Friday, May 31, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Dead Chicks
On Tuesday, when exbf was here, I took the chicks in their cardboard box outdoors. It was very hot, no wind and sunny. My intentions were to let them have a half hour outdoors in the grass and then fix a new box and bring them inside. The day was beautiful, and the little chick (Maxene) just went wild, pecking and scratching and running through the grass. So, they stayed out about an hour or so.
The larger chick (Patty) had been ill for a week, at least. It first it was just sort of staggering. Then, the stagger led to falling. But, she got up each time as the condition got worse and worse. Finally, on Tuesday it could no longer stand or flop. Nothing I had done was helping. The little chick (Maxene) would run about exuberantly and then come and sit close to the sick chick (Patty). At one point Maxene sat beside Patty and extended her wing to its fullest and put it over Patty. That was heartwarming and emotionally overwhelming. I think Maxene knew Patty was ill. However, I did not get a picture.
During their stay outdoors exbf and I would watch them as we went in and out of the house and around the yard. He came indoors and I asked him to get the chicks a new box and paper, bring them inside, and leave their dishes outside. I wanted to start anew with everything clean.
He was outside for a long time, came in, and cautiously announced he could not find the little chick--Maxene. I rushed out and looked with him. I thought she had gone under the grill, but she was not there. He wanted to look far beyond where we last saw her. "No, she could not go that far. Besides, we could hear her cheeping like she was lost if she were far away." She was gone.
Sophia, the neighbor's cat loved to watch the first ten chicks I bought 4 year ago. She hangs around all the time. I know she got the little chick. But, I don't blame her.
The sick chick had not moved for awhile, but she was alive. I asked exbf to pinch her neck and put her out of her misery. He did. So, she is gone too. She was so close to death that she only barely moved one foot. There was no struggle.
I hope I don't get any comments from the judgmental people in Britain who said I should have spent close to $200 for vet care for Fancy. I am not financially capable of further care if my methods don't work. They said that Americans don't care, that animals were like children and need medical care and implied I would not take children to the doctor and do all that was humanly possible, spending large amounts of money to save chickens.
Before, I bought ten chicks and they all lived. This time? I just don't know what happened. The mortality rate was 100%. The first was stomped to death (I suppose) and the one was taken and the other was mercifully killed. I did all I could.
When I come into the room, I miss them. Since I really want eggs continuously, I am torn between not getting more chicks and getting more and trying again. Thelma no longer lays through the winter, so I am betting on Lucy for eggs this winter. Thelma still lays as many eggs as the much younger Lucy does during these long days.
So, it's over for this time. The Andrew Sisters are gone.
Your turn
Have you ever just not managed to keep chicks alive? Or, any other animal? Has anyone blamed you for not spending money and preventing deaths of animals?
The larger chick (Patty) had been ill for a week, at least. It first it was just sort of staggering. Then, the stagger led to falling. But, she got up each time as the condition got worse and worse. Finally, on Tuesday it could no longer stand or flop. Nothing I had done was helping. The little chick (Maxene) would run about exuberantly and then come and sit close to the sick chick (Patty). At one point Maxene sat beside Patty and extended her wing to its fullest and put it over Patty. That was heartwarming and emotionally overwhelming. I think Maxene knew Patty was ill. However, I did not get a picture.
During their stay outdoors exbf and I would watch them as we went in and out of the house and around the yard. He came indoors and I asked him to get the chicks a new box and paper, bring them inside, and leave their dishes outside. I wanted to start anew with everything clean.
He was outside for a long time, came in, and cautiously announced he could not find the little chick--Maxene. I rushed out and looked with him. I thought she had gone under the grill, but she was not there. He wanted to look far beyond where we last saw her. "No, she could not go that far. Besides, we could hear her cheeping like she was lost if she were far away." She was gone.
Sophia, the neighbor's cat loved to watch the first ten chicks I bought 4 year ago. She hangs around all the time. I know she got the little chick. But, I don't blame her.
The sick chick had not moved for awhile, but she was alive. I asked exbf to pinch her neck and put her out of her misery. He did. So, she is gone too. She was so close to death that she only barely moved one foot. There was no struggle.
I hope I don't get any comments from the judgmental people in Britain who said I should have spent close to $200 for vet care for Fancy. I am not financially capable of further care if my methods don't work. They said that Americans don't care, that animals were like children and need medical care and implied I would not take children to the doctor and do all that was humanly possible, spending large amounts of money to save chickens.
Before, I bought ten chicks and they all lived. This time? I just don't know what happened. The mortality rate was 100%. The first was stomped to death (I suppose) and the one was taken and the other was mercifully killed. I did all I could.
When I come into the room, I miss them. Since I really want eggs continuously, I am torn between not getting more chicks and getting more and trying again. Thelma no longer lays through the winter, so I am betting on Lucy for eggs this winter. Thelma still lays as many eggs as the much younger Lucy does during these long days.
So, it's over for this time. The Andrew Sisters are gone.
Your turn
Have you ever just not managed to keep chicks alive? Or, any other animal? Has anyone blamed you for not spending money and preventing deaths of animals?
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Cheap Protection
Protection from impetigo (defined later on). Protection from mosquito bites. Protection from staph infection. Protection from strep infection. Protection from the sun. Do I have your attention yet? What if you have no money or way to receive modern treatment? It gets better after I stop being silly and shallow.
"Just take a picture of my arm." "Just my arm, okay?" "Don't get that branch in the picture." "We should both be in the shade for this picture." " Have you got it?"
