I accidentally found the article. 

Red light linked to lowered risk of blood clots

Sunday, February 16, 2025




steps 13,545

Last month, I had a week of normal sleep. I wish I could get that back. Right now, we are being buffeted by 60+ miles per hour wind. The lights flickered momentarily. Well, it is all gone just that fast. I hope my deer are not blown all over the yard. 

Finally, I have long and skinny spatulas. They are nine inches long, could be longer to suit me. The pink/green/yellow set is in the dishwasher, ready to be washed. I have been searching forever for something like this, but longer. I hate getting contents on my hands but hate waste. So, this will work. I think I have seen these before and rejected the idea because they really need to be longer.

Because I over-ate the wrong things, I gained back seven pounds. Now, I have come to my senses and eating more normally and hopefully losing at least that weight and maybe more. I don't feel like going to weigh right now, so that will be in a future post. 

For dinner I had a large bowl of soup. Then. I made brownies, ate a few and put the rest away. Other than the soup and brownies, I had one piece of bread and about 6 ounces of milk today along with part of an apple, banana, pecans, and three prunes. That is not a lot of calories in my opinion. Tommy had a small bowl of soup and a ham sandwich. 

Sunday will be the last soup, a bowl for each of us. However, there is a 3-pound package of ground meat. I want more soup. This is a small oval crockpot. I have an 8-quart crockpot in storage. I won it, never used it. I have trouble picking it up empty. So, I am sure I could not handle it with food in it. But, it would work better for cooking pots of anything for freezing. 

The storm was terrific tonight. I wonder what new Sunday will bring. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day


We wanted to go somewhere, so I had Tommy wake me at noon. I was too tired to go. I said, "Happy Valentine's Day." He returned the wish and told me my present was beside my table, so I had him bring it to me. It was a little bank with Tootsie Rolls. I laughed so hard I was no longer able to sleep. I gave him a book:

"Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged and Profited from Slavery." He likes it. 

Happy Valentine's Day!


Yesterday, Thursday, I felt drugged all day! Finally, after lying about in my chair, barely able to hold up my head, I realized the problem. Long ago when I first took Melatonin, I only took 1 mg. I gradually went up to 3 mg. Then, I took several 3 mg. I was overdosing. 

I went about ten years or more taking none. Then, I bought more and rarely took them. Now, I have a 3 mg bottle, way too much. 

On Tuesday night as I usually do lately, I bit off a bit of the chewable pill. Then, not able to sleep, I took the rest. I slept but then was groggy all day Wednesday. Finally, at midnight on Wednesday night, I was groggy no more. I lost a day. Finally, at 3 am Thursday morning, I recovered and slept. 

I think I should never take Melatonin again. I slept all day today, Thursday.

The day, Thursday, was beautiful and cold. Tommy covered up the pots of tulips. I agreed to it. But, I was not thinking straight, fresh from a daylong sleep as freeze does not hurt tulip bulbs. They need the freeze.  

I wanted to make soup today, but is still not on at 7 pm, but we are working on it. Needless to say, it won't be eaten today. This is the soup my kids loved after one little tweak. When I quit putting chunks of soup meat in it and put ground beef in the soup, they loved it!

Tommy did get the meat out of grease from hamburger. Then, he poured the grease into the soup, "just like you told me to do." Does anyone believe I wanted meat left out of soup, but that I wanted the grease in the soup?  He did tell me later it was a low-fat ground meat. 

My pedals have been abandoned for the day along with posts for several days. 

It was not such a burden to comment, so I have just been reading and commenting other blogs. This has been a horrible experience. This is why I hate pain killers.

We were discussing where to eat tomorrow. I still have not treated him to Bright Star, Greek restaurant, for his December birthday. He keeps putting it off. I suggested Bright Star, KFC, BBQ restaurant near here. He can add anyplace he wants. This is not for Valentine's Day, just because. Of course, we will go wherever in the afternoon or lunch, not for dinner. A couple of weeks ago, he mentioned he had not had Chinese in a long time. We will eat somewhere, maybe soup at home. 

I am just glad to get Wednesday behind me. 

Tommy told me he got something for Valentine's Day for me at the Dollar Tree! I cannot imagine! I think he has learned to get me something instead of waiting for me to wish for something. It is Surely, he spent more than $1.25. 

