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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Free Food

There is a community place that shares food, not a food bank. There is no means test, no signing in, no determining if a person is a citizen. I asked about the last bit, persons here illegally. The guy said we don't care who they are. Mostly, it is produce.

I received:
2 apples
2 bananas
2 oranges
3 onions
8 potatoes
1 cabbage
4 lbs. rice
4 lbs. beans
can of tuna
box of macaroni and cheese

A piece of fruit each day would last a person almost a week. The potatoes were rather large, so potatoes, cabbage and onions cooked together would last about the same length of time.  Of course, there is the rice and bean dishes people cook. While this is not an ideal diet, I can see a person eating well and being filled. More fruit and green things would be ideal.

None of the produce looked like what was going to be thrown out. All was in perfect condition. Of course, bananas go fast when moved about. The apples had no bruises. Oranges were full not shriveled. Onions, cabbage, and potatoes were of the quality I would buy.

Of course, on Thursday, I bought 10 lbs of potatoes, 5 lbs of apples, five cheap bananas, And, I have five pounds of onions! None of it will be wasted. The free fruit will last me two days!

Although I am still weak from yesterday, I am going to fire up the crockpot.

Your turn
Is there any place that has food free to the general public where you live? Community garden?


  1. No there is not.
    I live in a conservative state where the general belief is people who don't have food is the result of the laziness or wickedness. And to give them food merely supports their ways.

    1. Ur-spo,
      I live in a red state. I suppose this is a way of population control.

  2. I don't think there is anything open to the general public. The attitude in Ur-spo's area is frightening. There but for the grace of god...

    1. EC,
      Since I live in a red state, basically, it is the same attitude in my state, but the population is so overwhelmingly poor and uneducated that I suppose we cannot let them all die. Besides, the working poor here as in many places, cannot afford decent food.

  3. In our area the first Wednesday of the month is cree cood courtesy of the Salvation Army. Some of the cood is strange. This month each person was given six cans of frosting. You must have a driver's license and sign a paper verifying low income.

    1. Carol,
      Those six cans of frosting are industrial size. At least that is what someone from Huntsville said. Actually, I saw it because he gave me one. I was so horrified I gave it to someone who has seven children, knowing she would use it and share it more than I could.

  4. I forgot to add rice and beans are a complete protein.

    1. carol,
      I tried to reply to this, but my computer had other ideas. Yes, I forgot to add that fact. I love blackeye beans and brown rice. But, it is a choice for me.

  5. There are several places here- some are certain days and others like my church, whenever someone is in the office. Church staff ask no questions and sometimes lets a person choose what they want. We have no meat though- mainly canned goods.

    1. NAN,
      That's great it is available for people who need it. It is hard to keep so much meet, I would imagine.

  6. Not that I know of.

    My fiance & I recently volunteered at a soup kitchen. It was a very humbling experience. I've convinced my co-workers to volunteer there next month. And I've signed up for (3) more volunteer slots around the holidays when I'm off work.

  7. What a wonderful gift people are given. We don't have anything like that around here. We have PADS that is a moving homeless shelter and we have the food pantry.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.