Even though I never wear sleeveless, strapless, or even spaghetti straps anymore, I do not need a tan where short sleeves end. I had an idea--sleeves I could remove. (Besides, I am trying to avoid more age spots.) I cut sleeves from a long sleeve t-shirt that I bought for $1 for another purpose. I know it won't block UV rays, but it is some help. I hate to wear sunscreen! I won't wear sunscreen. I cannot cool off, so I get over-heated and ill with sunscreen or bug spray on me, more so with sunscreen. Mosquitoes don't bite through the sleeves. If mosquitoes start to be a problem, I can just spray the fabric.
If you care to learn more, there is a company that makes sleeves from material that gives more UV protection. I will not pay that much for something I can duplicate or approximate. Look here, or here for information on Solumbra, a company that made the first UV resistant fabric. UV rays are responsible for melanomas.
Mosquito bites can result in impetigo staphylococcus or streptococcus infections. Read more here. You might want to see pictures of impetigo: more pictures and information is here.
"Just take the picture"
Pants too small
Hair damp and straight from sweat
This is definitely a picture of more than my arm.
That is a plastic bag stuffed in the L pocket, not fatness.
Cell phone and keys are in R pocket.
The camera was tilted down, resulting in a shorter me. ???
I keep a tube of triple antibiotic in my purse at all time so I can put it on any mosquito bite I scratch. Now, these sleeves will help me avoid mosquito bites. The sleeves can be removed easily to cool off.
Another pair of sleeves will be kept in the car to avoid sun on my arms. These can be scooted down low on my hands. The pair for the car will be longer and have a thumb hole cut and have elastic at the top to keep them up while I'm stretching my arm as I drive.
Mama said every time she took me by train to her mother's house, that I, an infant in arms, caught impetigo. She allowed me to touch nothing, yet the environment was right. My son was in the fourth grade and kept impetigo all one school year. He took antibiotics and used a cream, repeatedly. Yet, I could not eradicate it after multiple doctor visits. Finally, in the summer, another swim team mother complained at the pool that her son kept impetigo all the school year. Her husband, a vet, had medicated the child all year. Both our children suddenly had no more impetigo when school was out.
I reminded her that our sons sat front and back of each other. When I told her my son had impetigo all year, too, we realized our children were infecting each other. However, my two younger girls did not catch it. The little one would have been hugging and kissing her brother often, touching the place that eventually covered half his upper lip and up onto his nose. The doctor was puzzled why it spread each time my son caught it again.
If you fear not being able to get proper antibiotics for impetigo or not being able to go to the doctor, prevention might be a good idea. Maybe a pair of these sleeves would help.
Maybe you could slow or prevent the growth of skin cancers with adequate coverage of clothing in the summer. Since the sleeves come off, I do not have to disrobe to cool off, just remove the sleeves for a bit.
Look around your home for sleeves to salvage from used clothing. Elastic at the top of the sleeves will help keep the sleeves up around the upper arm. Use a woman's sleeves for an older child. Use sleeves from a size larger than you would wear. Guys, don't worry what people will think when you are working or playing--you are protecting yourself. I want a thick white, men's dress shirt for my next sleeves for the car. (In the car I heard bright blue was best.)
Tonight, I am so tired that I feel this post is scattered.
Your turn
Did you know that impetigo can start with a mosquito bite? Did you know that staph and strep cause impetigo? From what I have been told, both live on our skin most of the time and cause us no harm. Did you know a person, especially a child, can develop kidney disease and possibly die from impetigo? Have you seen children who are infected all over with impetigo? I have. If there is a nurse or doctor who can correct me or has additional information, feel free to comment.
"mama needs a new pair of shoes"
$1 paid=waste
Why did I waste $1 on this ticket? Maybe I should have just learned to play Craps! Right! I forgot that being on my knees for long is painful. This is why I never gamble. Not because of my knees, but because it is stupid.
The guy ahead of me bought 4 and won $11. Silly me was inspired. I bought off another roll to increase my chances, just like the lady told me. Silly me.
One day my children were playing Monopoly. The youngest was just four-years-old. I was in the kitchen cooking. Suddenly, I heard her say, "Mama needs a new pair of shoes." It was her turn to throw the dice. Oh, my! This mama flew into the den and tried to be casual. "Where did you ever hear that?" "Happy Days" And I approved of that show.
I learned my lesson with that ticket: Never buy one. Buy four so I can win $11? Stupid me.
Seriously, I will not be giving away money again.
Confession time
What kind of gambling is you downfall? Yes, this was a low point in my life. Do you ever gamble? What are your limits?
Monday, May 27, 2013
Strawberry Shortcake and Recipe
I made this with the strawberries I got at the market and froze. Sunday, I set out a half-pint to thaw for a Memorial Day treat.
My Recipe: Red is original recipe
1 1/6 cup Bisquick (1 cup and 3 tbsp.) 2 1/3 cups
1/3 cup milk 2/3 cup
3 Tbsp sugar 3 Tbsp.
3 Tbsp butter or margarine, melted 3 Tbsp.
None of these measurements have to be precise. It is good with casual
Mix all to a soft dough. Drop by spoonful onto cookie sheet. Bake 10 min. at 450 degrees.
This makes three shortcakes. I half the Bisquick and milk and leave the sugar and butter the same. It is soooo yummy this way. I rarely increase butter and sugar. Usually, I decrease those two ingredients. No way with shortcakes! Since I am drooling, I should quit typing, wipe my chin and go bake these.
