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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tuesday Groceries, Doctor, and Stuff

 Today was a beautiful, sunny day. However, at some point two mosquitoes found their way into the car. They did not start flying around for about two hours. We swatted until we were almost swatting each other. These are black or dark gray mosquitoes that are impossible to kill. It seems like they are invincible. 

We both went to the podiatrist. She really hurt me getting the ingrown toenail out. The top part is not too bad, but lower in the nail is horrendous. She really made Tommy bleed from his toe but had styptic powder to stop it. I know about styptic stick, but not the powder. She gave us each a brief foot rub. Nice!

I went into Publix and bought 3 half-gallons of my milk, two 11-oz blueberries for $8, yellow squash $2.99, Large Publix eggs $6.39 for a dozen. Total $36. I forgot to get beautiful Red Delicious Apples. I will get those tomorrow.

I needed to go to SS office, but I read on internet that it was closed. I know it is easy to get into without even one step. Rats! I know a lot of those employees, and now they have lost their jobs, and life is made more difficult for people. 

Once again, Tommy lost his key fob. He could find it nowhere in the car. I asked a guy in Publix to help him. He went out and opened the passenger back seat door and immediately saw it behind the driver's seat. How it got in the little door pocket in the back seat door is a mystery. I think he put it in his lap, and it slid off his leg and into the back seat. He always puts things in his lap and moves around. Then, one of us has to find things. Most of the time I have to reach over between his feet and struggle to reach whatever he drops. Maybe he will learn after two times. 

I took a nap at 7 and woke at 8 tonight. I awoke with a fever. The doctor tomorrow can tell me something or send me to proper doctor. 

Dinner was leftover baked chicken, tiny piece of potato and 6" of carrot and a small bowl of cooked cabbage. I really could not eat much more. Tommy is chopping and cooking two packages of ground round.  He ate during my nap. 

Today, when we were out, we took things to eat. I had applesauce and wheat thins. I think he had a cheese or pb sandwich. We bought nothing. Tommy said we could not get stuff in freezer, so we gave away frozen turkey breast to young mother who was going to let her grandmother bake it. 

The tulips Tommy planted from purchase are not coming up. I may dig one up to see if he planted them upside down! I know they will come up eventually.

French fries in commercials make me drool for fries, but we have not had fries in months! Do you want fries when you see them on commercials? 

With a fever, I don't feel like pedaling. So, more tomorrow, maybe.

Two trips to the doctor in two days will be brutal. 

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.