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Sunday, January 26, 2025

Coloring My Hair and Everything Else

 Jan. 26

steps 10,452

I slept a whole 7 hours last night, awoke hot and had to get up. I lurched down the hall and stabbed the wall with a thumb nail. I wonder what damage I did. My nails are lethal weapons, especially my thumbnails. If anyone ever attacks me, I will leave him permanently scarred, maybe bleeding to death. 

At the grocery store I did not even slow my cart as I grabbed a bag of Quaker Chocolate Rice Cakes. Yesterday, I had two left of fourteen. I wanted to eat them, but neither Tommy nor I could find them. When I came into living room and sat down, the bag was sitting next to the remotes. I ate them. But, when Tommy awakes, I will say I have not seen them. That will send him on a chase. I won't make him look, not that mean. There was a time about 40 years ago that I ate rice cakes all the time, but they did not have chocolate.

4:15 and everything melted down. Tommy will never be near me with color and my hair. Now, I cannot put it on like they do in a shop, but it works, so don't tell me how a shop does it or I should do it. I take the bottle of color with the little tip and use the tip to get it on hair in close rows in some places. Then, I use a toothbrush to sort of poke it down along the lines so color it to roots. 

He started at the front like I told him, then sort of swirled the toothbrush until I had a rat's nest on top of my head back to crown. He did this over a dozen times. Yes, I screamed at him lots. One time, he cut my hair off four inches too short. I only wanted length off. Years later, he said he did that to get out of doing it again. Nope, didn't work. 

I told him he pays for hair color for me at shop. He agreed by saying I really hate it when people do things wrong to get out of doing it again. I just refuse to do whatever it is! There was more color smeared and dropped than ever before. At my house I have colored my hair without ever getting a drop on anything. I colored my hair at daughter's house and spilled not one drop. She would have told me if I had anything spilled or dripped. Now, I have to do it sitting in my recliner. 

This is something I have never paid to be done. People have said it looks great. Now, I cannot get arms up for so long. I will remedy this problem. Plus, I have to sit in lift chair because I cannot stand too long.

OT story. She came in smiling saying she could smell marijuana in our front yard. We wonder who was smoking so that it wafted into our yard. She said it was strong. So now we wonder who it could be. 

After all the talk of egg shortage, I finally asked Tommy how many eggs we have. We have 13. So, there is no catastrophe about to happen when we run out of eggs. Tomorrow, we will buy more at some price. 

I may go to the store and get a garland for the Christmas tree to make it a Valentine tree. It only had red balls on it this year, so it will work fine. I will figure out something for St. Patrick's Day and Easter. The red makes it work for patriotic holidays. I won't use the multicolor lights that are on it. 

Have you ever had a Valentine tree using your Christmas tree? 

Do you put color on your own hair or go to a stylist. Problems with either?

Do you eat or like rice cakes?

Are your nails lethal?

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.