Basically, I have a very buttery and semisweet biscuit that melts when strawberries are poured over it.
frosty from the freezer
This is a half pint I froze last month. There is minimal sugar in the cup of strawberries.
mostly thawed and yummy
hmmm, sort of flat
I baked these on parchment paper on a plate. The Bisquick is waay past date, so they did not rise as they should. It's okay. All is well. I ate them and they were tasty. The Bisquick had been in the freezer than the refrigerator, so it was not buggy or rancid, at least. The bag of mix was inside a freezer bag inside the box.
I love whipped cream but never buy it. I had rather whip my own, but will eat any. But, it is an expense. The children never had or wanted whipped cream for breakfast (see below). At other times they did.
I think you could add sugar and melted butter and get the same results. But, I am not a good biscuit maker.
Strawberry shortcake is the only reason I buy Bisquick.
I love whipped cream but never buy it. I had rather whip my own, but will eat any. But, it is an expense. The children never had or wanted whipped cream for breakfast (see below). At other times they did.
I think you could add sugar and melted butter and get the same results. But, I am not a good biscuit maker.
Strawberry shortcake is the only reason I buy Bisquick.
About four times each summer, I would make this for my children for breakfast. We used no whipped cream. They had a glass of milk with this breakfast that seems more like dessert than breakfast food. Since the strawberries were fresh and barely sweetened, the sugary, buttery biscuits seemed of little consequence. We did have this after other meals during the summer.
I thought this breakfast was no worse and actually better than jelly on toast or pancakes and syrup. My husband was adamant when he complained I gave the children dessert for breakfast.
Raise your hand
Do you like homemade strawberry shortcake? Do you have a favorite recipe?
Freezing Eggs
eggs in jars to freeze
golden eggs!
I have three cartons of eggs that were free from my hens, but that I do not want to waste. I slacked off in the egg eating department and have not baked lately. Some eggs have been given away, but not enough have left here.
So, today I froze a few eggs. There are other pressing things this Sunday, so I only froze 6 eggs in 3 of the cute 4 oz. canning/freezing jars.
Notice how golden the eggs are. That golden color is from the hens eating green grass, green weeds, and green vegetables. These eggs have more Omega 3 than store bought eggs from chickens that eat commercial food. Omega 3 is used to prevent and treat heart disease. Yes, I have said this before, but I believe it bears repeating.
Notice the difference in size of eggs?
When I am freezing eggs, I try to put a large one from Thelma and the smaller one from Lucy. Two eggs, beaten well, fill the 4 oz. jar to within 1/4 to 1/2 inch of the top of the jar--perfect.
The frozen eggs make fluffy, delicious, scrambled eggs when thawed. I have also baked with the frozen eggs. I can tell no difference in the fresh and frozen. I will freeze a few 8 oz./half-pint jars with 5 eggs for baking.
I know this seems like a small amount to freeze. But, I got 6 eggs stored away today. I get 10 to 12 eggs each week from Thelma and Lucy. Scrambling 2 eggs each day for 3 or 4 days, leaves me with several eggs which add up over weeks. At the end of the day, today, I may freeze another two containers if I can find room in the kitchen freezer. When exbf puts them in the big freezer on Tuesday, I will be able to squeeze in a few more little jars of eggs in the kitchen refrigerator/freezer.
By the way, I put these tiny jars in a flat from cans or in a small box so they won't get jostled in the freezer or dropped on the way in or out of the freezer. Oh, I put no salt in these.
Remember, there is only me here. Exbf won't eat eggs in any form, so there is no reason to freeze in larger quantities. I just need three of these jars each week to hold me through the three months of few eggs during the winter. If I store 3 jars X 12 weeks=36 jars, plus about 4 jars of five eggs for baking, I will have enough. The hens will lay an egg or so each week during the winter.
I know this seems like a small amount to freeze. But, I got 6 eggs stored away today. I get 10 to 12 eggs each week from Thelma and Lucy. Scrambling 2 eggs each day for 3 or 4 days, leaves me with several eggs which add up over weeks. At the end of the day, today, I may freeze another two containers if I can find room in the kitchen freezer. When exbf puts them in the big freezer on Tuesday, I will be able to squeeze in a few more little jars of eggs in the kitchen refrigerator/freezer.
By the way, I put these tiny jars in a flat from cans or in a small box so they won't get jostled in the freezer or dropped on the way in or out of the freezer. Oh, I put no salt in these.
Remember, there is only me here. Exbf won't eat eggs in any form, so there is no reason to freeze in larger quantities. I just need three of these jars each week to hold me through the three months of few eggs during the winter. If I store 3 jars X 12 weeks=36 jars, plus about 4 jars of five eggs for baking, I will have enough. The hens will lay an egg or so each week during the winter.
Your turn
Do you ever freeze eggs? What size container do you use and what portions do you put in each jar? Wendy, maybe you could explain your method and link to your egg freezing post.. Anyone else?
If you were close enough, any of you, we could barter--eggs for ??? What do you have to trade for eggs if you don't have hens and eggs of your own?
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Lady Bugs Are Eating My Tomatoes!
That is what she said. "I was so upset and tried to get them off, but they just kept eating my tomatoes." All sorts of uninformed people volunteered the correct poison to use. They mostly hoped the lady bugs did not find their gardens.
I tried to interject myself about five times before I finally got loud enough to be heard. While the woman was hysterically talking about evil lady bugs, others were joining in. Finally, I got a word in.
No, lady bugs don't eat tomatoes.
