Yet nothing has happened! I had a fever one day, and then nothing. My lips indicate some sort of feverish state. They have been raw, peeling, and pain from the peeling. This has been going on since the February 4, definitely since February 22. But, I was puzzled. Brain fog, inability to express myself coherently, whole body pain. There were many symptoms, nothing that made sense.
Finally, on Wednesday, I could not walk. I was coming out of the bathroom when my body became so heavy. I wedged myself into the door of bathroom and called for Tommy to get me. Somehow, he helped me to my bed. Since then until today, I have used my walker with not attempt to walk independently. I always felt like I was falling over sideways one way or the other. I know it sounds bizarre.
Finally, as I had spasms (it appeared) in kidneys. Friday morning, I called doctor and have an antibiotic. It seems to be working with three out of twenty pills in me. Food has held little interest for me. I ate little, maybe one meal each day. One day, I heaved lots but tried not to throw up because the carpet would suffer. I carried around a small trash can for several days.
I do know exactly what kidney spasms feel like since I spent week in hospital with problems with kidneys after first baby.
Tommy has cooked two different batches of thawed chicken. I had him freeze the cooked chicken so it would not spoil. He had to throw away two packages of the now-thawed chicken that I did not feel like going into the kitchen to cook. I think we had six packs of raw chicken thawing--bscb, thighs, tenders. I figure chicken is chicken. I just don't eat the thighs. But, they make the rest tasty.
He misses parts of his cooking lessons. He skimmed off the potato peeling so he would not throw out edible potato. He left the green potato! So, I had to re-peel. It takes me promising him diarrhea and pain to make it soak in.
I did manage to cook squash. I never ate much, but it was delicious. There is another head of cabbage, chopped salad, and other things I have sent him in to buy. For four days I did not step foot in the kitchen. We cannot drive two walkers into the kitchen. Well, they will both go in, but maneuverings is impossible to do safely.
As soon as I can, I will make an appointment with a urologist for a well-patient appointment!
The weather was beautiful today. I suggested a trip to the park to sit in car and eat drumsticks. That ended badly hours later after milk in the drumsticks got its revenge on me.
We saw firemen and two firetrucks at the tennis court playing tennis, I thought. Tommy said it was pickleball. Interesting--ping pong paddles with whiffle balls? We surmised that the trucks were there in case the guys needed to answer a call. One guy drove away quickly with lights and sirens. These guys were not neglecting their jobs.
This post won't be edited; deal with it by ignoring mistakes.
I have not seen or read much about what Trump and Musk are doing.
Kraft mac and cheese was calling me so bad! Tommy talked me down. His excuse--it's midnight. So? I keep a box and eat it about every six months.
I gave worn myself plumb out.
The gadget at the top of the page is for putting meds or lotions on extremities. Tommy has a horrible sort of wedge out of his foot. The doctor gave him a tube of something to put on it. He cannot reach his foot, especially the bottom of his foot. I am willing to help, but his foot will not go into my lap. He cannot get it up at all. Any position that he can assume for his foot, I cannot reach and hold the position to administer this cream. So, I searched and bought this applicator, 19 inches long. It is capable of being bent by hand and bent to another angle if need be.
ReplyDeleteI am concerned about you.... I don't see how just getting antibiotics are a FIX with these other issues.
Kidney spasms, along with decreased mental sharpness, and fatigue and loss of appetite (and nausea/vomiting) could be dire. Kidney diseases is not uncommon with diabetes. You need urinalysis/urine protein test, and blood tests (eGFR) as well as imaging.
You should really rethink drinking carbonated sodas -- they are not good for kidneys, and sugar-free ones are even worse.
I don't think that you should take this lightly or just dismiss it as a urinary issue --- seriously, please take care of your health. Go to the ER or a clinic, if you cannot get into a doc.
DeleteI am not taking this for a fix or taking it lightly. I told Tommy that Monday I will take a different route to solving this.
I don't think I used uti and said kidney.
When most people drink any kind of soda, drink it all. I never drink over three ounces and throw the rest out or Tommy drinks it. I know--bad for him, too. For four days I drank no Diet Coke.
I am very afraid of what is going on.
Goodness, what an ordeal for you. My mom used to get extremely bad UTI's and they sure caused much of what you spoke of. BUT, she always had to have some kind of test, not just a diagnosis over the phone. That is really scary. Take care and rest all you can.
DeleteI had gotten over having so many UTIs until now. His office
has no wheelchair since theirs broke. It appears they are not replacing it. I am still scared of what else is wrong with me. I hope I don't have to have a ureteroscopy again.
DeleteI am doing nothing. I did not go into the kitchen for four days, so Tommy took care of my needs. His only complaint was he could not hear me when I talked. I thought it was plenty loud.
My goodness. I hope you're feeling better today. Ever have mac and cheese for breakfast? So good! So fun to eat whatever and whatever for breakfast. That's how it was for us growing up. And still that way today.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a UTI as well?
A friend came over to look at antiques at my house before she went to work. She asked what was in the bowl I was eating from. Field peas! She said her husband ate like I did.
DeleteThe med is working.
I was getting worried about you, as well. Hopefully, it's nothing more serious than what the antibiotics can fix, but even if you feel better, I hope you will go get a thorough checkup.
DeleteI was getting worried about me, too. I was looking for my phone to get a doctor. And, it is
Sounds like it has been rough for you lately, Linda. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling poorly. I would definitely get checked out by a doctor!
DeleteMonday is the day!!
I too hope by now (Sunday) you are feeling better.
DeleteThings are improving.
Wow, so good to see a new post from you! I was getting worried, along with everyone else. Happy to learn that you are on the mend but plan to see a urologist soon for a workup.
ReplyDeleteI have an applicator similar to that, but for putting lotion on my back. I love it--it works so well and is easy to clean up. It was good of you to find it for Tommy to make his life easier and better. Does he know what a treasure you are? If not, just shout at him and say, "TOMMY! SUE SAYS I AM A TREASURE!!" Doubtless he will agree.
I hope you continue to feel better.
Keep drinking lots of water for those kidneys!
He looked unimpressed. I read that you said it. He sort of smiled. He just now said he agreed, kind of. LOL
DeleteI read the description and chose that applicator. He was reading me its features and was impressed.