Yesterday, Thursday, I felt drugged all day! Finally, after lying about in my chair, barely able to hold up my head, I realized the problem. Long ago when I first took Melatonin, I only took 1 mg. I gradually went up to 3 mg. Then, I took several 3 mg. I was overdosing.
I went about ten years or more taking none. Then, I bought more and rarely took them. Now, I have a 3 mg bottle, way too much.
On Tuesday night as I usually do lately, I bit off a bit of the chewable pill. Then, not able to sleep, I took the rest. I slept but then was groggy all day Wednesday. Finally, at midnight on Wednesday night, I was groggy no more. I lost a day. Finally, at 3 am Thursday morning, I recovered and slept.
I think I should never take Melatonin again. I slept all day today, Thursday.
The day, Thursday, was beautiful and cold. Tommy covered up the pots of tulips. I agreed to it. But, I was not thinking straight, fresh from a daylong sleep as freeze does not hurt tulip bulbs. They need the freeze.
I wanted to make soup today, but is still not on at 7 pm, but we are working on it. Needless to say, it won't be eaten today. This is the soup my kids loved after one little tweak. When I quit putting chunks of soup meat in it and put ground beef in the soup, they loved it!
Tommy did get the meat out of grease from hamburger. Then, he poured the grease into the soup, "just like you told me to do." Does anyone believe I wanted meat left out of soup, but that I wanted the grease in the soup? He did tell me later it was a low-fat ground meat.
My pedals have been abandoned for the day along with posts for several days.
It was not such a burden to comment, so I have just been reading and commenting other blogs. This has been a horrible experience. This is why I hate pain killers.
We were discussing where to eat tomorrow. I still have not treated him to Bright Star, Greek restaurant, for his December birthday. He keeps putting it off. I suggested Bright Star, KFC, BBQ restaurant near here. He can add anyplace he wants. This is not for Valentine's Day, just because. Of course, we will go wherever in the afternoon or lunch, not for dinner. A couple of weeks ago, he mentioned he had not had Chinese in a long time. We will eat somewhere, maybe soup at home.
I am just glad to get Wednesday behind me.
Tommy told me he got something for Valentine's Day for me at the Dollar Tree! I cannot imagine! I think he has learned to get me something instead of waiting for me to wish for something. It is Surely, he spent more than $1.25.
Warren Buffet
Buffett has a very simple diet and doesn’t like to go out much. In Buffett’s biography, “The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life,” author Alice Schroeder quoted him as saying, “I like eating the same thing over and over and over again. I could eat a ham sandwich every day for fifty days in a row for breakfast,” Mashed reported.
Warren Buffett: 10 Things Poor People Waste Money On
I did eat the same thing every day for three months and lost 30 pounds. I suppose eating the same thing every day is not as weird as it seems if Warren Buffet can do it.
At midnight we had a very small bowl of soup. Delicious.
What do you have planned for Valentine's Day?