Warren Buffet

 Buffett has a very simple diet and doesn’t like to go out much. In Buffett’s biography, “The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life,” author Alice Schroeder quoted him as saying, “I like eating the same thing over and over and over again. I could eat a ham sandwich every day for fifty days in a row for breakfast,” Mashed reported. 

Warren Buffett: 10 Things Poor People Waste Money On

I did eat the same thing every day for three months and lost 30 pounds. I suppose eating the same thing every day is not as weird as it seems if Warren Buffet can do it. 

At midnight we had a very small bowl of soup. Delicious.

What do you have planned for Valentine's Day? 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Monday, Another Week


Jan 10

steps 19,998

This is interesting article about how the temperature of the room can affect cognition in the elderly.

I complain about the temperature of the room, so maybe I am helping my cognition unwittingly.

temperature of the room for sleep

I think it was Thursday or Friday that I sneezed about 30+ times. They were the kind of sneeze that leaves one breathless and hurting from the force. Immediately afterwards. It felt like my whole head was swollen with congestion, sinus congestion. I was so exhausted and never got over it for several days. I suppose my spring allergies are in full force. Allergy reactions in the spring and summer are a bummer. 

Since December I have been asking, begging Tommy to plant my bulbs I got free at the ag center in October. There has been a huge plastic bag in the refrigerator all this time. So, finally he got them all out. There is a table in the yard, so he got pots of old dirt and got busy. I pointed out which end was up. That was not necessary since they had all sprouted. I am not sure if the ghost-white sprouts will ever live.  I did not tell him that I had two purchased bags of tulip bulbs. I will mention that another 

The Christmas wreath has been down since right after NYD, but it was in a corner behind the door. I got the wreath holder out and that is gone from the living room. Tomorrow, I will have him get the Santa and two reindeer from where I cannot move, blocked by his junk. I can get those in their boxes and into the bedroom. 

Finally, I resumed the lymphedema therapy. My ankle was hurting me because of an injury suffered Tuesday at cardio by personnel there. So, I have been living with a sprained ankle and hurt feelings. 

Monday night, we opened two cans of salmon. I wore myself slap out breaking it all up with a fork, added a chopped onion, four eggs, almost two cups of oats, and pepper. It was so salty, I did not use salt like I usually do. The salmon croquettes were delicious. I had cabbage and green beans with the croquettes. These were the cans of salmon that were so cheap and my favorite brand. I think they were bogo at Publix. 

When I saw my Tupperware lady, she talked me into buying a chopper. Then, I think she just gave it to me. The onions I was chopping were hurting my eyes so that I got that out. When I could not figure out how to use it, I gave it to Tommy to figure it out. He did and chopped the onion with a few pulls on a rope like a lawnmower. This thing does not chop, it goes way beyond a chop. I like it. No tears!

Usually, I cook all the mixture. This time, I had Tommy store it for cooking tomorrow. One time, I tried baking them. They were awful, and I don't know why.  

Monday night, I did an extraordinary number of steps. I just felt like doing that many. I stepped until the machine stopped twice, so 2x 9,999 steps.

Once Sunday rolls around, I feel like it is time to start all over. I need to check ads online and then get ads in my hands. So, Monday shows up and it is a new week. I only have one appointment that I will have to cancel. Then, there were things we planned to do that will be cancelled, too. 

This week is rainy and cooler than last week, still very acceptable. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Saturday, a Better Day

Jan 8

steps 12,356

 It has been a beautiful day and very warm. It is 8 pm and still 71F. For the last few days, I have not slept well or eaten well. I did not use the pedals for several days. My left leg has swollen more and has spasms. 

Today, we got my repaired necklace from Jared's. There is still something wrong with it. Then, I got a refund from Barnes and Nobles, overdue and denied me for three years. I got my Victoza prescription straightened out. The pharmacist had recorded wrongly what I got when we drove 65 miles to pick it up. I did not ruin the necklace while they had it in their possession. I did not record my prescription wrongly. And, I was not responsible for receiving and paying for a book, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, that had no title on spine or front of the book. But, I did get all three straightened out today and money returned after everyone tried to blame all these problems on me.

I left home without breakfast because I was miserable feeling. We stopped and got Arby's cheese and beef and senior coke. There were no sandwich specials, but they gave us special prices, making both sandwiches and drinks $7. 

We sat in pharmacy drive-through for 45 minutes straightening out my Victoza. The nicest tech and pharmacist were on duty.