"Yes they do; you did not see them, hundreds of them, all eating on my tomatoes! You did not see them, all eating on tomatoes"
My head was bursting from the cacophony around me. It seemed hysteria would sweep all the women away.
Lady bugs don't eat tomatoes. They were eating aphids or mites or something that was attacking the tomatoes.
Back and forth we went with some disbelievers making rude faces at me. Finally, she decided, "I will just poison the whole garden and that will get rid of the whatever-you-said and the lady bugs. I don't want to take a chance since I have never grown tomatoes before and don't want to lose them.
You will kill all the good bugs. You will put poison on food you will eat. Your kids will eat poison.
The poor woman was deflated when she figured out she should not put poison on the plants, ground, and bugs. With a bewildered look and drooping shoulders, she asked me what to do. I tried to explain the potion of garlic, hot peppers, onion, Dawn, and oil that could be sprayed onto the garden. One woman hopefully offered that just soap and water would work. I agreed.
I tried to mention other bugs that look like ladybugs, some that do eat specific crops but lost their attention as they had other tales of gardening to share with each other.
This group of people were at least 25 miles from a small town and over 50 miles from a large city, deep-in-the-country folk. Likely most had lived in the country all their lives, probably never having finished high school. They were probably not computer literate and capable of researching and definitely had never heard much about gardening.
How have these country folk come to be so ignorant of lady bugs and tomatoes?
This encounter left me sad.
Click here to find more about ladybugs and pictures to color.
Your turn
Have you heard or read of any absurd or comical assumptions about gardening like "lady bugs are eating my tomatoes"?
Friday, May 24, 2013
Book Review: TREADWELL Yes, I loved it

Treadwell, is a gritty story of murder, mayhem, and tough, old women who handle things on their own. As in many Southern tales, the Indiana beauty shop is a place of discovery and hilarity. Some of these women like Nelda and Wosie are quick to take charge when all else fails or others falter. They take on kidnappers and drug dealers who are not averse to murder to forward their own agenda. Nelda Pike, living alone in the woods finds herself in the middle of a kidnapping. There is never a dull moment in this book. Although TREADWELL is intense and danger-filled, it is devoid of offense to the faint of heart. I could barely put it down.
I was trying to wait until it was in the library before I posted this review. But, I tired of waiting.
Dana, you may use this anyplace as long as you ask my name and use it, not my blog name.
Your turn
Have you read this book? Can you ask the library in your town to order it? Our library takes requests for book orders.
Your turn
Have you read this book? Can you ask the library in your town to order it? Our library takes requests for book orders.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Canning Jar and Rack Chandelier
A project in mind. Great for an emergency.
I have an old canning rack that for some reason does not
fit my two water bath canners, both of which do have racks. I was going to get rid of it until I saw this chandelier. The lights look like led Christmas-type lights. I have several sets of 12 that are battery operated. I suppose if the lights went out, a person could use the only canning rack from the only water bath canner she owned. I just happen to have an extra rack. The chains hooked to the rack should be easy.
When I put lights in my yard and the trees, I
never attempt to have uniform lights. It pleases me to have several unusual light sources or light holders.
I cannot make the photo larger because it just gets
wider and flatter. I copied the photo, put it in Word and could enlarge it there. Those are not rope lights, only led lights
There is a new line of Ball jars that are blue.
Clear jars and candles could be substituted. It appears new blue Ball jars is what is used in the photo. Your turn Have you seen one of these lights in use? Do you light your yard for parties? Or, your patio or balcony? What is your favorite type of lighting for outdoors? Anything funky and homemade? I am dying to hear.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Chicken Behavioral Analyst Needed
Thelma on left; Lucy on right
Blurry, I know!
Do I have to pay for expert advise? Here is the question with background. Why would a chicken approach another and peck the beak?
Background to this picture:
I put the two chicks out in the grass. They finally started cheeping and pecking. Lucy ran faster than Thelma to inspect them. Lucy got much closer than Thelma. Finally, Thelma just walked away with a few clucks. Lucy walked closer to the chicks. Finally, Lucy ran to Thelma who was standing and waiting. Finally, Thelma and Lucy ran toward each other. Then, Lucy stood very still while Thelma pecked the very end of her beak. Thelma pecked from different directions but was always pecking very gently on the tip of the beak.
You can see Thelma is stretching to reach Lucy. Lucy is submitting but pulling back.
Here's what I think was happening. I think Thelma is Alpha hen. Thelma was telling Lucy to come. When Lucy did not, Thelma admonished Lucy closely and made her submit to beak pecking.
Your turn
What do you think is happening?
Sure, I will get right back to you, Mr. Patrick Chan
$22,500,000.00 in my bank"Hang Seng Bank",Hong kong.
I wish to make a transfer of the $22,500,000.00 .I do solicit for you assistance in effecting this transaction.I intend to give you 30% of the total
funds as compensation for your assistance.
Should you be interested please send me an email on my private email(
1. Full names
2. Private phone number
3. Current residential address
Patrick Chan
I just read this to exbf. He said I should give and African sounding name and an address in Nigeria.
These emails are annoying. Yesterday, a caller rushed through his script about a private matter and said very quickly, "Now, if you will just give me your social, we can take care of this."
