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Monday, April 24, 2017

Cat and Egg and Syrup

There's a new cat in the neighborhood. It has really annoyed me since it appears to have appropriated my picnic table for its lookout perch.  So far, I just scowl at the cat, yeah, like it cares! It also sits on a wall near the back door, apparently doing nothing but soaking up sun.

I never like cats on my porch since they knock items off the porch, like pots of flowers or the paint brush I left there five minutes ago. They sit on my chair cushions or door mats and deposit fleas and hair. They stalk birds. However, there is absolutely nothing that can make a cat go home! I yell and throw things like dust rags and pine cones at them, never hitting them!

After exbf was sitting in the car waiting on me for an hour, he reported a sight that will make this cat a welcome cat. He saw it go under the porch with what he described as "prey" in its mouth. Hallelujah! I have chipmunks or ground squirrels, whichever you want to call them. They dig in any plant I have out in a pot. For years I despised them and for some reason, they went away--probably into a cat's stomach.

For the last six months, it appears chipmunks have returned. So, this cat seems to be the only hunter in the neighborhood. J said it was the cat that always follows her to my house and lives at the same house she does. I only knew a cat followed her one time! This cat is a hunter and she is a city cat who gets plenty of food. So, she must do it for sport, the challenge. I wish I were that fast.

More about the cat. One day, I heard Dominique making noise and told J that Dominique had laid an egg and this was her egg song. We both went around there. No, this cat was at the corner of the pen with two legs/arms through the chain link. I doubt she wanted to give Dominique a friendly hug. Poor Dominique was cackling in the opposite corner of the pen and had not laid an egg.

Chipmunks/ground squirrels--I do not want to hear that they are so cute and stripe-y because I used to think so, too. I even thought raccoons were cute once upon a time! No more. If you love either, come and get

I have a dozen eggs from the store that cost $0.50, but will only cook with those. I have everything for a strawberry poke cake laid out when I feel like baking--strawberry cake mix, frozen strawberries, and strawberry jello. I don't have Cool Whip or cream to whip for the top. This was once my older daughter's favorite cake, but she has no memory of it! ??? Son hated Cool Whip, so he ate none of the topping. I think a chocolate poke cake would be fabulous. Or, I could just make chocolate poke brownies. (You don't need a strawberry cake mix, but I have one for some reason.)

Dominique gave me an egg today. She is a real little egg factory! She must have heard I was going to replace her with new  That makes two fresh eggs for me to scramble for dinner tonight or for breakfast tomorrow.  The seven I had from last week was breakfast and a dinner over the weekend.

Does anyone have a tried and true recipe for chocolate syrup to put in milk? I want one with a water base not milk base. I see lots on the internet but don't want to chance mixing up a disaster. Some have brown sugar and white sugar. That seems odd. I really want a recipe with confectioner's sugar.  I am tired of consuming things in the syrup concoctions, powdered or liquid, that I do not wish to consume.

Your turn
I know some of you have cats that hunt? Do you allow cats to stay around because they hunt? Do you hate cats on your cushions and picnic tables and chairs? Exbf just now said he had never had a poke cake. Has anyone eaten a chocolate poke cake? Syrup recipe?


  1. I love poke cake! My favorite is coconut poke cake, filled with a combination of cream of coconut and sweetened condensed milk. I frost it with stabilized whipped cream.
    We love cats. If one showed up here, I would assume it was a stray, so it would probably move in. Our cats are not allowed outdoors due to coyotes and fleas.

    1. Meg,
      That cake sounds delicious. I could eat sweetened condensed milk from the can. And, I love coconut. If it were poured on a chocolate cake, I think it would taste like a Mounds bar, one of my favorite candy bars.

      I am allergic to cats. I hear coyotes here in the city, but chicken hawks get cats here in this neighborhood. Or, maybe it was coyotes...hmmm...never thought of that.

  2. You know how you glance at something and you kind of see it and your brain fills in the missing parts. I read this title as cat and egg soup and I thought you had lost your marbles. Glad I kept reading!

    1. Anne,
      I am laughing so hard I have tears. I do that all the time, fill in what I see. You never can tell the day I will lose all my marbles!

  3. I forgot to add this. I have made this chocolate syrup a few times and we like it quite well. I did add a tablespoon of butter just for richness, but it is probably not really necessary

    1. Anne,
      Thanks. I wrote this down. In milk, I probably won't use butter, but now I know I can. If I used it for another purpose, like over something, I will add the butter.

  4. the title of your entry made me think of a Chinese breakfast diner menu

    1. Urspo,
      Anne in her comment above thought it said cat and egg soup. Seems your minds are running alike tonight. When I start eating cats, have them lock me up.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.