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Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Today, about 1 pm, there were blue skies and fluffy clouds. About 3 pm, the skies were dull and cloudy. Then, the fierce wind started. We had a chore and Tommy went to Publix to get Pepsi b2g2. The came to $5 for a pack of 12 drinks. I had forgotten slaw bogo, so $2.50. I forgot what else, maybe nothing. 

I sat in the car while he went in. The wind rose, and I was afraid the wind might blow him over. As he came out and was loading the car, I saw two people I see all the time in Publix. One woman was late 70's. I suspect the younger woman, maybe 50s, has intellectual disability. The mother drives, but the daughter helps with getting things from shelves. 

The older woman wanted an electric cart. I could tell. She cannot walk well, and I always see her in an electric cart. Plus, the daughter was pointing and shaking her head. 

As we got to the other end of the parking lot, we saw a cart. So, I hopped on it and rode it all the way back to the store, explained I knew she needed it, that I understood. Then, she refused to take it. When I told her we were through shopping and I got it specially for her, she still worried Tommy was not there. Actually, he was, just lurking where I could not see him, I don't know why he would wait so far away. I was off the cart and trying to get him to come to me. 

I also told her if she called the store and asked them to bring a cart, they would. I explained that the manager saw me struggling to walk and told me to call next time. So, she was surprised and happy to hear that. 

It is not often I can help someone, but today I could. Instead of giving up something/chocolate for Lent, Anne in the Kitchen will be doing a kindness for 40 people. I think that is a good idea because giving up chocolate for 40 days would be too hard. This way, I can do forty good things for others. It really makes no difference because I have never observed Lent. My church does not do that.

No steps for yesterday or today. I am going to AFC or somewhere to see what could be wrong. 

Tommy and I were inside and the wind was fierce. I heard a strange noise. Tommy, much later, looked out the door and exclaimed that the tree fell down. The dogwood tree fell down, wrested from the ground by the wind. It was dying anyway, and it looked awful. So, it needs to be dragged to the road, about 12 feet away. This fall, we will get someone to plant another tree. I hope the maple in the backyard does not succumb to the wind. It so, it will hit the house, but it is failing too. I imagine it is hollow inside. 

I have not pedaled at all last night or today. Legs need therapy. 

Hopefully, my deer don't blow away! Is it windy at your house? 



  1. It is very windy here too. I hope none of our trees come down. That was so sweet of you to being the electric cart to that lady. I’ve called before and a store employee has brought me a cart before. Since my knee surgery I go inside now and get one. I love being able to do that again.

    1. Belinda,
      Even with perfect knees, I cannot walk! It is my back that gives me a problem. I would love to be able to be more mobile!

  2. That was very kind of you to help that lady out. It must be a tremendous worry for her if her daughter is potentially disabled and mom is already in her late 70s!

    1. Treaders,
      She is definitely disabled. I have thought about what will happen to the daughter when the mother can no longer drive or take care of her child.

  3. I remember once staying in a house near a cliff. It creaked in the wind and I worried it might blow away! Yes , I understand that fear.
    It's nice to help somebody, I'm glad you got to do that

    1. kylie,
      If were were on a cliff in the wind last night, it would be scary. I was pleased I could help.

  4. I very much like your idea of doing kindnesses for others during Lent, rather than denying yourself things.

    I grew up Catholic, and my mother was only too happy to inform her 5 children exactly what we'd be giving up during Lent! It was always candy & TV.

    I tried to reason with her that someone else deciding what you should give up did not fulfill the spiritual requirements of self-denial, but she'd always play the Mom Card. That, and our butts were in church for every Lenten observance. That was twice a week, plus extra during Holy Week.

    That's why Easter is so important. Those Easter basket that were full of candy were like an I.V. infusion after 40 days. And we knew there'd be a reprieve from all that chuch attendance.

    It has been windy here, but not enough to shake houses and bring down trees.

    1. Sue,
      That idea was from Anne in the Kitchen. And, it is an excellent idea.
      No candy or TV and going to church extra? Horrors.
      It was rumbling with thunder and lightning, too. Not fun. We are in for another round today. As long as the electricity does not go off here, I will be happy. Downed trees are also causing fires. We had 150 here yesterday. Houses burned, too.

  5. No stranger to wind storms here! At our farm, the walls would shake, because that house really isn’t built as well as the two we contracted. In this, (and our last house) the framing is so tight that the walls don’t shake. We also have exterior walls triple wrapped with insulation so it’s quiet. I didnt even hear our earthquake two days ago. I must admit I did enjoy the cozy feeling of being inside while the wind rattling the walls! BUT, this house is on 5 mostly wooded acres, so my fear is “I wonder if that Douglas Fir outside our bedroom window is going kill me in my sleep?” During our “bomb cyclone “ this fall, I heard a crash, and youngest FLEW down the stairs, positively ashen. A limb had come crashing down and hit the side of the house outside his bedroom window! Fortunately there was no damage to person or property! I was horrified when morning came and I saw how big the limb was!
    How are you feeling?

    1. That must have been scary for your child. I had a tree fall and hit the roof, window, and window ac. It was daylight. I was dressed and sitting with back to window on my computer. Fortunately, only the tippy top of the tree hit, causing absolutely no damage to anything. I was shaken for a long time that day.
      That Douglas Fir might have to come down!
      I am not feeling well. I did get more sleep last night, not a lot, but a short nap might be in order or a trip to AFC. I am waiting out storms.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.