Your turn
Are you fed up with the emails offering to "share" millions with you. Do you get callers who think you will turn over personal information. I am on the no call list.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Jamaican Banana-Pineapple Mango Rum Jam
![]() |
stored waaay up high |
The jars are stored in the laundry room over the dryer. Actually, if I stand facing the dryer, the view I see above place the cabinet to the left of me and not exactly over the dryer, just a bit of the side of the side of the dryer. When I was younger, I would stand in front of the dryer, put one hand on the dryer top, and just jump up to sit on the dryer. Lately, I get exbf to spot for me as I stand on a stool and struggle to get on the dryer, pushing my fat behind up and onto the dryer and usually making myself hurt. Tonight, I was brave and got on the stool and then the dryer without someone spotting in case I tipped off or dropped something on my noggin. I survived.
These are the only canning jars stored in the laundry room. The packages are small, so it seems this is a good place to stuff them one at a time. I really don't think it is a good idea for me to try to get a box of 12 quarts over my head and into the shelf as I balance on the dryer.
The jam was based off this recipe. It was on Little House in the Big Woods, penned by Wendy. Her boys said it was too sweet, but I believe this jam would make a good filling or could be used over ice cream. A little does go a long way.
When I took the jars from the pot, I was rewarded with two pings of lids before I could get all five on the counter. There is leftover jam, a tad short of 4 oz. so when it cools or maybe tomorrow, I will taste test the finished product.
Taste test: I did open one jar today and test it for firmness and taste. It is great! Now, if I can just figure out what I did with the recipe I used, not the one on the internet, just based off the internet recipe.
Your turn
Have you ever made banana jam? Or, banana-pineapple jam? Does it sound delicious to you?
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Faceoff: Fun with Chickens
hens are standing absolutely still
Hens provide lots of good, clean, cheap fun. I was cutting turnips from the bed at the right, the pink one, was uncovered. Since I had to go inside for my camera and did not want the hens playing in my turnips, I asked exbf to stay close and guard the bed as he worked. He decided to sit. When I came out, the hens were motionless as was he. He said they ran over and just stopped. He thought they wanted the turnips.
See the yellow rake on the far right? They are terrified of the yellow rake. One day, I was walking along, dragging the rake as I walked. I overcame the original four hens I had as they walked ahead of me and to the left. As the yellow rake came past them, the head of the rake swished past just behind them. Other than the Devil Dog and raccoon encounters, I have never seen them so frightened. Now, Thelma, one of the original four, has taught Lucy to be afraid of the yellow-handled rake.
I use a pink-painted broom handle to herd them. They will not come near it and go where I guide them.
Chickens are funny and afraid of everything. But, consider this: maybe one of these stiff, colored objects will fall to the ground and writhe toward them. They were afraid of long strings of banana peels when they were less than a week old. Chickens don't like snakes at all! So, any long thing must be dangerous. Makes sense to me.
Chickens are a money saver, a promoter of parsimony. You see, I could be spending money for entertainment. I don't because I have resident chickens for amusement. Some of these encounters with chickens are quite the philosophical exercise. I stand in no danger of becoming a cat lady. I will be the chicken lady, minus a house full of chickens.
This picture was taken about two months ago when the St. Augustine grass was still crunchy.
Your turn
Do you enjoy watching chickens as much as I? What do your chickens fear?
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Green Plastic Knife
Friday, May 17, 2013
The Bane of My Existence
shady area
The privet originates far to the left of this picture above. As the branches reach the hickory tree, they bend. I like the area it forms underneath. It makes me too miserable to sit there even though others do sit in the chairs. Actually, even an open window exposes me to the pollen.
You can learn more about privet.
Pretty and more pleasant
self seeded or regrew
Wave Petunias
Early in the spring, I noticed green in this hanging basket. It had such a thick stem that it appeared the plant was re growing after the winter. I knew the Wave Petunia would reseed. Last year, I bought some distressed Wave Petunias and they flourished after a little care. Now, I have another stressed petunia that I will plant here with the leftover ones you see here. It appears on each of the pink and white made it through the winter and the other reseeded.
I am sure I could have a better picture, but I was standing on a pile of rocks.
Your turn
Does anyone have these privets in your yard? Are you allergic? Do your or your children have asthma, problems with lungs, or eczema? Do you suspect your problems are caused or exacerbated by this invasive pest?
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
A Bachelor's Soup Recipe
This is a very frugal recipe, a recipe exbf told me he made. He was very proud of himself. I was openly laughing at it, asking how he could eat such. But, it was all free food to him from me, so he was willing to eat it. He said it actually was good. He loves eating here and taking home a quart of my homemade soup. I am not recommending this. Well, if you cannot cook at all. . . .
1/3 can mixed vegetable
1/3 can tomato soup
1/3 jar salsa
several sausage patties pulled apart
Heat in a pot.
One day, I asked him what he had ever cooked. His answer: hamburger patties for a hamburger, microwaved frozen vegetables and chicken slices, boiled hot dogs rarely ever, heated cans of soup or stew. He can eat prepared, microwaved food.
He is almost 60, never married. No one ever taught him to cook, and he said he was too lazy to clean up all that cooking entailed. He cannot even cook an egg in any form because he hates eggs.
I know you all know men who can cook well or barely passing. I really don't call this even passable. He knows I am writing this, so this is not a backstabbing attack. I asked him if I could write this.
His cooking method reminds me of Hemingway's Nick in Big Two-Hearted River, Part I. Nick made a campfire and poured a can of spaghetti and a can of pork and beans into a pot for his dinner. When I read this description, I felt revolted.
Your turn
Do you know anyone who "cooks" like this? Do you or did you ever? Do you have a favorite combination of cans you prepare. Tell me a story.
