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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Walking Pneumonia

I have never been so ill without any symptoms--no rattling chest, nothing coughed up, no sinus drainage, no rattling head, no enlarged lymph nodes. Well, she did make my lymph nodes hurt.Then, she made my ears hurt.

She mentioned walking pneumonia and bronchitis and how sick I was and how sorry she was. The only times I coughed before, during and after visit, I almost passed out and wanted to throw up. So, I have two injections, two prescriptions for pills and an inhaler. Plus, I am supposed to take mucinex and pseudoephedrine. I am sitting in bed and in two minutes will be lying down under the covers. Blood tests and xrays helped make the diagnosis.

The nurse gve me some sort of machine to breathe from forget name. It tasted foul. My lips started stinging and itching and swelling, so they told me to stop. My lips still feel funny. I m just allergice to everything. I still have a red mark from the tube tied to draw blood. sigh

I just wish I could afford KFC, and little bowl of the gravy.

It took me three hours to get dressed for the appointment.


  1. I am so sorry. I hope that the medication and the inhaler help. Quickly.

    1. Just a few hours later, and just a bit better.

  2. I'm recovering from pneumonia - had the meds and the inhaler so I know what you feel like. It takes a long recovery time too.
    get well soon

  3. Oh my gosh! That sounds terrible. And you were allergic to the machine breather thingy! That would be scary. I hope you have someone who can take care of you because it is hard to take care of ourselves when we are so sick. Hope you feel better quickly. Eat well and drink lots of fluids.

    1. tana50,
      The nurse ws alarmed and told me to not use it anymore. No one to take care of me. Exbf is here today, but tries to help. We are going to laundry now. I know I will be exhausted.

  4. I hope that you feel better soon. You poor kid, it seems that it has been one thing after another.

    1. Sonya Ann,
      At least things are rattling in my chest, but not much. Usually it is not so bad.

  5. Lina, I feel your pain. I had walking pneumonia for 3 weeks before I was diagnosed. I just got sicker and sicker after that till it affected my thinking and reasoning. Unless you've had walking pneumonia, you just don't realize how debilitating it can be. Took me weeks and double medications to recover (plus a trip to warm Florida for a few months).
    Be well. Take care. Hang in there. Feel better. It takes time.

    1. Thrifty,
      Thanks for the info. This makes two weeks before I went to doctor. I don't know about my thinking, but I was surely sleeping too much and not thinking at all.

      Oh, yeah, trip to Florida sounds like a cure. Thanks. Double meds. I will remember that.

  6. Replies
    1. Ms Sandie,

      Thnks so much. I hope I feel better soon.

  7. Oh my gosh! So sorry, you take care of yourself and take all the medication, if if you are feeling better in a few days. We want you to be healthy!!! And stay warm!!

    1. 1st Man,
      Thank you both. I am taking the meds. I never quit meds when I feel better. I did not have to this time, but usually I have to insist on more than five or seven days of meds. Too many times I have relapsed after five days of meds.

      Right now, it is 61 degrees at 9:30. Tonight I use the ac because warm air in my lungs will make me cough. Of course, I will be warm in bed with cool air to breathe.



Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.