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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Wednesday--Bed for Me

No steps today or yesterday. Bed or napping in my chair was the order of the day. I did go to the door to inspect the fallen tree. I looked out the kitchen window and determined the Elm was standing except for many little limbs. Someone needs to go to back yard and inspect the roof. The neighbor across the street has many roof shingles flapping along the edge of the roof. The same thing happened to his rental a few months ago in the same place, so I wonder if the owner even repaired the flapping shingles. 

I am eating the rest of the chicken alfredo dish for dinner. The broccoli and pimientos made it look like a dish appropriate for Christmas.  Tommy ate a hamburger with the rest of the chopped hamburger and slaw. He gave us both such large helpings that it will take another hour to eat my helping. 

Read no further unless you can read the following as information, not an attack.

 Bid Paddles

"The use of the bid paddle in ancient Rome can be traced back to the Roman Republic, which lasted from 509 BC to 27 BC. It was used as a means of voting, with each voter holding a small wooden tablet to indicate their vote. The tablet was marked with the name of the candidate they supported. This method of voting was known as tabellae, and it was used for both public and private elections."

There are pages of information in this article. Yet, nowhere is a paddle equated with racism. No auction house is excoriated for the use of paddles as racist. Other governments use the paddles for recognition and to vote. Only recent Republican attacks mention racism when talking about Democrats with paddles protesting in Congress. 

I am still on the verge of a heart attack or stroke from his speech with all the attitude and cruelty. No, being sick is not affected by this state of chaos. I did not even turn on my cell phone today. We did put away the Santa and two deer on a table. Progress!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Today, about 1 pm, there were blue skies and fluffy clouds. About 3 pm, the skies were dull and cloudy. Then, the fierce wind started. We had a chore and Tommy went to Publix to get Pepsi b2g2. The came to $5 for a pack of 12 drinks. I had forgotten slaw bogo, so $2.50. I forgot what else, maybe nothing. 

I sat in the car while he went in. The wind rose, and I was afraid the wind might blow him over. As he came out and was loading the car, I saw two people I see all the time in Publix. One woman was late 70's. I suspect the younger woman, maybe 50s, has intellectual disability. The mother drives, but the daughter helps with getting things from shelves. 

The older woman wanted an electric cart. I could tell. She cannot walk well, and I always see her in an electric cart. Plus, the daughter was pointing and shaking her head. 

As we got to the other end of the parking lot, we saw a cart. So, I hopped on it and rode it all the way back to the store, explained I knew she needed it, that I understood. Then, she refused to take it. When I told her we were through shopping and I got it specially for her, she still worried Tommy was not there. Actually, he was, just lurking where I could not see him, I don't know why he would wait so far away. I was off the cart and trying to get him to come to me. 

I also told her if she called the store and asked them to bring a cart, they would. I explained that the manager saw me struggling to walk and told me to call next time. So, she was surprised and happy to hear that. 

It is not often I can help someone, but today I could. Instead of giving up something/chocolate for Lent, Anne in the Kitchen will be doing a kindness for 40 people. I think that is a good idea because giving up chocolate for 40 days would be too hard. This way, I can do forty good things for others. It really makes no difference because I have never observed Lent. My church does not do that.

No steps for yesterday or today. I am going to AFC or somewhere to see what could be wrong. 

Tommy and I were inside and the wind was fierce. I heard a strange noise. Tommy, much later, looked out the door and exclaimed that the tree fell down. The dogwood tree fell down, wrested from the ground by the wind. It was dying anyway, and it looked awful. So, it needs to be dragged to the road, about 12 feet away. This fall, we will get someone to plant another tree. I hope the maple in the backyard does not succumb to the wind. It so, it will hit the house, but it is failing too. I imagine it is hollow inside. 

I have not pedaled at all last night or today. Legs need therapy. 

Hopefully, my deer don't blow away! Is it windy at your house? 


Monday, March 3, 2025


 Tonight, I am watching Ice Road Truckers or something like that. I never knew truckers drove over a frozen lake with ice only three feet deep. Talk of the ice cracking and a truck falling in make me nervous for them. 

There is another show I want to see, Dog, the Bounty Hunter, both only once. 

Tommy boiled four eggs for me. Two will probably go into tuna salad. I bought celery, so I will have some in the tuna salad. 

When I first married, I made tuna salad with lots of ingredients. We both had two sandwiches from one bowl of tuna salad. They were not skimpy sandwiches, either. 

