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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Forrest Gump Again

 Saturday night here.

March 8. My Mother would have been 103 today.


Steps 9,999 I relented and could do no more.

Going to the doctor wiped me out. We went there, got a small burger and came home after a visit to bank and The Pig. I went in neither place after we left the doctor.

At dinner Friday, I could not eat, so told Tommy to fix me nothing. I went to bed at 10 after complaining I would get hot. He countered he would be cold. He set the ac so low it would never come on. It did not and I had to get out of the bed at 2;30 am because I was hot and sweaty. I sat in here about an hour and went to sleep sitting up. I awoke at 9:30. I still had not recovered from Friday. 

Some guy opened the storm door, gave two shave-and-a-haircut knocks about 3 pm. Tommy was asleep and I was under my laptop. So, I loudly asked who it was twice. 'from verizon' I loudly asked what he wanted....something about asking us some questions about our internet. I told him we did not want anything from Verizon and not to come back. Do you remember someone came last year with the shave-and-a-haircut knock. I think he was the guy who put his foot in the door. So, I need to call Verizon. WEIRD! Tommy always opens the door to unknown persons!

It is now Saturday night. I had dinner--chopped chicken on a bun with bbq sauce and slaw on the sandwich. Tommy, too. 

I did nothing today. I might pedal some. Well, I did 'do' something. Forrest Gump played again. We watched it again and hung onto every word. I did catch something I have never realized before. (Bubba asked Gump if he had ever been on a shrimp boat. Gump replied that no, but he had been on a big boat. Bubba laughed and explained a shrimp boat.) It was so much fun, even this time. Tom Hanks was very good at showing his feelings through his eyes. Maybe it will play again this week. lol

Tommy will want the ac on tonight so I won't get so hot. Thank goodness. I will pedal some, watch news and go to bed if I can stay up until after the news goes off.

Allergy season is here. We both are having sinus problems.  

How about you? Are your allergies affected? 

Is there any movie you would like to watch again two days later? 


  1. I saw Forrest Gump on my first date with my eventual husband. The movie is still well loved haha
    I saw Conclave a couple of weeks back and I usually don't care much about seeing a movie for a second time but i'd pay full cinema price to see that one again

    1. kylie,
      At least you love the movie! I will look up Conclave and see what it is.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.