We went to Publix to pick up supplements that I finally found. 

It was a short day for us. I sat in the car the whole time. 

At home I made slaw and prepared a cabbage and put it in pot. We can eat that tomorrow and for a few more days. The slaw will work for about three days, too. 

For dinner we both had baked chicken and slaw. Tommy had little rolls, so he made little chicken sandwiches. I ate about 1.5 cups of slaw! Delicious. 

It is 8:30 pm and 71F. It has been a fantastic day weather-wise. Lots was accomplished, mostly old business. It feels good. Tomorrow, Sunday, it will rain, cool off. Rats! But, the weather is moving toward blazing hot summer weather. Great!

Do you have long-term things that need to be resolved or ones you finally resolved? 

How was the weather today where you are? 

Tomorrow Tommy will plant my bulbs!!!

Forgot to say--eggs Grade A Large are $4.59 at Publix.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Thursday, February 6, 2025

That Was Wednesday

 Feb 5

steps 10,999

I will tell the story of Tuesday later.

Today, the PT person came. He does nothing except take temp, bp, and oa. He said today was my last day with home health care. I commented that it was sporadic. He said most people were home all the time, but I always gone. So, it seemed I needed nothing from the program. I told him it was sometimes hard to get a dr appt and tests I needed. So, since they always called at last moment, I was not going to miss other healthcare. He said that was the way all home healthcare operated. I doubt that. Maybe I am wrong.

He did comment that since I was walking better, I was improving under their program. Well, I told him that my ability to walk without staggering was dependent on other things in my life: how much sleep I had, if I had just gotten out of bed for appointment, blood sugar, general malaise that time of day, was my knee hurting, was my foot hurting, was I hungry, did sinus and ear congestion affect my balance. He had no comment. 

Diet Pepsi at Publix was buy 3, get 2 free, making it $6/24 pack carton. We got five. Well, it was Pepsi products. When I saw the ad, I thought maybe it was a typo. Tommy, sitting in the car said several couples came out with two carts filled with cartons of Pepsi products. 

Today was so warm that for the first time in six months, I wore a sleeveless blouse out to stores to pick up ads. Actually, the blouse was not only sleeveless, it was cut back exposing not only arm but the shoulders. I believe it was still 70 at 6:30. Wonderful! We have to use the ac.

I did manage to make one more call to put out a fire. YAY me.

So that was my Wednesday.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Run Around Day

 Jan 4

steps 12,000

It is too late! We had to get up early for a cardio appointment. UGH. The night before, I made a pimiento and cheese sandwich, so Tommy made a bologna sandwich and carried a cheese stick. We ate in a shady parking lot and were ready to come home by noon. 

Instead, we visited Jared's to get my necklace fixed. I do believe Tommy broke it trying to unlatch it for me. At any rate it is insured. Then, we went to Barnes and Nobles to use my two gift cards Tommy gave me for Christmas. I had to settle a transaction that was settled satisfactorily. "Manager" before would not make a purchase right. This one did. Tommy got The Handmaid's Tale and brought it out to me.

I think it was 67 degrees today, not sure, just very pleasant. The day started colorless and grey. There were no gray clouds, just a grey sky. When we came out of the doctor's office, there was sun and lots of grey clouds, still a very pleasant day.

I went to a really fancy Publix to get something. (It was on the way home.) While there I went to bathroom and dragged one leg through something liquid in front of commode. Oh YUCK. It dragged and flopped around my ankle on the way out. 

My Victoza prescription cannot be filled until after this one is gone for three days. I am so upset. Wasted stop and wait at pharmacy!

Then, I went to Publix and picked up my free bouquet. Customer service reminded me to get bananas. He said he notices I always buy them. So, I went and got bananas, so grateful he pays attention.

I have needed coat hangers, specifically pants hangers. I need them to hang clothes on tops of doors. I have plenty of plastic topped hangers that won't hang on the door. While in Publix, of all places, I found them. I think the four I bought today will be enough. I can always put dry clothing on the plastic hangers. At least I know where to find them. They are made in China, so maybe I should get a few more. These will hang blouse and pants! 

One horrendous thing happened that I cannot write so late. Tomorrow, maybe.

We got lots done, but about 4 pm, I had to take a nap. I felt 100% rejuvenated afterwards. And, I knew what day it was! We accomplished sooo much.

How was your Tuesday? Did you have a slow day or accomplish much?