Ice Road Truckers is off. It is just okay. I will never watch that again. 

I am really ill. I think I know what is wrong, with two or three backup things going wrong. So, no pedaling. I can barely move right now. I never, ever go to bed without brushing my teeth. Sunday night, I just staggered off to bed with no thought of my teeth. UGH, cannot do that again. 

Today was a pretty, warm day. 

Dinner: we both had the meal we cooked last night--baked chicken, potato, carrots and slaw. This was a meal that came out of the oven after we had eaten. Delicious. I had very little. Later, I had a small bowl of strawberries and blueberries.

Have you ever seen Ice Road Truckers or Dog, the Bounty Hunter? Do you like them?

Sunday, March 2, 2025


My elderly (93 yrs) friend could not talk when I called. But. she did say that she was going to the doctor and her father who lives with her now, would take her to the doctor. Of course, her father is not still alive and husband who she lives with does not drive. So, lots of changes with her.

Tommy was washing the dishes after 1:30 am. He will not leave dishes. The kitchen is cluttered but has clean counters, stove, and sink. I hate not to be more help. 

My sleep was a little off last night, but I did get up to watch Meet the Press this morning. I was not going to miss it. I only took a one-hour nap today, so that won't affect my sleep tonight. 

The sun is streaming through the glass door. It is great until a certain point until it blinds me! My legs liked the heat and sun. 

Right now, Tommy is peeling carrots and potatoes. I will put bscb and boneless, skinless thighs into a cooking bag with the potatoes and carrots, maybe some broccoli. At any rate, we can eat protein for about ten days. The vegetables won't last that long as we have few potatoes and carrots. I should have bought more this last week. 

Ten new wildfires are in Alabama today! At least we will have rain midweek. 

I talked with Tommy's cousin who is not coming to Birmingham anymore. We did go out to eat once in a while at Bright Star, but he has not come in two years. His wife ventured out and fell into a blackberry bush. So, he and I talked falling about. She is clumsy, he said. But, neither of us have ever broken a bone. Well, unless you count the little toe I broke when I hit a chair. 

We both had chicken with bbq sauce on a bun. We both had about two helpings of slaw. It was delicious! I had blueberries and strawberries.

I missed the first episode of Grosse Point Garden Society. It was replayed Saturday night. Tonight, the second episode is coming on tonight. Are you watching this? 

"The Americas" is on, narrated by Tom Hanks. Are you watching this series? This is the fourth episode of ten episodes.

Do you have friends or relatives whose cognition is failing? 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

I am on a roll

Mar 1

19,998 steps 

 Last night, I slept from midnight to a little after 7 am. I am proud of me. Sleeping most of the day is not the way I want to live. Hopefully, this will continue.

Since even now I am still in a state of shock at the state of world affairs, I am surprised I slept at all. But, I think the trauma knocked me out. 

At the Pig, there were girls selling GS Cookies, so we bought two boxes, Trefoils for Tommy and Thin Mints for me. This won't be pretty. 

At The Pig, we bought two cases of Dasani, celery, sweet potatoes, slaw mix.

I decided to have sardines for lunch. I had Beach Cliff. They smelled funny, not like sardines when I opened them. Tommy said they stunk. Well, I ate them, hating every bite. When I finished, the taste stayed with me. I carefully picked up the greasy can to read ingredients. They are sprats. ??? I looked up sprats. It turns out they are supposed to taste 'meaty' and not 'fishy." In other words, they do not taste like sardines. I drank water, ate a few chocolate chips, and brushed my teeth well. I still tasted like sprats. Tommy laughed and said not to wear a mask that I wanted to wear again because it might stink forever. I was glad to wear a mask because others could probably smell my breath. Have you ever eaten sprats? Oh, the can says 'Sardines.' No, they are not. Do you like sardines?

This was a beautiful day as yesterday. Yesterday, the day was a brilliant blue with not a cloud or chemtrail in the sky. Today, there were clouds and a breeze. The breeze was warm, but I knew my allergies would suffer. Of course, next week will be mostly rainy. 

I have never gotten the taste of the sprats out of my mouth. I belch about every fifteen minutes, nasty smelling and tasting belches. I have no idea if it the sprats or soybean oil. I ate them about1 pm and it is almost 10 pm now.

Have you bought or will you buy GS cookies?