1/3 can mixed vegetable
1/3 can tomato soup
1/3 jar salsa
several sausage patties pulled apart
Heat in a pot.
One day, I asked him what he had ever cooked. His answer: hamburger patties for a hamburger, microwaved frozen vegetables and chicken slices, boiled hot dogs rarely ever, heated cans of soup or stew. He can eat prepared, microwaved food.
He is almost 60, never married. No one ever taught him to cook, and he said he was too lazy to clean up all that cooking entailed. He cannot even cook an egg in any form because he hates eggs.
I know you all know men who can cook well or barely passing. I really don't call this even passable. He knows I am writing this, so this is not a backstabbing attack. I asked him if I could write this.
His cooking method reminds me of Hemingway's Nick in Big Two-Hearted River, Part I. Nick made a campfire and poured a can of spaghetti and a can of pork and beans into a pot for his dinner. When I read this description, I felt revolted.
Your turn
Do you know anyone who "cooks" like this? Do you or did you ever? Do you have a favorite combination of cans you prepare. Tell me a story.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Hens' Dinner Tonight--Free
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like a pancake/cookie that is baked in the oven |
1/3 will be dinner for two hens tonight
I wished I had taken a video of the hens attacking their dinner.
Update: He came here today, May 16, and is disappointed no one else commented. I am not talking bad about him. He is proud of his creations and knows how I laugh at them. He is the type man that makes you want to cook for him.
Your turn.
Do you feed your hens free food? What food not bought do you feed your hens? Do you grown crops especially for your hens? I count feeding stuff you grow as free food.
Monday, May 13, 2013
How Do You Know? Update
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turnip greens\totally irrelevant to this post |
For the last twenty-five or more years, I have complained about severe pain in my upper left side above my waist and below my ribs. Sometimes the pain is behind my ribs, sometimes running along just below my ribs. Often, the pain is in my kidney area. Sometimes, the pain is at my waist or below. Often, the pain runs from my ovary to behind my ribs around to my kidney area.
I go to the doctor, complain, and nothing can be found with tests. Once, the urologist said, "Stand up, turn around, and show me where you think your kidney is located." He agree that I knew where my kidney is. Yes, sometimes I hurt in the area of my right kidney. Oh, I do have a huge kidney stone in the calyx. It has been there for 20 years.
Actually, I have intermittent, severe pain from my right ovary to underneath my ribs to my right kidney. Rarely does it all hurt at once. There is a hard place below my ribs in front that is the area of my liver. At night, often I cannot lie on my right side because of the discomfort from lying on what feels like a rock.
I can eat something with a low fat content and I am nauseous and faint. However, that only happens occasionally. Or, it happens three days in a row. Or, it lasts one day.
I slowly drank a glass of milk and five minutes later I felt like I was being stabbed. I let out a cry and then whimpered a little and it was all over!
When I give these answers to doctors, I sometimes feel I am looked upon as a hypochondriac. I can see it on their faces, read it in their body language, and hear it in their voices. When I kept pushing for treatment and tests for thyroid problems, I was vindicated. I had half my thyroid out and a nodule that would eventually have become cancerous. Seeee? I am not nutso. I could feel it! And, I am on medication to prevent any thyroid function. By the way, blood tests showed my thyroid was functioning. Tests showed a thyroid that had a little nodule/growth behind it. NOOOO! It was a sphere about 1" in diameter. Yes, a sphere, a ball shape, not a flat hockey puck shape.
My husband, now ex-, threw up occasionally (1980) and had it diagnosed as gall bladder disease. The throwing up became more frequent until he just quit eating and screamed lots. He lost thirty pounds and finally was screaming, begging the doctor to operate at midnight when I had to rush him to the ER. As an adult, my daughter was finally diagnosed after lying in the hospital, screaming. She had been to the doctor and ER multiple times. The doctors told her she confused them with her description of where the pain was located. He had the 12 inch scar. She had three or four tiny scars.
To complicate all this, my father died of pancreatic cancer. His pain, nausea, and vomiting was what alerted him. So, anytime I have pain and mention it to the doctor, I also tell them of my family history. Yes, his mother died of the same thing. I am his child who looks like his side of the family and have all their allergies.
When I was 21-years-old and a new mother, I was advised to have kidney surgery. Since waiting would cause no further damage, I decided to wait. my kidney was too low, shoved down by pregnancy. ??? The doctor said the pain would get worse and I would be begging him for surgery. I was in pain for 18 months. One morning, the pain was just completely gone.
Now, I have a new doctor, one who will be fired someday when I find a new doctor. I just never went the first time. In the meantime, I may need him for something minor. When I mentioned the pain I was having that day, the pain I have that is more like the liver area, he looked me in the face with a bored expression and said, "There is nothing wrong with your liver." All this as he turned to leave the room.
"How do you know?" He left the room.
Just because the white of my eyes are bright white and my skin is not yellow?
Another doctor told me I had pulled a muscle. He must have been a psychic. He never even touched me. He is also the doctor that told me I was not, could not be pregnant even though I had two other children and knew what pregnancy was like. Then, he would not admit I had a baby that was full term but said she was over a month early when she was born.
So, it is almost 2 pm and I have not eaten anything and my blood sugar has not dropped precipitously, giving me the shakes.
