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Sunday, March 2, 2025


My elderly (93 yrs) friend could not talk when I called. But. she did say that she was going to the doctor and her father who lives with her now, would take her to the doctor. Of course, her father is not still alive and husband who she lives with does not drive. So, lots of changes with her.

Tommy was washing the dishes after 1:30 am. He will not leave dishes. The kitchen is cluttered but has clean counters, stove, and sink. I hate not to be more help. 

My sleep was a little off last night, but I did get up to watch Meet the Press this morning. I was not going to miss it. I only took a one-hour nap today, so that won't affect my sleep tonight. 

The sun is streaming through the glass door. It is great until a certain point until it blinds me! My legs liked the heat and sun. 

Right now, Tommy is peeling carrots and potatoes. I will put bscb and boneless, skinless thighs into a cooking bag with the potatoes and carrots, maybe some broccoli. At any rate, we can eat protein for about ten days. The vegetables won't last that long as we have few potatoes and carrots. I should have bought more this last week. 

Ten new wildfires are in Alabama today! At least we will have rain midweek. 

I talked with Tommy's cousin who is not coming to Birmingham anymore. We did go out to eat once in a while at Bright Star, but he has not come in two years. His wife ventured out and fell into a blackberry bush. So, he and I talked falling about. She is clumsy, he said. But, neither of us have ever broken a bone. Well, unless you count the little toe I broke when I hit a chair. 

We both had chicken with bbq sauce on a bun. We both had about two helpings of slaw. It was delicious! I had blueberries and strawberries.

I missed the first episode of Grosse Point Garden Society. It was replayed Saturday night. Tonight, the second episode is coming on tonight. Are you watching this? 

"The Americas" is on, narrated by Tom Hanks. Are you watching this series? This is the fourth episode of ten episodes.

Do you have friends or relatives whose cognition is failing? 

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.