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Monday, May 27, 2013

Freezing Eggs

eggs in jars to freeze
golden eggs!

I have three cartons of eggs that were free from my hens, but that I do not want to waste. I slacked off in the egg eating department and have not baked lately. Some eggs have been given away, but not enough have left here.

So, today I froze a few eggs. There are other pressing things this Sunday, so I only froze 6 eggs in 3 of the cute 4 oz. canning/freezing jars.

Notice how golden the eggs are. That golden color is from the hens eating green grass, green weeds, and green vegetables. These eggs have more Omega 3 than store bought eggs from chickens that eat commercial food. Omega 3 is used to prevent and treat heart disease. Yes, I have said this before, but I believe it bears repeating.

Notice the difference in size of eggs?
When I am freezing eggs, I try to put a large one from Thelma and the smaller one from Lucy. Two eggs, beaten well, fill the 4 oz. jar to within 1/4 to 1/2 inch of the top of the jar--perfect.
The frozen eggs make fluffy, delicious, scrambled eggs when thawed. I have also baked with the frozen eggs. I can tell no difference in the fresh and frozen. I will freeze a few 8 oz./half-pint jars with 5 eggs for baking.

I know this seems like a small amount to freeze. But, I got 6 eggs stored away today. I get 10 to 12 eggs each week from Thelma and Lucy. Scrambling 2 eggs each day for 3 or 4 days, leaves me with several eggs which add up over weeks.  At the end of the day, today, I may freeze another two containers if I can find room in the kitchen freezer. When exbf puts them in the big freezer on Tuesday, I will be able to squeeze in a few more little jars of eggs in the kitchen refrigerator/freezer.

By the way, I put these tiny jars in a flat from cans or in a small box so they won't get jostled in the freezer or dropped on the way in or out of the freezer. Oh, I put no salt in these.

Remember, there is only me here. Exbf won't eat eggs in any form, so there is no reason to freeze in larger quantities. I just need three of these jars each week to hold me through the three months of few eggs during the winter. If I store 3 jars X 12 weeks=36 jars, plus about 4 jars of five eggs for baking, I will have enough. The hens will lay an egg or so each week during the winter.
Your turn
Do you ever freeze eggs? What size container do you use and what portions do you put in each jar? Wendy, maybe you could explain your method and link to your egg freezing post.. Anyone else?
If you were close enough, any of you, we could barter--eggs for ??? What do you have to trade for eggs if you don't have hens and eggs of your own?


  1. I never knew you could freeze eggs! Thanks for the information.

    1. Jane,
      Some people freeze them without beating. Other people put salt or sugar in not know why. You are welcome.

  2. I LOVE this idea! I get eggs from my good neighbour and there are lulls in how many she is able to sell...the typical lulls in winter and molting seasons that everyone experiences, and because the hens are heritage breeds and have the urge to make babies, whenever they go broody which is right now!

    I will absolutely be using your freezing tips during the next glut period :-) Thank you so much for sharing!!!

    1. Little,
      I never thought of the buyer of eggs stocking up. That's a good plan.

  3. I didn't think you could freeze raw eggs either - what a good idea !
    Do you ever feed your hens corn or other chicken food, or do they live on weeds, kitchen leftovers etc., ? Just wondering if you always have enough scraps for them ?
    When I kept chucks, I found I could either build a compost heap OR feed the chucks - but not both !

    1. Wean,
      I don't feed them anything that is meant for chickens. They eat the baked, crushed shells of their own eggs. I feed them apple and banana peels and whatever part I don't eat--bruises. They eat seeds from cantaloupe and bell peppers, for example. Gristle or whatever from chicken I have cooked and they get the carcass. The only bread they get is whole wheat, no preservatives, no hfcs.

      I get culls from the vegetable market from them. Often, I eat some of that. Any vegetable trimmings from my kitchen go out to them.

      They got cracked corn for about a week in the winter when I was iced in out of town. I knew I could not get back and had a friend throw them a cupful every evening.

      Now, they get canned corn--chicken crack to them. They also love milk, yogurt, and cheese that for whatever reason gets left in the car if I take it with me and don't quite finish so that it gets left in the car.

      Exbf says they like pbj sandwiches. He brings them his leftover scraps from the chicken I cook and send home with him. He found apples one day and banana another and all sorts of food, so he brings that.

      They have a good diet. They eat half a can of storebought corn every day. I use cream style corn to make them a huge cookie, using their eggs and cornmeal.

      I never have anything to compost anymore.

  4. My hens also get from 3 to 12 hours in the yard, consuming bugs and grass and other green things they determine are tasty. Occasionally, they are penned for over 24 hours, so I take green stuff to them. If I am sick, it is raining or if it is snowing, they do not get out because I don't want to watch them or go back in bad weather to put them back in their pen.

  5. Wow - what well-fed chucks ! no wonder your eggs are so delicious.
    I only have a small garden here and am wondering if it would be worthwhile keeping some (rescued) hens again - I do miss them

    1. Wean,
      I hope my hens are healthy with their diet. I would miss not having hens.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.