To top it off, I have done secret shopper jobs for fast food lately! In the past I have found that eating too much fat over two or three days, causes the stabbing pain and nausea to occur with the next occasion of any kind of fat consumption. Beef, even lean beef is not my friend. Chicken breast does not hurt me. Eggs don't hurt me. Cheese does not hurt me. However, cheese and milk after too much beef or fried consumption does hurt me almost as soon as I finish eating it. If I eat beef or fried food, I refrain from more than a bit of cheese or milk and certainly nothing fried for several weeks or a month, maybe more. It seems there is a cumulative effect going on here.
I don't shun fried foods or fats, I just ration them. Obviously, I need to shun more.
My friend's 75-year-old grandmother had gall bladder problem/disease for 30 years and had no surgery. She just knew what to eat and what not to eat. Hmmm...sounds like me or something. Only, my gall bladder is functioning normally, according to tests.
All the time, I examine my own thoughts, thinking I could be just a hypochondriac. So far, all my other complaints (thyroid) have been real and required treatment, I think I know what is happening. Now, I am going to say something that makes me sound overly concerned about every little pain or symptom--my father's sibling died from cancer as did he. Well, about 6 of the 12 did die from cancer. Plus, cousins on that side of the family have had cancer; some died; some survived.
About 25-years ago I was a vendor at craft shows. In ten days I worked two mall shows. Luckily, my booth in both places was in front of a Chic-Fil-A. Before I got on the interstate, I would buy a Hardees sausage and biscuit. Every day for dinner I had Chic-Fil-A. After eating this diet 8 out of 10 days, I pulled over on the interstate and threw up and felt as though I were going to faint.
Now, I will begin my quest anew--find a family doctor who will refer me to a surgeon not in this town! I do not want to be taken to the hospital screaming for surgery like my daughter and her father. I do not want to have an emergency arise because no one will find the problem. Right now, it feels like there is something pushing against my ribs from behind them.
Okay, I just ate 1.5 pieces of bacon because I was faint and wanted it. My head hurt and my blood sugar was dropping. And, I decided to have a small bit of milk after waiting 15 minutes. So far, no pain. Yes, I will eat some vegetables and fruit. I just needed quick satiation.
I do not go from doctor to doctor seeking relief. I just mention the pain and nausea to a doctor when I have a checkup or have another reason to make an appointment. Only once did I go to the doctor specifically, and have I been tested when the pain was horrific.
Okay, I will shut up before you all think I am a nut. But, this pain and nausea has been happening on and off for the past few weeks.
NEWS: I had a CT scan ordered by the urologist for my kidney. It will "show everything." as the person just assured me. My urologist and gynecologist take me seriously! They actually listen and get to the bottom (no pun intended) of my problems. The urologist nurse called ten minutes ago, and the CT scheduler called just now. So, Wednesday morning, I am off for a CT.
Happy dancing here.
Update: I had the kidney problem, and all the other problems before my parents or relatives developed cancer or anyone relayed anything about cancer, liver, or kidney disease. I do not and did not live in fear of these diseases and develop symptoms myself. I have had a strange itching sensation in my body, on the inside. Mama said Daddy had the same thing all the time. It is/was a horrendous feeling because I could not scratch it. It is located approximately where the pancreas is located. Okay, now I do sound
My friend just now told me I have a virus because a virus is going around! NOT!
Your turn
Has anyone had this problem with diagnosis that my daughter had for several weeks and that I am having? Share any story you want. I am to speak.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
There's a Chicken in My Bed
poopy toes out of the water
All the toenails on the left foot and two or three on the right foot are grossly coated with concrete made of poop and cornmeal. I put her in the sink with the water running very warm, almost hot. Oh, she peeped and peeped and struggled. Then, her little body relaxed so much that I had to hold her head out of the water. Her eyes sort of closed. The picture above is after fifteen minutes of soaking and trying to get it off.
poopy toes in the water
I had already solved the pasty butt problem by picking and pulling and raking as she soaked. I used the paper/cloth covering that come on Kotex pads. They made nice cloths to go between my fingers and the poop as I worked on her problem areas.
clean butt
Every time that I lifted her from the sink water, she trembled with cold so that I felt sorry for her and tried to put her back in the sink quickly. She was so drowsy I had to hold her head out of the water. She had been chased for hours.
I had been standing for far too long, leaning on the bathroom sink, leaning on my elbows and using the make-shift, disposable "wash cloth" on nails that were hard as rocks. I finally started pressing my nails on the hard poop rocks, pressing them against the bottom of the sink--gently and sometimes a bit harder.
We needed a rest. The only towel I could see was the largest, whitest, plushest towel I own. So be it. I have a washing machine.
warm chick
I am holding a basketball-sized bundle of towel and chick. She is very content, not flapping or cheeping as she did in the water if I lifted her to the cool air or let go of her. She seemed content in the sink as long as I had my hand around her as I did in the first picture.
Since only one toe had been freed, we went back for a second session. Eventually, she was free of the encumbrances. Poop balls were in the water. Yuck! Now, we both needed another rest.
very clean and sort of wet
Remember, she was practically naked when wet and the few feathers were plastered together. I could not get a better picture of her because she is in a bundle that is not wrapped properly. I could not move away from her or put her down. Plus, handling a camera with one had is not my best skill these days or ever.
hiding whole face
As soon as I covered her back with the towel so only her head showed, she tucked her head down into the towel. It was sooooo cute. I fell in love with this baby. If I disturbed her, she would put her head right back down, covering her face. Eventually, she sort of borrowed out of sight. When I uncovered her from her completely covered position, she burrowed even farther into the towel.
I pondered how to get her dry before returning her to the box. The hairdryer on low would be cool. On high it would blow too hard. So, I just sat, hoping she would dry in the towel.
