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Sunday, January 12, 2025


 Jan 12

steps 14,250

I am so clever! Not!  I decided to eat dinner while I used the Ellipse. I had baked chicken, baked carrots, and boiled cabbage. I pedaled and ate. Ate and pedaled. Drank water. I talked to Tommy and laughed at TV.  Pedaled. When I had finished eating, I asked for a chocolate covered cherry and a Coke. I had five swallows of the Coke. Kept pedaling. Then, the pain started. Then I hiccupped for a while. I finally quit and started again. I hurt so. 

Remind me never to eat and drink while exercising. Groan!

This morning, Tommy said he was getting sick. He could not stand to have the TV on at all until after 1 pm. He said he felt feverish. He was truly miserable. He gets this way several times a year. He recovers quickly. His headache goes away with sleep. His sinuses quit hurting. He will probably use a Hall's Mentholyptus cough drop to help with his sinuses tonight. 

The snow is gone. I am grateful. 

Is your snow gone yet?

Has anyone else ever had a 12-hour sinus problem with temp and headache like Tommy does?

Can you eat and exercise without pain?


  1. Our snow won't be gone for quite a while.
    Can't figure out why eating and pedaling would cause pain. That seems odd.
    I get sinus problems once in a while in spring/fall - that with medication go away in a day or two.

    1. I believe the recommendation is to eat a heavy meal several hours before a workout, not during.

  2. Cheryl,
    I figured your snow might stay longer than mine. I wish I were lucky to only have occasional sinus problems or short-lived problems.

  3. I do get bad sinus headaches, typically seasonal with weather changes, or if the heat is in at night, but they tend to come on just before I wake. I have found that they get better by my getting up taking a Tylenol, walking around, and getting fresh air even though that’s hard to do at first. If I didn’t know better, I could confuse them with a two-glasses-of-cheap-wine-the-night-before headache. I can almost feel the sinuses opening up as the morning goes on. So far, no fevers, and they aren’t debilitating, just annoying. I at USED to get migraines periodically, starting from about age 8 and they would have me incapacitated! They all but disappeared with my first pregnancy, unless I am exposed for too long to a trigger like stale cigarette smoke or fragrances. As a kid, my parents didn’t really believe they were an issue needing medical treatment, so I was encouraged to treat them by staying home from school and staying in bed, which, frankly, is all I could manage anyway! Noise, light , fragrances were all unbearable. Even in the middle of winter I would have to have my bedroom window wide open to sleep if I had a migraine because even the smell of, say, DH making the kids waffles would be painful. I am so thankful I don’t get them anymore.
    In any case, one thing that helps my sinuses, if Tommy can bear it, is sipping cool, (but not ice) water throughout the morning. An ENT friend also told me years ago (apropos of nothing other than me asking for a bottle of room temperature water at intermission at a performance) that chilled and iced drinks should be avoided because the cold constricts the sinus passages, but he can’t seem to get people to believe him!

    1. Meg,
      I had migraines for about six months, figured out what caused them and never had another. I cannot imagine being plagued by them all the time.

  4. NEVER eat and exercise at the same time, no matter how light the fare nor how mild the exercise. As you have just learned.

    Sipping plain water (not iced water) should not pose a problem. And if it does, stop doing it.

    We have just a dusting of snow left. I hear we're going to enjoy a Polar Vortex next week here in New England. Terrific! NOT.

    Another week of meals, cleaning, & decluttering. My gosh I lead an extraordinarily adventurous life--let your jealousy commence. LOL!

    1. Sue,
      Intellectually, I knew it to be a fact. But, how many chances does a person have to eat dinner and exercise? I will not do that again.
      Ugh. I hope we are done with cold. But, I know that is too much to ask for.
      Actually, I am jealous of anyone who can clean the house. Tommy dropped a glass lid and was standing barefoot in glass. So, I got the stick vacuum and other supplies to clean it up. It was excruciating to handle the light vacuum or bend to pick up the glass. I hurt too much to get it from under the table. We cannot see it, but have proof there is more. It would be nice if we had a cleaner again. I am sure the last one would come back, hoping to collect Christmas gift of money. But, she lied, so out of here.

  5. I don't even like eating standing up!
    I prefer to sit at a table and chew slowly, with no tv or radio to spoil my concentration.

    1. YS, That is so funny. The only reason I do not like eating standing up is because my back hurts too much. I suppose having three children and little help, I just ate when and how I could. I don't mind some TV and some radio, but not with company. I would not allow TV during dinner. But, watching MASH was the exception.

  6. I gave up on multitasking; it doesn't work.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.