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Staying Out of Trouble

Feb 3

steps 10,450

 Today has been another slow day. I did not sleep at all Saturday night. So, all my sleeping was during the day. I slept three hours today with no nap, so hopefully I will sleep well tonight. 

For dinner I had: tuna, MW, chopped carrots, and two boiled eggs eaten with two huge Romaine leaves. Tommy ate something. Then, I made pimiento and cheese and packed me a sandwich for tomorrow when we are out. Tommy will make his out of whatever he wants. 

I finally tried fixing the no-color problem on my hair. I still have hair that is white. The doctor won't care. I will, very much will. 

As I was telling Tommy something from the past, I decided to see if this very nice man from our church was still with us so I could get in touch. Nope. Dead. Then, I looked up another family in another location and cannot find her. The death is not overwhelming, bringing me grief. But, where is the other family??? I will work on that another day. 

My Victoza is promised for Wednesday. I do hope I get it because I cannot stand the anxiety I went through not having meds and having to go 64 miles to get only enough for two or three weeks.

The weather was beautiful, a little humid and the temperature was about 76F, I think. That is what Tommy told me. I only made one call of the many I need to make, but there is tomorrow. 

We are still inundated with glitter from the deer I hit and rolled around with on the front porch! I even get it in my bed, off my feet, I suppose.

The abandoned house next door has a fire ant mound that is two feet in diameter and about a foot tall. I am going to go over there and use Amdro around it. Hopefully, I won't get in trouble. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Slow Saturday

Jan 2

steps 11,000

 Maybe I have my sleep schedule under control. I hope so. It affects my daytime when I don't sleep well at night. 

Tonight, I ate ground beef that totally up my digestive system. Right now, I am so dehydrated. I need water and electrolytes. 

I think I took a nap in my bed. And, I slept in my chair through a holocaust program I wanted to see. I never miss AFV, of course. So, it appears it was a restful day, maybe wasted. Tommy was rather calm and helpful. 

There are lists, plans, all waiting until I put color on my hair again! Tommy left me with a circle of hair about 6 inches in diameter, all white.

USPS delivered a huge, heavy box only halfway up the ramp. Taking care of that is the first order of Monday morning. If we have a ramp, we might have a need for help, like bring the huge box all the way to the door!  

It was 69F today, pleasant. 

How was your Saturday? What did you accomplish?

Does USPS deliver packages so you can easily get them into the house?

Saturday, February 1, 2025

My Chins

 Feb 1

steps 18,182

I noticed my face was not so fat and was thrilled. Then, one day I noticed my fat chins were less. I suppose it is still a fat double chin. But, now it is the kind that is a band going from chin to base of neck that has many wrinkles in it. Disgusting, but better than before.  I know I can have surgery, but that is not even a consideration. What can I do to make my saggy neck less prominent? Send me an email if you don't want to admit to the world you have done something to your neck.

Surgery or botox are off the table.

Friday night, I cut up the cabbage and Tommy put it on and then refrigerated it after it was cooked. We had some tonight. It is delicious. I ate it with the rest of my rice and broccoli. I refused to eat the still raw potatoes, so Tommy refrigerated them. He had the same thing. 

This morning, I finally was in bed by 8 am. I slept until 2 pm, and woke up in bed thinking I was sleeping on my stomach in my chair. I have felt okay this afternoon. 

The day has been beautiful and the week to come will be equally warm and lovely. 

Do you have excess chin/neck skin/fat?

This lost post

 Jan 30

steps 14,628

Hmm, I have no idea where this post should be.

Some People Drink at the Fountain of Knowledge; Others Just Gargle

 Feb 1

Steps 12,000


Well, I awoke ready to make calls and places were closed on Friday. No one will be open tomorrow. I have another list of calls of people and places that should be open. So, called one and hung up discouraged. Sending me a text so I can fill out my info is not great customer service for me. 

We are making progress. Tommy took the bows off the deer. At this rate, I will be done by Labor Day. 

Tommy's osteoarthritis is causing him so much pain. For years I have suggested a doctor. He always gets loud and denies anything can be done. He last consulted his family doctor about 20 years ago. Lately, he has quit objecting, so it is time for me to make an appointment. He no longer says he won't have an operation or knee replacement. Wish me luck. 

The two airplane crashes have rattled me. I knew all along flying was dangerous. How do you feel about flying?