Finally, about 5:00 am, I was exhausted and so was the chick. Of course, she was sleeping; I was not! I decided to take her to bed with me. Yes, I know I am probably the first person to take a chicken to bed. I was going to put the wadded towel in a tote bag, but could not find one immediately. I think they are in the car. A plastic bag came to mind, but that seemed to dangerous--not enough circulation. I kept looking in the towel and she cheeped and burrowed deeper. She was one content chick!
Settling on a large paper grocery bag, I stuffed the whole towel with chick in, hoping I had her right side up. With the top scrunched down, I carried the bag as I got ready for bed--into kitchen and back to tv and then to bathroom, finally to bed. Since I had had fingers in poop, I needed to spend a bit more time cleaning my hands. So, as I got ready for bed, I heard no cheeps, a good or bad sign.
The paper bag and chick went right into my bed, up near my head so I could hear if the chick...what? quit breathing? Cheeped for me? Accidentally was upside down? I carefully covered the bag with my blanket under which I was sleeping, and I went to sleep. Hours later, I awoke and went to the bathroom. When I looked into the bag and towel, the chick awoke and was totally dry, looking just like a yellow Easter chick. I reunited the two chicks in the box.
The little one I washed has been so much calmer today when I reach in with water or food. Maybe I should be more attentive to gentling them. A bath a day could be a good gentling tool. They get really warm and trust me.
Being a chickie mama is sooo emotionally exhausting.
Oh, did you miss the post where I name the chicks? Her name is Maxene.
UPDATE: When the first five minutes in water did not clean the poopy feet, I did give the bath water a shot of shampoo, nice pink shampoo that smells delicious. I use it in my hand soap pump to wash my hands.
Your turn
Have you had chicks with pasty butt? Did your chicks ever get the messy balls on their toes? When was the last time you took a chicken to bed?
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Handwritten Cookbook and Chick Names
I keep a handwritten book of recipes that I love, use often, or that are my children's favorites. When I was in Walmart, I spotted a journal that would be perfect for recording loved recipes. The journal was less than $6. You could use something similar or choose a journal that is already in your possession.
My recipe book came from BAM and has RECIPES on the front. Since I bought this over 20 years ago, I doubt it is still on the market. I received a cookbook one Christmas. I only use one recipe from it. That recipe is in my handwritten book. If the house were on fire, I would grab my handwritten recipe book and run. My book saves me time and saves having many pieces of paper around with recipes on them.
Actually, I am going to make hard copies as well as scan the recipes in my handwritten recipe book.
Chick Names
When I got three chicks, I needed names for a trio of some sort. Exbf suggested the Andrews Sisters. The chicks get girl names since I hope for girls.
So, they are LaVerne, Patty, and Maxene. If they are roosters, we have Vern, Pat, and Max. Of course, since LaVerne died, she will never have a boy name. Maxine is the little yellow chick. Patty is the large bully.
How do you name animals?
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
The First Bunny et al
first bunny sighting of the year
cute because there are no food plants to eat, yet
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waiting on me |
pint of bananas=4.5 bananas
Tops are askew for cooling because there are fruit flies in the kitchen!
4 oz. cherries=what was left in the bag of frozen cherries
I have not yet emptied the two other trays of dehydrated bananas. So, this was only two trays, one whole and one partial tray of the four trays I dehydrated. They spent longer in the dehydrator because it was raining when I put them in. The cherries, once plump halves, were so flat and stuck to the dehydrator sheets. See where I had to pry them off the mesh?
The 4 oz. Ball jars are marvelous, magic, much loved around here. I even have 2 oz. Ball jars.
Unlike the cherries sold dehydrated in the store, these have no sugar or chemicals. They taste better.
Your turn
I know that some of you do not think bunnies are cute when they raid your garden. Does anyone else enjoy these sweet animals in the yard? Or, do you eat them and enjoy them in another way? The rain stopped the transplanting and almost ruined my bananas before dehydrating. How has the rain stopped you from performing your spring chores?
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Bananas and Cherries and Chocolate Cookies
half a bag of frozen cherries
I love these cherries. These have been languishing in the freezer, so I decided to thaw them and add them to the trays of bananas. I bought frozen carrots to freeze this week. Do you ever buy frozen food to dehydrate?
I am working toward eliminating the need for my big freezer. My big freezer is the smallest one sold that is frost-free. I will keep it, just won't plug it up. However, it has two or three turkeys in it, so I don't know how long it will take me to empty it. I am working my way up to canning meat. The idea of canning meat frightens me.
chocolate chunk cookies
While I have lots to do, why not add a batch of cookies to the work load? These are sort of firm on the outside and very soft, almost gooey on the inside--delicious. The recipe--a cookie mix. It was given to me, so I decided to bake these tonight-- Wednesday. Monday.
It was a long day with exbf here today, helping me with things that are hard for me to do. However, these bananas had to be sliced and dehydrated. So, I am up late and it is now Thursday Tuesday. He usually comes on Wednesday, so I will be ahead all week. The caffeine in the dark chocolate chunks is making my heart beat fast, and not in a good way. Do you get sidetracked this way? Of course, I cannot slice bananas and eat cookies.
Next in the dehydrator--Vidalia onions.
Your turn
Do you ever just overload yourself needlessly with extra work, like cookies? What experience have you had with canning meat? I have the instructions, just need moral support. Does anyone keep quarts and half gallons of dehydrated-at-home fruit around for snacks? Do you dehydrate store-bought frozen food?
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