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Friday, November 16, 2018

"God is Punishing the People of California with Fire!"

That is exactly what he said. I really don't like this guy. The mood he put me in tonight has caused me to resolve to never talk with him again. My Happy Trip to the Dollar Tree was ruined! Jerk!

He interrupted my telling him about a thumb that does not work from the accident to tell me god was  punishing me. I said, "OH, he is paying that much attention to me when people in CA are dying. So, he said god was punishing the people of CA. I went a tiny bit ballistic. Ok, just and oxymoron.

I then told him I am not into that kind of mumbo jumbo or something like that. And, that I am sure many of them were praying as they burned. That was when he reiterated his belief God was punishing them.

Last time I talked with him, he got very angry and frightened me by saying how I should not be "dating all those guys on the internet." Oh, I was giving him a ride because for some reason he does not own a car or drive. I imagine his license was taken from him. Someone solicited a ride from me for him. But, after the rage he showed, he will never get in my car again.

So, just pleasantries on the sidewalk,  and I obviously invited him into my mind and I started shaking with anger. NO MORE! My gaze will go right through him as though he did not exist.

Do you have a nut in your life that you must or should avoid?


  1. It seems that there are many of that particular kind of nut. Fire would have been on his house yesterday if it worked the way he said.
    I'm sure there are nuts like that in my life but I cant think of them right now....

    1. I only come across him every few months and speak to him or talk a bit. So, I really don't think about him often.

  2. Wow! I don't associate with people like that. Sorry you had to go thru this. I cried when I watched that poor woman who lost everything, including 2 dogs and 9 cats..heartbreaking what is happening there. You should have punched that guy out.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I don't associate with him except in passing. But, he never fails but to tell me about God punishing me. I have cried a lot when I see and hear these stories. Yes, punching him out would have been satisfying. I wanted to say some nasty and cruel things, but he knows where I live!

  3. I can't imagine the pain he must be in to say that God is punishing people with these fires! Many things had to happen for this fire to take place. Drought, sparks from cars or power lines, living too close to a forest. The list can go on and on. If I was going to blame anyone, I would blame the devil. This earth is not an easy place to live, but live here we do. We are all in this world together and it is up to us to help others in time of need. You are very smart to stay clear of this guy. Make sure you have your phone up to your ear when you see him so you only have to smile and wave. I also think people like him feel protected when they think God is punishing others who are in misery. They feel they don't have to worry about this happening to them.

    1. tana50,
      Thanks for this thoughtful response. I think he is a recovered addict that recovered in a program where all the guys are very hard. They are all scary. He is sanctimonious and yes, he feels safe because god is off punishing people. OH, I will look straight through him if our paths ever cross again, which they will.

  4. One of my daughter's friends' parents are nuts like that. I avoid them like the plague.

    1. Meg B,
      People who seem perfectly normal show a kooky side if you are around them long enough. I, too, try not to set them off.

  5. I am heartily sick of people who attribute bad news and bad weather to divine punishment. The only nuts like that in my life I get paid to help.

    1. One of my GED students said his mama was right--all he needed was his mother and Jesus. No, she did not have a GED or hs diploma. I tried to work with him, but after that, he left. When these people come to you, I suppose you know there is a problem. When they came to me, I had to step on a landmine to figure it out.

  6. These types who hang out on the street and are borderline homeless, often have a screw loose. One wants to help them, but it is dangerous to become involved with them at all.

    1. Carole, so true. I was sitting next to a woman when we started talking. She lives in her car and cannot get food stamps, so I told her I would bring her food. So far, I have not because I lost her number. She was very clean, so she must be at least bathing somewhere, even though she said she was sleeping in her car. But, I guarantee she will not go into a shelter! I really think she is mentally ill.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.