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Monday, January 20, 2025


 Jan 20

steps 12,463

I think I must readjust my writing schedule. I usually write late, often after midnight. Now, since I have been going to bed early, I cannot write late. Of course, I do get up for four hours, but those are not good writing hours. One night, I did write in the middle of the night. I could not type very well at all. It was a chore to correct so much. 

Today, I expected the ot to come between 3:20 and 4 pm. Tommy said she said 5 pm. Around 6 pm, I called her. She was already 90 miles from here and apologized about two dozen times. Since I am going for haircut tomorrow, I knew I did not make an appointment for that time tomorrow. While I had nowhere to go, I resent living on tenterhooks! 

It is soooo cold--21F right now at 10:15 pm. 

Today was a sad and tiring day. If we can make it through four more years....


  1. All J6 pardoned. All. Even he who bludgeoned the officer to death with the fire extinguisher. An attempt to undue the 14th Amendment. Rescinding the order to lower drug costs for Medicare. Need I go on? Do I flee? Or do I fight?
    -Meg B.

    1. Plus, he started back-pedaling on his promises a few days ago like saying he was not sure he could lower grocery prices. So many things!

    2. I was taught to see through this sort of gaslighting. Sadly, not everyone had parents like mine. People are going to suffer. But autocracies can’t last forever, though, especially when the people grow angry. Assuming we have midterms, things can change. In the meantime, I hope those who voted for him suffer the most. Thankfully, I am in a Blue Wall state. Our Governor and AG are ready. As for you, keep your eyes open and your wits about you, and document, Document, DOCUMENT. Be well.

    3. Trump is not gaslighting, just lying. There is a difference. Midterms will sink him. But, that is a long time for people can suffer. People who voted for him to bring down the price of food are going to be shocked. The price of food won't hurt us, but that is not true of everyone. I just want to get another laptop and car before those prices hurt.

    4. Bush=1,000 points of light. Felon 47= 1,000 points of gaslight.

    5. 1,000 lies. Check the meaning of gaslight. Most people use it wrong. Did you see the film 'Gaslight'?

    6. No….wait, as it when the husband made the lights change, and then convinced the woman she was crazy for thinking they changed? Waaay back when, I watched that in a rented VCR, along with “Whose Afraid if Virginia Wolf” (?) it’s been years, so that may not be the correct title. In any case, I just think the turn of phrase is witty. And he does both, lies and gaslights. Either way, take care.

    7. Yea. Talk to text and I sent it before I could correct it. I hate perpetrating apostrophe abuse!

  2. I’m sick about so much of it that I don’t even want to think about it. Ugh.

    1. Belinda,
      I doubt you will see cheaper prices on groceries or more money in your pocket. His military arm is like the SS. I would be Trump's personal army that only answers to Trump, not regular military. Please think about that.

  3. T just shoots his mouth off. The majority of the promises that he made will be broken in the first few months. I have to laugh at the people who have been saying that on Jan 21 the prices will fall. How people can believe such nonsense?

    His statement about there only being 2 genders was Particularity heinous. He has put some people in grave danger. I hate that along with his border wall and views on immigration.

    The United States has always been known for being a welcoming, safe place. No person leaves their family, walks 1,000s of miles lightly. They do it to provide a safe life for themselves and their children.
    If he truly does send people away he will not like the results. The immigrant people support us all. They are not only our neighbors, they do work that many citizens reject. They are caring for our children, tending to our crops, working in our restaurants, mowing our lawns, cleaning our homes just to mention a few of the ways they are supporting us. If he is successful in deporting people and enacting tariffs, the price of EVERYTHING will skyrocket.

    1. Janet,
      That comment is a gem. It is so well put. How anyone can look at the whole of his comments, laws, and heinous mind can believe good will come of his election baffles me.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.