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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bear Grylls Bracelet Prize Arrived

The Bear Grylls Survival Bracelet by Gerber from my giveaway finally arrived. I have no idea how long it had been sitting on the front porch, an unused and unusable porch, when I found it on Saturday. FEDEX has a standing order to place items on the side porch!

The packaging says it is a $24.95 value. Okay....

Maybe this would make a good Christmas present or could be used for another giveaway.

Paula, the winner, received hers, too. Yay for Paula.

Your turn
Have you ever had a bracelet made from paracord? Do you even have any paracord?  I do now.


  1. It probably looks pretty cool on.

    1. I have not put it on yet, but I will when I can figure out how to get it off the card.

  2. Hmm. I have difficulties with Bear Grylls. I find myself hoping that an animal fangs him - and resent him killing and eating things for television. Survival is a different issue - but he isn't doing it for that. And I wonder what his camera crew eats - and where they sleep.
    Sorry - a grumpy old woman today.

    1. EC,
      If he eats the things, I have no problem with him eating things just for TV. I could change my mind on that. I figure they eat McD and sleep in more comfort than the participants do.

      His show is more informative than any other survival show I have seen or any other reality show that involves physicality.

      You can be grumpy here with no apologies.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.